Snake Is Eating Its Tail


MTG calls Boebert a Little Bitch on the House Floor presumably because she introduced a Biden impeachment after MTG introduced it and thereby elbowing in on the Grift.

The video of them talking on the floor

Meanwhile John Durham special prosecutor put in place by Trump to find dirt on the FBI wasn't having a good day. First he gets destroyed by Adam Shiff

but then Matt Gaetz goes off on him because he didn't lie enough in his report

You will never be loyal enough when you are working for the mob. All in all another great day for the Republicans in the House. Talking on Fox News is very different than talking in a Congressional hearing.


they should have a duel.



A serpent, dragon or worm who eats its own tail, a representation of the continuous cycle of life and death.

A picture or symbol representing this.


Tarp line at the Telluride Bluegrass Festival .... starts as soon as it ends.



a primitive 1990's midwestern musical act, an offshoot of the Jim miller band; struck in the mold of the Grateful Dead. I.E. a "jam band"

an album or cassette representing this

I'd pay to see Ouroboros do a Möbius twist.

I saw Oroborous many times starting in about 1980 at places

like the Union Bar, Swanky's and the Frontier Room, Athens OH. 
One of the first Dead cover bands ever. They were fantastic fun way back then. 
The Euclid Tavern too!