Snatched the joint from right of my hand


You can sometimes let your guard down living in a state overflowing with legal weed.  I saw Ghost Light last night at the Wonder Ballroom and during set break, I was hanging out with some friends on the outside smoking patio passing joints around.  A young lady working security came up and took the joint right out of my hand and started reading me the riot act about how smoking "marijuana" was not allowed on the property.   She then marked the back of my hand with a black circle which she explained was a warning that if I get caught smoking weed again, I would be thrown out of the show.   Although I was in a big group of people, I was the one caught with the joint in hand and the only one marked with the black circle. 

Sucked, because the joint was fat and not even half-way smoked when it was snatched.  I also felt bad because it wasn't my joint and I am tall and stick out in the crowd, but made no effort to conceal what I was doing. 

It's all about protecting that liquor license.


Yep.  The young lady went on and on about the OLCC.   

Reminds me of The Scarlet Letter! 

Sorry to hear that, Ken. How was the show? 

Show was great.  They put the "jam" back into jambands and they spent half the show going off on exploratory jams.   I have to say though that some of the jams took a while to find their footing, especially in the first set, but once they found the groove, they really took off and were solid vehicles for Holly Bowling to show off her keyboard playing and for Tom Hamilton to shred like Zappa.   I didn't see too much of that when I saw them at NWSS this past summer and its probably because were working with a shorter festival set.  The only song I recognized was "Tangled Up in Blue" which they did JGB style (before wandering off into spacy jams).    They played a number of other structured songs too, but they were either original or more obscure covers.

Ghost Light.jpg

Wonder Ballroom was packed.  I was there last weekend and they had the same weird security check in the side parking lot.  Prior to last weekend, I hadn't been to the Wonder in about a year and the whole security/smoking weed situation has changed.  I found a whole Reddit thread about it and and it does sound like they may have had a run in with the OLCC:

The black spot reminded me more of Treasure Island: GUILTY!

On the upside, you didn't get booted. Not too long ago you would have, and even in most of the country you still would, plus you'd be arrested.

< A young lady security >

Was allowed to pull a sneak n snatch on you   ????  Duuuuuuuude I'm shocked you let your guard down.

And given the Black Spot ? Holy fuck.  Branded too. 

The dreaded Black X.  The same thing happened to my buddy when Phil played AC.  Except the lady dealing the shamed finger was older.


never been marked with an x but i've taken the rap my share of times...

In the first year of the Roseland Theater in Portland (formerly known as The Starry Night), I was puffing a bowl in the far back corner of the balcony at a crowded show... a security dude saw my spark at the diagonally-opposite corner next to stage -- and ran all the way across to confiscate my glass.  First and only time ever. Rarely go to that theater anymore.


Yep. The Roseland is the worst.   Got hassled twice there for smoking.  First time was at a Phil show and my ex wife was smoking a doobie while waiting for the show to start and yellow shirt came up and started threatening to kick us out (but didn't).  Second time was at Ratdog.  We were up in the balcony and sparked one and the dude next to us said he just got back from Iraq and really wanted to puff.  So we were all up there blazing away when a bunch of yellow shirts appeared out of nowhere.  Dude handed me back the lit joint and I stuck it up under my seat wrapped around a bolt.  The yellow shirts then started looking frantically around for it with their flashlights saying "I know its here, we saw you smoking it."   They didn't find it and left in a huff after giving us a stern warning.

After that, I have been really careful at that theater, but my buddy got kicked out last year at Govt Mule for puffing.  I warned him, but I guess he couldn't help himself (and we were all already baked to the gills from edibles).

We were puffing a rather large joint at the Warfield.  Security walks up and asks if it was a joint. I said yeah, and he said good. If it was a cigarette, I would have to make you put it out. And he walks away.


God Bless the Warfield. Best security ever - as long as you were cool it was nonexistent. 1st time I went there (first of 3 in a row jgb 91) a guy we met in line invited us to hang at one of those back tables. He pulls a 2 foot hookah out of his backpack, placed it on the table with 3 or 4 different varieties of  buds on a plate and there it sat for all to enjoy for the entire show. We did the drinkin toke n groove all nite. Fantastic place fantastic people.

I got caught smoking at a show once, when I was 13. You gotta be a real fucking numbnuts to get caught smoking at a show these days.  Especially since most venues have outside smoking areas. Palace Theater and Infinity Hall, my 2 favorite music venues let you exit the place all together. Can't wait that long ? Bathroom stall. Fucking rookies