
How can Weekend update be so consistently good and the rest of the show so consistently bad?

they don't have to make up the news.

Been that way since about 1980.

I wait till Sunday morning, if there was something good it will be online.

So much TV is a waste

Except for Philly sports, leftist and right wing propaganda outlets, not much entertains me on television.

I wait till Sunday morning, if there was something good it will be online.

for sure. i cant wrap my head around why people want to pay so much money to be bombarded by ads ad get a cable package where 90% of the programming is absolute garbage. especially when everything you might want to watch on TV is online, without ads, viewable at any time, and much of it for free.

the content is already out there, in an ad free form costing less money. when you buy a cable package you are literally just paying for ads. it absolutely blows my mind. "i could watch this content for less money, or free, at any time i want, and without ads, but i would rather pay a large sum of money each month to watch the same content that is only viewable at a specific time, and interspersed with massive corporate psyops programs." 

"here's some of my hard earned cash, please advertise to me constantly, and arbitrarily limit the times i can view certain shows even though the technology exists for everything to be on demand!"

The original  (Ackroyd,  Belushi,  Chase,  Curtin,  Morris,  Newman,  Radner) Not Ready For Prime Time Players were the best.  I technically was not allowed to stay up until 1 AM and watch so I'd sneak up to the attic and watch on a B&W set with an earplug.  Mondays at school that's all kids would talk about:  "Wow did you see Devo ?? WTF was that about ??"

Maybe the show was so good back then because the writers puffed the Giant Weed.  Some old - timer I knew in OR claimed that hippies grew 20-footers deep in the Coast Range whose buds were football - sized,  and most was shipped to the Manhattan address of SNL.  Who knows?  It was 40 years ago.

If you were high - tech back then,  you could watch the show without commercials on Satellite TV.  No one I knew actually had a Satellite dish,  but a guy down the road was an early pioneer in sales / installation of the big rigs.  So I stopped over a couple times and he showed me all the Crazy feeds you could pick up.  This was before they scrambled everything.

The Murphy era would probably be the last ones worth watching.



I have this newfangled thing called dvr, daylight. Never watch commercials. Leaves my computer free for other things(almost said other stuff).  I don't like watching content on my puter. Too many other uses.

Weekend update is still worth watching Stu.  I end up FF thru most of the garbage. I did not watch it at all for yrs. Now I dvr it mostly for weekend update. No doubt those early yrs were the shit. Still riding those coattails. 

Had some cousins who worked at NBC Tape Vault back in the '80's.  I would have loved to get copies of early SNL rehearsal tapes.  Asked them about it,  alas it never happened.

So every classic SNL episode had a dress-rehearsal that day,   which you could get into if you lined up at Rockefeller Center (so I've been told).

Unlike the actual live show (very difficult ticket) you stood a chance of getting in for the rehearsal.  I don't know if the bands were part of that, but I imagine they at least did a sound-check.

At age 12 or so I couldn't really say 'Later Mom,  headed up to Manhattan,  maybe see ya tomorrow... if I can't get into SNL I'll head down to the Bowery and see who's at CBGB...'

So I missed out on the classic Punk scene there,  Ramones & T. Heads and all that.  Born too late.



miley sucks

but it's kinda toothy

Kate Mckinnon is hot

Kate Mckinnon is very talented. But even she bombs as often as not.