Snoop Dog


After Bottle Rocket he played The Grand Theater in S.F. He came on about 12:30 & was on until 2AM. He performed as a DJ for the large dance party. Doors opened @ 9:30 & the place was jumping. People were dancing wildly, letting all inhibitions go.

The crowd was more than 50% female, young & all dressed scantily. The all female wait-staff wore little tops with either heels or boots & stockings & garters leading up to black thong type bikini tights. Their presence & alcohol fueled massive exhibitionism unlike anything ever seen @ TXR. The patrons seemed to revel in revealing their most erotic moves. Talk about Butt. Oh No.

The bottle-club promoted massive consumption & the crowd smoked out. Girls danced their exotic dances until many fell & hit the floor only to be helped up & then they danced some more.

I didn't see anyone I knew which was good as I  now do not have to explain my own behavior.

Alcohol removes inhibitions but the things we say & do when loaded come from within us. Pent up frustrations & unexpressed needs were released in Grand style. I imagine  that before the night was over most everyone there had their needs met. 

Snoop was good but the crowd was way better.

As an elder in the crowd I was accepted & encouraged. I didn't see the usual age discrimination. Instead I felt welcomed & invited.

Long Live The Dog.

Glad you had a good time.

Saw that dude at the Crystal Ballroom a few years ago.  Worst sound ever.

I also sued Snoop's uncle/caterer for smoking out a neighborhood with a BBQ place that was a bit over the top with the smoke.

Thanks, Crabneesh, I can feel it.

I hope all is well. love.

Funny, Ken!!


In other Snoop news, the rapper was just certified by the Guinness Book of World Records for making the largest gin and juice cocktail.   The concoction contained 180 bottles of Hendricks gin, 154 bottles of apricot brandy, and 38 3.78 liter jugs of orange juice, topped with a giant drinking straw, pink parasol, and a garnish of pineapple and melon on a sword:


Didn’t he change his name to Snoop Lion and get into the Rasta thing?

Are you using his hair products as well?