so called "peaceful" protesting

People who act like crazy fools should be treated like crazy fools.  Arrest him.  If he is mentally unstable, require him to enter psychiatric treatment or face incarceration.  Any sane, rational person knows that is unacceptable behavior in a civilized society.  Enough of letting the nutjobs have carte blanche.

^ yep

Can we have our own over/under pool on the dollar amount that the Trumpkins will go fund him to get out of jail if he goes? 

cant we all just come together and laugh at poop?

maybe that's Thom's son? 

Amazes me he was able to leave a dump in driveway of the third in line.

Isn't this like the pot calling the kettle ...


Sorry won't finish it because someone might be offended and burn my house down!!!

Jair Bolsonaro: 'Poop every other day' to protect the environment

that guy is a shithead.

ok, i am officially an old man

this is a real ad for a real toy available at walmart, target etc. the "poopsie slime surprise dancing unicorn". apparently you mix up some glitter and stuff inside of the toy and wait like 10min and then the toy takes a glittery shit into the included toilet bowl and you are supposed to play with the poop. i wish i was joking.

im hoping to get quite a bit of mileage out of this thread by using it as an all purpose repository for content involving poop


Ain't that some shit?


~CeeLo Green~