So I took off my hat and said "Imagine that......"


me, working for you! Oh signs, signs……..”

Had my late dad in mind big time while I was at the local republican caucus getting elected as a delegate to the county convention. No shit. LOL  Wore these pins to increase my “street cred.”

One person I knew from the local community council looked at me and said “He’s been around a long time.” I replied “Yeah, and I have my Nixon pin to prove it!”

IMG_1823 (800x600).jpg

The caucus was quite the experience. The young dickhead running the meeting asked for a volunteer to give the opening prayer. I SO wished I'd a jumped up. "If anybody's listening....."

Some mormon dickhead got up and did the honors. Then they read through the platform and said "If you can't support this, then you're in the wrong place and you should leave." It was painful to listen.

They knew many of us Demos had switched parties to infiltrate their convention trying to get Mike Lee outta there and generally get more moderate candidates in wherever. 

As I tried to explain to a certain someone last year, that's how ya have to do it in Utah. Demos have openly called for people to register as repubs due to their closed primary. I did it back in 2016.  

Quite often in Utah, the republican primary IS the election. 

I heard word in some places they talked about CRT and transgender legislation and supporting Mike Lee and questioned each candidate for state delegate quite heavily. 

My precinct went 5-1 against Mike Lee. I'll be doing some work for the demo candidate Kael Weston.

He liked my "Boundary Pass" idea when we met Jan 6th at a vigil for voting rights. 

Kael Weston Photo (800x600).jpg.

Unfortunately, two prominent demos in Utah have suggested we DO NOT field a candidate for Senate and support a real conservative independent in order to get Mike Lee outta there. Evan McMullin, who ran against Trump in Utah. He'd be worse than Lee, IMO.  They're so FU'ed in the head. So much for unity.


Bold strategy infiltrating the enemy, atta boy slick. 

When registering as a pub did you throw up in your mouth a little ? 

That is awesome. They are using the same strategy in Wyoming to keep Liz Cheney in. Lee looks vulnerable hope you can get him out and we can go back to Republicans who are happy just giving tax cuts to to the rich again.

No Raz, it felt good knowing I was being subversive. FTMF'ers. 

I think the Wyoming primary is open. In Utah, you must be a registered republican to vote. I did it back in 2016 for that reason, and now at activist rallies, they openly suggest it from the stage. 

Getting rid of Lee is a great goal, and maybe I'm wrong, but he's such a ludicrous clown, he's ineffective. 

Glad you're doing what you're doing!  Wisely!

Housemate registered repub to "vote against Bush as many times as possible.!"

Registered Republican in the 80's on the firm belief:

That when they start rounding Us up for re-education camps They are going to start with the voter rolls. Dems first in line to the gulag.

At least that's how I would do it...

Keep up the good work, Slick!


Fighting the good fight

Give 'em hell, Slick

Reporter for the SL Tribune posted this a little bit ago: 

Some in the far-right Utah Telegram groups are incensed former Democrats registered as Republicans and were elected as delegates. They're currently hatching plans to conduct background checks to "purge the infiltrators." Totally normal and not at all paranoid behavior.

^^groups are incensed former Democrats registered as Republicans a

Oh you mean like Trump?

Good luck, you are dealing with inflexible ideologues.  As Goldwater himself said:

“Mark my word, if and when these preachers get control of the [Republican] party, and they're sure trying to do so, it's going to be a terrible damn problem. Frankly, these people frighten me. Politics and governing demand compromise. But these Christians believe they are acting in the name of God, so they can't and won't compromise. I know, I've tried to deal with them.”

Too bad, they did take over.

Here in AL many Dems would crossover in the Repub primary to try to knock out the most egregious but they closed the open primary.

Absolute shitshow, Gov. MeMaw signed the "anyone can carry a gun with out a permit" bill.  She admitted she carried illegally on the news.


>>>they closed the open primary

Which is why you register as repubs, unless they closed THAT off too. Big effort here to get rid of Mike Lee. He has a LOT of $$$, but his ties to Putin and Moscow are more of a liability now. 

Good work, Slick. I am surprised that the UT GOP has not found a way to stop those cross-registrations - I thought there was some sort of effort/legislation that set up a minimum time frame which folks had to stay in said registrations after this was popular in a few recent cycles? At any rate, I was a happy participant when trying to bump off Hatch in a primary there years back. Yea, that's right, the clown who ran on term limits and then stayed in office for over 40 years, even after a promise or two that "this one" would be his last. Good riddance and glad he has been largely silent/absent since leaving office.

Same with Lee. Promised two terms, now is running for a third. You're right. The repubs set dates on the registration. March 31st deadline. 

Clarence Thomas was speaking in town last night and they showed an Orrin Hatch tribute video. I think he was there. 

What a life. 

Yup, spite makes the world go round.

The increasing public appearances of judges at partisan events should be universally troubling and condemned....but it's not.

Some may call this an attention seeking thread. 

Do you have to work to be such a clueless dick JR? Or does it just flow naturally?

Oh hey jr, how ya doin', bro? Long time. How have you been?  

Sorry if you're feeling left out. You do anything odd or strange this week that you never saw yourself doing before? Please "share with the group", as your ol' pal Nick used to say. Hope you're well. 

He was in Salt Lake, alright. Fuck this guy.

"Clarence Thomas, Whose Wife Fought Election Results, Warns Of Political Influence In Supreme Court"

Thanks for your continued good work, Slickrock. Really.


JR, who would those people be, the ones that "may call this an attention seeking thread"? Your commentary lives up to its reputation.

LOL you sure about that, looking for attention on the zone,,, a list full of sideways miscrits and old hippy fossils ?   

LOL jr that's a good one, yer a funny guy. Aim low ahahaaaaa