So if he was next to you, would you have given him a "pass" because he's Wavy Gravy?


In the crowd, Wavy Gravy, wearing a tie-dye clown suit and a red bowler hat, closed his eyes and played along on a gold-plated kazoo and his one-string ektar. After a half hour, the Friends band joined the duo onstage, finally breaking out into the open with the Dead anthem “Playin’ in the Band” as the crowd swayed and twirled and applauded every improvisational interlude.

Watching the vid of Bobby / Phil doing an acoustic dark star duet...  

(part 1, short)


(part 2)


wild, phil on the weird ritter, eh?

yeah i wouldnt've hassled wavy.

i honestly think it would piss me off more than if it were just a random wook

but im going to assume he was in an area of the venue where it was not interfering with anybody's experience and not bothering anybody.

wild, phil on the weird ritter, eh?

No doubt. Didn't think I would ever see that again...

great post noodler

thanks for the link

Ritter sounds damn good too!

Thanks for the links


Bob's in a great freaking mood at this show too

Super fun

Just watched it - quite enjoyable, RMFJ notwithstanding.


Of course, I couldn't help but think how much better it could have been with Molo and Sless instead.