So if we can have "Sanctuary Cities" that ignore...


...THE RULE OF LAW.  Why can't we have "Sanctuary Cities" that shield people who simply want to exercise their SECOND AMENDMENT RIGHT???  So, I don't feel like obeying YOUR pet project, aka Gun Control, why should I?  I'll just judge shop and find one that agrees with ME!!! Slap an injunction on your ass ans voila I can carry my hand gun in NYC!!! Yippee, I'm a SOCIAL JUSTICE WARRIOR!!!!!  THAT is EXACTLY what these cry baby PC Bullshit LOSERS are doing when it comes to ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION.  Laws are laws ALL citizens have to obey them or we don't have a society.  get it?

Unlike our previous PREZIDUNCE, you can't pick and choose which laws you are going to respect and ones that you will ignore.  If I ignore a law, I GO TO JAIL.  An Illegal commits a crime, we detain him, then we fucking release him, only to do ti again, tell the family of Kate Stinley, ironically MURDERED in the same idiotic 9th district that this stupid ass ruling came down from, SAN FRANSICKO!!!! BY AN ILLEGAL ALIEN Who had committed PREVIOUS CRIMES WTF?!?!   The JUDGE WHO, BTW was a HUGE FAUXBAMA DONOR.  He cannot be OBJECTIVE, he MUST RECUSE HIMSELF.  Judicial Activism will be the death of our nation.  But it only HAPPENS ON THE UNHINGED LEFT.  babies that they are.  Conservatives don't USE THESE SLEAZY TACTICS.


These mayors should be put in jail., Federal funding revoked.  No, we cannot let this NEO CONFEDERATE MOVEMENT to go forward.

It's time for Dummycrats to put their big boy pants on and GROW THE FUCK UP ALREADY.  YOU HAVE DONE ENOUGH DAMAGE TO OUR COUNTRY.  Stop crying, maybe go in your "safe space"



Who the fuck do these POLITICIANS represent anyway?  Mexicans? or The citizens who voted them in, or POTENTIAL NEW VOTERS.

scummy as scummy gets.


But yea, Trump is a fascist, riiiiiight.

Fauxbama was the Biggest Marxist/Fascist in sheeps clothing that this country has ever seen. fact.  And he eviscerated the Constitution. also fact.

LIBERAL FASCISM, ain't it grand!!!

Actually it's the POTUS who ignoring the rule of law - and his threats to punish sanctuary cities were   deemed unconstitutional.

I.C.E. is responsible for enforcing immigration laws, not the local police. 





The Trump regime and devotees like Seapup don't get to make up their own rules of law.

I know what you want, Kurt and I know how to keep you from getting it. 

The number of Hispanics reporting rape is down 42.8 percent over the first three months of last year, even as reporting in other demographics is on the rise, Acevedo said. Other violent crimes have registered a 13 percent reporting drop in the Hispanic community.

go fuck yourself you whiny post and run little bitch.

I am convinced this is a longhair bill sock.

i ignore weed laws

Aren't there plenty of states with really lax gun laws?




But are a necessary evil.

That was one of Seadog's better posts. Kudos!

If this were 1776 fleadog would be an apologist for George.  

Even god makes mistakes 

eg. the OP