South Carolina primary


The Democratic primary. 

(The GOP cancelled its primary, because fuck democracy)


First state other than lily-white (93%) New Hampshire to have a vote.


No prediction, just reporting what's been broadcast. Looks like Joe is smoking them tonight. But only 4% in, and mostly absentee they say.  





Everyone knew Biden was going to win South Carolina for a while now.

Bloomberg is making Biden look more appealing 

Biden should use an Obama hologram on stage to excite the crowd. 

Connecticut, Delaware, New York, and another canceled their democratic primaries in 2012 because you know fuck democracy.


Actually it makes tons of financial sense to cancel primaries when a president is up for re-election.  But money is infinite right?  Let’s just print/tax more.

Bye bye Steyer.  That fool spent 18 million just in SC and moved Him and his wife into an apartment there.  Can’t even get 2nd place, lol.

warren should drop out, jesus. what a horribly run campaign by a terrible candidate. 

suoer tuesday should be interesting. 


     Have any of the candidates publicly disavowed the Russia scam?

Disproving the notion "there's no stupid questions".


     If a certain revolutionary wanted to be truly revolutionary he might throw caution to the wind and do just that, I feel a bit hesitant to give such valuable advice to a candidate intent on ruining America's economic foundation, but knowing he'd never admit to the scam I suppose the point is moot.

    "In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.”  

        -George Orwell


     ^ by the might be refreshing to see some of you admit the Russia scam was a complete Orwellian brainwashing operation by the 4th estate, or an endangered practice once referred to as journalism.  Admitting it was a complete scam is the first step towards regaining your sanity, I realize it takes a certain amount of courage and intestinal fortitude to admit you were so easily taken in by the powers that be, but it's the first step in a long journey to reclaiming your mind.

     Whatever doesn't kill you may indeed make you stronger, you'll be of stronger mind having lived to tell the tale of having survived the biggest political scam of all congressman Clyburn said earlier, sometimes things that seem humbling at the moment prove to be valuable knowledge in the end [paraphrasing].






     "Hillary didn't really was the Russians"



 Bryen is a Russian traitor 

Poor fella just needs some help and understanding, the last part becoming more difficult given the ideas and theories espoused. I'll ask Nancy Pelosi to pray for him.  

Sanders supporter here.  anyone defending his finish in SC is dulisional.  he got his ass kicked, plain and simple

super Tues will be a big day for the Sanders campaign tho.  so enjoy the win moderates.  its gonna be short lived.

>>> Sanders supporter here.  anyone defending his finish in SC is dulisional.  he got his ass kicked, plain and simple <<<


Yeah, he did.

biden is now leading the national popular vote.

** which doesn't mean shit, because it's about delegates **

Delegate count:

bernie - 56

biden - 54


Holy shit did SC come out to vote, near historic numbers.

61% of black voters voted for biden.







thod, you still voting warren? lol. 



yep, already did.

Thanks for asking.




Klobuchar is coming to Salt Lake early Monday morning. I'd like to go with a sign saying "Drop out and support Joe!" 

I understand ego and the money contributed, but why Warren, Klobuchar, and Pete are still thinking they have a chance is beyond me. The moderates need to unite, the sooner the better.  

And messing up Super Tuesday for Mr. Biden won't help. But South Carolina changed the landscape for sure. 

I used to think a Biden / Klobuchar ticket was a good answer to the occupant, but her waffling on protecting Boundary Waters wilderness against a mine is very troubling. Warren is STRONG on public lands protection.   

A couple of young black activists suggested this morning on MSNBC that if Biden announced Stacy Abrams or Kamala Harris as a running mate in the next day or so, Super Tuesday results would be different. I don't see that happening, but who knows?  It's politrix. 

centrists won't protect public land.


also, thod you voted for somebody that has zero chance of winning, and loses to trump is every poll pretty much. 

fucking stupid. 

>>>>>centrists won't protect public land.

If you say so Heat, it must be true. I've seen what happens when people disagree with you so I'll just say "Wow, thanks for telling me." 

Warren's above 15% in California and Texas.

31 state strategy ground game.

She ain't dropping out.

She says she's in it for the long haul.



wait -- so you think warren can win still? and then, beat trump in the general? wow dude. you're really attached to her. right on. 

^yeah, she admitted she is to hurt bernie, the front runner -- wheres the outrage? haha so good, damn.

crazy. what a horrible human. 


don't take my word for it, slick. 

you love public lands but support a candidate that wants to frack everything? strange. 

Someone mentions "crotch rot" and Thod comes a-runnin'.

>>>   centrists won't protect public land.

moronic statement.

I'll second Slickrock's take....I'd point out facts, but it would be useless.

P-nutz, everybody should vote their conscience in the primary.

nobody knows where this is headed, you can't predict the future.


Warren on Sanders last night in Texas:

“30-year track record shows he consistently calls for things he fails to get done, and consistently opposes things he nevertheless fails to stop."





thod if bernie and warren switched positions, not only would you and the entire corporate media you follow be calling for bernie to drop out, so would i. you just don't get it man. fucking sad. 


she has no shot, and her campaign has admitted that, and that their only goal now is to stop sander's momentum so biden has a chance. fact. they admitted it. 

the funny thing is she think biden will pick her for VP. poor liz, so bad at this. 


where's the receipt for this doozy?

"she has no shot, and her campaign has admitted that, and that their only goal now is to stop sander's momentum so biden has a chance. fact. they admitted it."




you want the receipt? 

Things will play out on Tuesday.   I like both Sanders and Warren, but is she losses Massachusetts, I suspect she will suspend her campaign and might even start stumping for Bernie.

Biden will now have to wrestle with Bloomberg for control over the moderate lane, which if everything goes right, could allow Bernie to pick up a true majority delegate count to avoid the disaster of a contested convention.

This bears repeating:

Warren on Sanders last night in Texas:

​“30-year track record shows he consistently calls for things he fails to get done, and consistently opposes things he nevertheless fails to stop."

Warren and Koblachar at this point are just damaging any elected Democrats chance of winning the general, and although Bloomberg is buying himself support left and right he too is puting anyone's chances at risk and in result it will make things easier for trump in the general.


>>> you want the receipt? <<<

yeah, where's the proof?

you know, maybe a credible link??


this is great. what are your thoughts now? unity? hahahahaha. what a joke. 

what about the super pac flip flop? 

do you stand for anything, thod? or are you like your girl warren? 

so where is it?

receipts motherfucker.

you know for this...

"she has no shot, and her campaign has admitted that, and that their only goal now is to stop sander's momentum so biden has a chance. fact. they admitted it."


warren campaign told msnbc they're goal is to stop bernie's momentum and get as many delegates as possible for a contested convention. 

thod, that literally goes against everything you've said here for the past year or whatever. 

now answer my questions, bitch. 

thod has sat here day in and day out criticizing Bernie voters who may not have voted for Hilary last election but maybe had voted for Jill Stein. And then he goes on to vote for a candidate who has virtually zero shot at winning the election at all. It's quite hypocritical of you, Thod.

this is what defeats trump. 

nobody else will even come close. 

45million, thod. wow. 

and you voted warren......smh. 




the funny thing P-nutz is how valid you think you are.


You voted for Trump in 2016 in Pennsylvania by writing in bernie in the general.

Now live in a state that is all about ol bern. (Vermont)


you try and lecture me on who I should vote for.

lo fuck'n l


your spreading disinformation P-nutz if you can't back it up.

now back dat ass up.


Btw a tweet, let alone from a non verified person "bernie supporter"

is not a source.


strong shit kid. lol.


you're very stupid, thod. 

the entire country is about bernie, you just don't think it's cool anymore, so you shifted centrist. all good, but you're a fucking moron man.  

i wrote in bernie b/c of what the dnc did, what hrc stood for, who she picked as vp. yes, in a swing state, against trump. 

you don't think that'll happen again if bernies not the nominee?

say he goes to the convention w/ the most votes, by far, and short on delegates by just a few, and 2nd place is far behind -- super delegates should play a roll in choosing their candidate for us? fuck no.

they don't want bernie to be the nominee, his own party, you don't see that? 

i actually believe in something, helping other people, not destroying our environment and other nations. basic shit

ive followed bernie's politics for 16 years. you're just a joke who can't think for himself. . 


thod the tweet was of a live video from msnbc. 

my god you're fucking dense. 

bernie gonna win your stare man. rough. 

actually cnn... you bernie surrogate apologist.


dude you literally voted for Trump.


Thanks man, keep up the good work. lol.


And btw and everybody knows this now ..

bernie fought for the current DNC rules on delegates and signed on.

now he wants to change them again.


classic bernie. 


i don't think you even know why you hate bernie. 

just commercials tell you to. 



delegates bitch



yup. tuesday will be a good day. 

let's wait and see. 

and you keep mentioning delegates -- bernie has 58 they say -- is that 1st place? 

your girl has less than 10, lol. zero chance man -- she's trying to fuck shit up and help a centrist lose to trump.


yeah, that's what I thought. lol




you know bernie is gonna crush it tuesday, right? 

just like we all knew biden would crush SC. 

what's wrong w/ you? 

Bernie never fought for those changes. That's total bs made up by the media. Where are you getting your info from Thod?

what's he gonna crush?

for the record, of course...

Not that it isn't easy for a bernie surrogate to walk back anything.

especially when they get called for talkin' shit.



timpane it's everywhere, just google it.

For the record, I'd like you more when you drank.


hahahahaha wtf are you even saying, thod. 

you got shit all over your face man. tough look. 


Here you go timpane:

'I didn't write them, but Bernie did': Warren slams Sanders over delegate rules

Sanders has insisted that any candidate who arrives at the Democratic National Convention with a plurality of delegates be awarded the party's nomination.

Elizabeth Warren on Wednesday accused Bernie Sanders of seeking an unfair "advantage" in the Democratic primary with his about-face on the question of how many delegates a candidate must amass before clinching the party's presidential nomination.


here's another timpane...


This time, Bernie Sanders 'rigged' the system against himself

Analysis: As the Democratic front-runner claims that a plurality of delegates should give him the nomination, his own actions come back to haunt him.

CHARLESTON, S.C. — There's nothing Bernie Sanders hates more than a "rigged" system — especially if he rigged it for his own benefit and then watched his handiwork backfire.



Morning everyone.  Looks like the butt hurt bro's are planning on taking their ball and going home again if they don't get what they want; effectively giving Trump 4 more years.  Funny how every Centrist I know is willing to vote for Bernie in the general, however the Bernie fanatics are all undecided what they'll do if he's not the guy.  Adults vs. pre-teens...


Bernie bro's owe us a solid after devouring Russian propaganda and staying home last time. 


one more for the road? 


Elizabeth Warren said she would fight for the Democratic party nomination at its summer convention if another candidate had a plurality of delegates, and suggested her rival Bernie Sanders wanted the rules changed because it would be "an advantage to him."


funny but also getting tired of seeing centrists like thod attack democratic front runner bernie sanders, the leader of the party, the one who pulled the party back to representing the people. all the major dem policy we speak of, is bernie sanders policy. 


if bernie goes into the convention w/ a commanding lead, both delegate and vote, the obvious pick of the people, but the dnc then chooses biden, trump is guaranteed 4 more. no doubt. 

That doesn't mean he ever supported the way the dnc has set up the next step if it comes down to a broken convention. That's why I said those articles are meaningless because they are.

And if that's all you have on Bernie then that's just laughable. Grow up Thod, you votes for someone who has no chance so you have no place to talk about wasting a vote. You're just trash man. Full blown garbage. Unadulterated booty water.

Have any of the candidates publicly disavowed the Russia scam?

just my mainest homegirl tulsi gabbard

there are many voices on the left, and many voices who support bernie that recognize russiagate for what it is, but since the msm goes hogwild with it, beleiving in russiagate is now ascribed to all on the left, when in fact it was those on the actual far left(not bernie, a moderate social democrat) that began calling it out for what it is - neomccarthyism

thod 2.9 and rising. 

timpane he literally agreed to the rules and signed on.


bernie has been in the game for 40 years, he knows what he's doing.


question is, do you? smh


Um, it's called a "brokered convention".  

On with the political blowharding.

Brokered convention 

In United States politics, a brokered convention (sometimes referred to as an open convention and closely related to a contested convention) can occur during a presidential election when a political party fails to choose a nominee on the first round of delegate voting at the party's nominating convention.


timpane he literally agreed to the rules and signed on.

its called a compromise. have you ever agreed to something you didnt like in order to make gains elsewhere, or to appease someone who disagrees with you?  have you ever had to make concessions in your life? most people have made and will make many compromises throughout their life.

they rewrote the rules BECAUSE bernie led a charge against superdelegates, bernie compromised with the party establishment to make the system better - now superdelegates dont vote in the first round.

super disingenuous to paint the situation as bernie going back on something he once supported now that it beneifts him when in fact there are many, many videos of liz warren denouncing the entire superdelegate system, and saying exactly what bernie is saying now - that the will of the people should be heard in a democracy and the person with the most votes should win - and now that the only(albiet wildly unrealistic) path forward for her is a brokered convention, now the "convention should work its will"? lol

Lol, Thod. If you read the NBC article you would see th at the rule changes weren't what sanders wanted. But just like Thom you don't read what you post on here. 

But once again Warren "suggested" that's what Sanders wanted right? I guess we will just take his rivals opinion on what he wanted to be true although she has a large track record of lying. 

it is a compromise dL, both sides compromised because of 2016.

so that's the game.

but bros are gonna start crying now?

same as it ever was...


vote for whoever the fuck you want people.



^Read the article you posted, guy. Once again your argument is picked apart and you look like a fool.


nobody is crying at all. You're the one who brought that up as a baseless attack which nobody really gives a shit about. 



bernie looking good to hit the magic #. that's why thod is so mad. 

bernie lost by 150,000 votes in SC.


dats tuff


what's tough is for you to accept the fact that bernie is winning the black vote nationally, is the front runner, and what it comes down to is the reality that a biden/sanders matchup is what we'll get, and you voted for warren, who has zero chance of winning anything. 


yep, I'm good with voting my conscience.

and I will vote blue no matter who.


it's ok man, people can vote for whoever they want.

deal with it.


of course. 

you and the centrists have been placing blame since 2016, screaming for unity -- and here we are. 


because you voted for trump, here we are.


well b/c hrc/dnc and centrists handed trump the presidency, bernie will (hopefully) be the answer. 

not your centrist clowns. we tried that. it failed. 


just don't do it again, people are really hurtin'.

If bernie isn't the candidate, we gotta beat trump, vote blue.


it really is bigger than all the bullshit you've swallowed in 16 years.

let's get those kids outta those cages.

do the right thing.


Pyramids chill

Lol. Pyramid was in Philly county where Clinton won. She blew it in the rest of the state. 

How Warren do yesterday, Thod?

Isn't Joe Biden from the rest of PA?


Not hard scrabble Scranton?

>>> How Warren do yesterday, Thod? <<<

as good as expected, I'm good with it.



This thread would be better if Thod was funny

Public Enemy



lltd psychobabble. 


thod can't accept warren has no chance. 


and that she's hurting the progressive movement she says she supports. 

she's a liar and always been, her record proves this. 

thod is very confused. 

pete dropping out b/c he knows he helps bernie staying in. 

warren is a joke, just like thod. 

<<<>>>delegates bitch

bernie has the most. 1st place. 

your girl has less than 10, lol. zero chance man -- she's trying to fuck shit up and help a centrist lose to trump.
