South USA Roadtrip


My son Ted is transferring schools and is going to Yuma Arizona in July. We are going to take 9 days to drive from Florida to Arizona on interstate 10 to 20 in Dallas and up to 40 by Oklahoma. Then drop back down into Yuma.

I know we want to check out The painted desert and The petrified national park. Does anyone else have any "must see" places along that route??

We do not want to go to the Grand Canyon at this time, we plan on doing that in the winter when Ted is leaving this school. He plans on only going there for 1 semester.

Gotta love a road trip.

At what point are you getting on the interstate 20, Tim?  If you pass through my town and want to take a short break It would be an honor to share a meal if doable.

I-40 takes you through some desolate stretches, buy you will go right through ABQ which has some cool stuff (Sandia Peak, Atomic Museum, etc.) and even more cooler stuff in the general area, including Santa Fe, which they say is less than ninety miles away.

Not far off I-40 east of ABQ is historic Ft. Sumner, which contains not one, but two graves of Billy the Kid:

We are looking around the Dallas area where the 2 are kinda close.

Eating a meal with my son would be an experience you would soon not forget. His trainer wants him to gain 14 pounds to his prefer weight of 340 lbs. He is on an 80% protein diet right now. He is taking breaded Cuban steaks and wrapping up 2 sausages and calling them his new taco.

Shoot up I-49 in Lafayette to I-20. 180 mile straight shot to Dallas. When you get here a meal on me. Up to a certain undetermined $ amount on your son ,of course.


A Jethro Bodine. Whoah.

I would love to have this family over for a huge diner, in my nice dinning room, if I have the chance. Flashbacks knows this.

Dropped of my son at the Airport this morning, he's visiting his girlfriend in Japan for 2 weeks. He's girlfriend is teaching there for a year.

I'll have better bandwidth and more leftover sausage. But I'll miss him.

Thank you Joe and I will visit soon too.

The whole clan is flying up to Washington DC in July for my mother-in-laws 80th. All four of her kids and all 12 grandkids. Looking forward to that one.

Peterified forest , meteor crater , sunset crater volcano , slide rock state park, agua fria national monument.  ...santa fe is cool to look at ..little side trip to have a drive through Zuni on the way to petreifed forest area ...

Your the best Tim, "mi casa, su casa."

I just invited Leo Kottke over to dinner (on an off day on his tour) through his booking agent, and in typical Leo fashion he reached and declined. lol