Space Travel


Can't believe that in 2018, the only way for people to get to space is on 50+ year old junky Russian Soyuz rockets that have problems like this:

I understand that Richard Branson is about ready to start up his manned space flights again four years after that fatal accident.

If the US would only mothball just one carrier strike force (they have plenty) and a couple squadrons of jet fighters (they have plenty) and put that money into reliable spacecraft, we would have space resorts on the moons of Saturn by now.

If someone offered you a ticket for a trip around the moon, would you go?

And yes, I understand we have many domestic problems down on Earth that could use the funds, but it seems that the long term benefits of space exploration is worth the investment.

Rockets will become obsolete when the space elevator is built. 

No interest in being in space. There's no air up there. Yes, the space program led to a number of advances in other areas, but any sufficiently large program would do that - doesn't have ro be space exploration.

The only space programs we need right now are asteroid defense, SETI, and satellite maintenance. The rest will all still be there once we fix our problems here - climate, population, nukes,, environmental degradation, inequality, etc. 

>>>No interest in being in space surf. There's no air up sharks in there.

Lots of things are inherently dangerous... I think it would be pretty thrilling to experience zero gravity and to see the Earth and space from the other side of the atmosphere.  I'm hoping it becomes affordable when I'm old enough to croak so it wouldn't be any great tragedy if I did.

But, yeah, as it stands now I wouldn't feel safe on a train or even a bus in Kazakhstan, much less a freakin' rocket.


I would love to be offered a ride to the moon and back. I think space exploration, like all exploration, doesn't necessarily need to have an explicit purpose for it to be useful to us. As human beings it is our responsibility, IMO, to keep on exploring all the boundaries of space, time and consciousness. As artists are always exploring new spaces of the mind and percpeption, explorers of 3D spaces, on Earth and otherwise, are constantly reaching into the unknown to see what comes back. Whether or not what comes back is beneficial or can be exploited is not as important as the increase in knowledge and parameters of mind that are reestablished by the exploration. To infinity and beyond...I says...

Astana, Kazakhstan looks pretty nice

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wow... I had no idea.






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Its still beyond our capabilities to make it easy and safe----Proven again today, as a joint US-Russian launch had to be aborted shortly into flight. Until scientists come up with another form of propulsion, space travel will  remain a dangerous and ridiculously expensive gamble.