Speaker Of The Souse?



First of the Archbishop of San Francisco takes away Nancy's communion privledges, and next thing you know, her husband is getting lost in the sauce while motoring around wine country, while his wife is back East.  Time to order a round of Hail Marys.

The Fox Readership judges ought to get some good mileage out of that one

Dumb, dumb.. the guy is wealthy enough to hire a driver after going wine tasting, guzzling..whatever. Throw the book at him. 

And if we're politicizing spouses, what traitor  Ginni Thomas has done should send her to jail for a very long time. 

I suppose Fox hails her as a hero though.

He's lawyered up with a strategy to fight it but that may be more complicated that he apparently blew over 0.08%. I am sure his money, influence, and notoriety won't hurt, as usual.

"Nancy Pelosi’s Husband Pushes Back Hard After DUI Arrest"


what traitor  Ginni Thomas has done<<<<

Throw the book at him<<<<

She'll probably just bring the gavel down on him


GINni Thomas.

I'm pretty sure the accent is on the Gin.





















< strategy

Dems are real Americans who know how to paaaaar taaaaay



What a heart-warming story of public servancy and charitable giving back. Just how in the world does she find time for her role in Congress?


>  Just how in the world does she find time for her role in Congress?

Like most wealthy people, she has people to take care of things for her.

As We The People get jammed, as usual.

>Like most wealthy people, she has people to take care of things for her.



I recently worked an event - just doing basic registration for a very upscale conference. The Conference was for Fortune 500  board of directors and CEOs. likely all earning 7 figure salaries. I was just trying to confirm  their proof of vaccinations AND negative Covid test (required for attendance) and it was amazing watching them struggle with basic smart phone skills and basic  searches. A few of the registrants admitted that  they're lost without their assistants, one cracked me up when she said her kid helps her.