Special K and the Cereal Killers


Henry Kaiser, Bob Weir, Bobby Vega, Prairie Prince and Vince Welnick


Good show.  Nice SBD


Thanks for the link.

Feeling the Bobby love today, Timmy?

Good call, Timmy. Also known as The Valentines. The other show this lineup did which was on Valentines Day.



>>>>>Feeling the Bobby love today, Timmy?


Yeah, it's probably been close to a decade since I listened to some solo Weir without Pandora picking it.

Put on some Weir/Wasserman shows and have been jumping around the solo Weir catalog.

I always enjoyed Ratdogs GD Psychedelic Lounge Act approach.

I'm with you. Ratdog got a bad rap around here. I saw some terrible shows, but I also saw some killers shows.

Funny though, however much I love Wasserman, I didn't really love him with RD. I didn't dislike him, but I thought Sylvester brought a different and needed type of energy. I think both played at the last RD show I saw, and that was pretty cool.

^^^^^ what a fun night in Fort Meyers......Snow bird village with the average age of anyone over there is about 110 years old.

Very solid second set



Florida had a nice run of the dog in 08. Start to finish maybe the best Ratdog show I have seen

but you don't like henry kaiser....

Yes we did all 4 nights. GDTS hooked us up in Clearwater with front row seats and Ft. Meyers with 4th or 5th row.

Bobbys voice was in fine form and he was sober too.

The Orlando show he sang some disney  chant to open. I need to listen to that today.

I just listened to a few random tabs from the links, and I have confirmed my initial evaluation: Ratdog was horrible, just gross. That last Help>Slip from the links is so chunky slow that it's lost all distinction. And the reviews that say AWESOME SHOW!!! are just pathetic. 

I like early Ratdog.  with Wasserman and David Ellis.  97-99

Ratdog went to shit when Bobby did around 2004/5

I saw earlier. 1995 and 1996. Those were okay shows. 1996 further jam with most of Los Lobos was nice, really great Dear Mr Fantasy with Hidalgo on vocals was superb. 1995 was like the next weekend after Jer died. I never saw more RD shows. 

Yeah those 96 festival shows were a blast.

The best RD show I saw was in 2005. Granted it was in a 600 person club and Matt Kelley sat in. It was badass.