Sports Writing


I pretty much hate most sports writing these days. You either need an advanced degree in statistics to follow along or time to watch film on each play that the "writer" wants to talk about. 

Anyway nice article on the Bay Area's Ray Rotto. Old School Cool


I have varying opinions on Ratto.

I think he's damn smart and knows sports damn well, so I always liked him on TV round-table discussions, adding lots of real insights without too much of the "Miserablist" bit, but I thought his shtick sucked on radio and his columns were too often too much of him trying too hard to be the curmudgeon character he created.

Still, the guy really knows sports much better than most media types, and when he's being serious on a subject I'm always interested in his opinions.

As for who I like now, in the BA I like Tim Kawakami even though he's got a major ego, Ann Killion is OK and I like Dieter Kurtenbach. Monte Poole is a good beat writer for the Warriors. Is that tool Lowell Cohn still writing for the Santa Rosa paper?

That guy is a heaping pile of dung and always has been. Almost never anything insightful to say, always trying to show how much he knows, sneeringly superior to everyone.

He would have been a good zoner.