Springsteen on colbert right now


Dont know how long...but coming back after commercial break..i just turned it on etc...

Isn't this week all clip shows?

Lol..he just gave bruce a bday present, and his bday is in september....so, ya, all clips of guests from past year...im just finding out...

I think Colbert and Cordon are all reruns until after Jan 1st. Last night, Colbert replayed the show the night after election day. You know, when the person with the most votes lost.  

Nice interview with Bruce on PBS Newshour the last two nights. http://www.pbs.org/newshour/bb/watch-bruce-springsteen-complete-interview/

Colbert let hildog control production during the election. What a fucking toolbag. All for a losing effort. Fuck him.

Colbert isn't on during the day wtf