St. Vincent


Over the past few years, I've really gotten into Annie Clark's music. Besides the music, she seems to be a very interesting person. 

Any other fans here? 

i like

Yeah.  Grabbed me the first time I saw her on Letterman.

And later on, the first time I heard her on the radio. Didn't recognize it as her right away, but knew I liked it.

Looks great in a ball gown; plays a bad-ass guitar.

Looks great in a ball gown; plays a bad-ass guitar.

She looks great in just about anything she wears. She was blessed with one of those lean model-like bodies that makes clothes come alive. 

As far as I'm concerned, she might play the most angular psychedelic guitar of anyone on stage these days. 

I fell in love with her the minute I saw her covering inxs for beck's record project.

still haven't purchased any of her albums besides the one she made with Byrne, who's philosophy and music style is clearly heavily influencing her most recent album.

saw her live once at the national in Richmond, va the year before the Byrne project.

it was decent.

i think her guitar playing is a little overrated but it's cool and has a lot of emotion behind it.

her show w/ DB and the horns was KILLER.

never heard -- i'll do some research

She dates super models

Amazing. A popular rock artist that dates models. At least with Ms. Clarke she spreads the love around to both men and women. 

Is her music any good? The threads about her pretty much go nowhere except to mention her looks. 

Links to her hot songs? 

she's an artist

Her rock art is probably better live. Those first two videos are too synth pop dance ready. 


"Congratulations!  You’re one of the first people in the world to hear “Pills”, from MASSEDUCTION.  It’s a song about pills."

I have her last album and really enjoy it. 

She's great, pull her live shit up on YouTube, you might like it

There are a few full performances 

Do they do any dead covers?

I kinda dig one of her older songs called 'cheerleader'.

it was cool live

If your only goin to give her 1 listen I'd suggest Marrow

No Dead covers she's more punky, Great entertainer 

I like Annie, although the stuff with David Byrne wasnt her best.

Here is a review from her last show:

I tried a few live shows but she takes too long and uses weak beats.