Star Trek Discovery Season 2 Premier (Spoiler Warning)


I liked season 1.  Have been looking forward to  season 2 and I was not disappointed. In fact it was magnificent. The action, the tie in between the present, past and what we know to be the future is done so well. Captain Pike being introduced with Spock to follow had me sitting on the ege of my couch. Looking forward to seeing the tie in to the relationship between Pike and Spock relating to the classic "the cage" of the original series.  And the newly established relationship between Michael Burnham to Spock is a great angle.   To the fans of STD (lol) get on it.

and discuss.



I don't watch it but it was interesting to find out that the guy who plays Spock is the grandson of Gregory Peck

Do know what network or channel you view this on?

Cbs All Access...(only)

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