state governors vs. trump


Power struggle brewing

They are protesting the democrat governor in Michigan.  Shutting down streets in Lansing.   They want to open back up while keeping the hot spots locked down. 

What do you think, g-reg?

Dump fucks in Michigan blocking the streets to The hospital....derp.

Governors = Common Sense

d t = Piss + Wind

Common sense will prevail

Egged on by Laura whatever her name is at Fox "news" LOL. Derp indeed.

I would be amused to see a tar n feather brigade surround him when his kingdom is overthrown 

​I'm hesitant to even post this garbage, but this is actually happening 



NY Daily News yesterday. 

Absolute Power (800x571).jpg

The Bundy's got involved in Idaho, I believe. That's where much of this is coming from - The Patriot Actor types and their networks. 

Maybe they'll get arrested and end up in jail and.........

Funny they're comparing Goveror Whitmer to Nazis. (They even spell her name wrong. Remember the Morans pic? LOL)

Trump is the American presidential equivalent of Hitler’s aide Joseph Goebbels: a manipulator of the media and a practitioner of propaganda who could fire up crowds, a person who caused the deaths of millions of citizens in his own country.

That's the counter-clockwise swastika.  The Nazis used the clockwise version.  

Stupid is as stupid does.

However you spell it, or display it...

I'm pretty sure that persons intentions and message are pretty crystal fucking clear.


Their intentions, as well as their ignorance are perfectly clear. 

Back in the 1990's I was visiting Buddhist temples outside of Hong Kong when I was surprised to see a temple with numerous counter-clockwise swastikas being used in the artwork and architectural design.  I hadn't realized that the symbol pre-dated the Nazis by thousands of years, being used in either direction with different meanings.  

The Nazis co-opted the symbol and corrupted it's meaning, and it is understandably viewed by many in the Western world as a symbol of hate, but in many Eastern cultures it is still identified as a symbol of good luck and reverence, without any of the fascist and genocidal associations:

So obviously, these folks have studied Buddhism. Patriotic Buddhists protesting right here in 'Merika.  Who'd a thunk it? 

Thanks for the history, Dave, Must have been a fascinating journey. 

Just saw a report some protesters with AR-15s .  The fuck?

Gives a new take on "Give me liberty or give me death." 

From The Guardian:

"The rightwing groups behind wave of protests against Covid-19 restrictions"

There will be a protest here in Utah tomorrow. 

Yesterday the Michigan governor threatened the protesters saying ' if they keep it up she will be FORCED to extend the shutdown...'  LOL

Total power grab

So are these protesters targeting the hospital entrances they are blocking? Is this effect of the protest intentional?


What is it about a woman in power that drives some particular special brand of dudes to become unhinged?

In Canada,  the provinces are thike the states in USA. The 'Premier' the equivalent of a state governor. In Alberta they started stockpiling equipment in 2014. Then after the WHO declared a public health emergency jan 31, they were on the ball and didn't wait around for the federal government act. They got out way ahead of this thing and a model for what should have been done.. by other Premiers in Canada and the Governors here in the states. premier kenney looks like a hero

Maybe Cuomo should take note. You'd think NYC / New York would have been more prepared since it is much more of a world travel hub. With a a way bigger population. Cuomo dropped the ball. He could have started preparing way before he did and if Alberta acted in Jan why not NY? 

They didn't wait around for the federal government.




I figured one day it would have to rinse out those stinky stinky socks...




20200417_165751_copy_833x1151.jpg realize Whitmer is the governor, right? Clearly that demonstrator thinks Witmer is a piece of shit nazi. 

Cuomo just absolutely roasts Trump who was tweeting shit like a toddler during the Governors press conference. 

Must watch video

Another 'gridlock' scheduled for today in Michigan. I still haven't seen a report or any pictures of 'brown shirts' or Nazi flags being waved in Lansing...lots of trump supporters for sure.

They were saying on local news that Witmers approval rating is below 10 %...and there is a petition to have her removed as governor

..but she is insisting that if the protests continue then she will extend the lockdown but the threats don't seem to be working. Yesterday she was basically chewing them out almost yelling

..not keeping it cool and playing right into their hands


>They were saying on local news that Witmers approval rating is below 10 %.<


Michigan residents prefer how Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D) has handled the coronavirus outbreak over President Trump’s response to the pandemic, according to a statewide poll released Monday.

The Detroit Regional Chamber’s survey found that 57 percent of residents approved of Whitmer’s handling of the pandemic, while 44 percent said the same about Trump. Disapproval of the governor's response stood at 37 percent, compared with 50 percent for the president's

Can't be greg posting lately. Gotta be that car fart pyramid, he must have hijacked gregs handle. There can't possibly be two such confused misinformed propaganda spreading numbnuts in here, can there ? 

Yes...somewhere between 10%-57%

..this doesn't help 'the cause'


Looks like the nazi flag was miscaptioned and actually a Bernie rally in idaho.march 2nd 2020. but apparently some anti-trumpers attached the photo to the blockade in Lansing. I actually had to correct a buddy of mine today that still thought they were waving nazi flags in Michigan because it was misreported and then not corrected.

That lady with the Witmer/Nazi sign was not a Bernie rally in Idaho. That was Lansing.

No she wasn't, ned.  That is not the picture im referring to.

The snopes correction is for the nazi flag with trump/pence on it. I posted the link which includes an image of it. Click scroll and see  the pic was taken in Idaho but reposted and miscaptioned to look like it happened in Lansing

..they weren't even trump supporters. It was staged..Jussie style staging. .the kind that sets the anti trump ' movement' backwards


...the 'heil witmer' sign was from Lansing for sure.  They even had a witmer replica stuffed doll dressed up to look like hitler.


No, it wasn't staged. It was something different and used incorrectly, inappropriately and unethically. But, it wasn't staged.

Are you denying the Witmer Nazi women existed? Because, it did...she did.

No ned. This isn't about that woman. 

It's a completely different picture. 

Are you saying snopes is wrong?

Ned ..go ahead and post a picture of someone waving a nazi flag during the gridlock in lansing. I have looked. I can't find one

No I agree with the snopes post.

I never claimed anyone was waving a Nazi flag, just the Witmer Nazi sign lady. Sorry it isn't a flag, greg, but the spirit is the same, right?


go post some more shows greg, you're out of your element...

It's not the same at all ned.

When Obama was president there were people displaying pictures of him with a hitler mustache. It's the same.  Clearly whoever that is with the hail witmer sign hates nazis and thinks witmer is one. 

Hating nazis  and displaying a sign equating the democrat governor to hitler are two very different ' spirits'of demonstration.

The anti nazi sentiment is clear.

I'm really trying to understand your point greg.

The mislabeled photo you're having issue with has a person holding a flag with swastika with Trump and Pence above and below it. Behind there are Trump supporters.

Looks like he's Bernie supporter and doing the same thing as the Whitmer/Nazi lady. The snopes screen shot shows this was published online, a blogger.....not MSM. You're projecting this to the MSM, which is a reach. 

No aren't getting it.

The Idaho picture of the nazi flag..they aren't even confirmed trump supporters. It was staged the jussie smollet thing.

In contrast,  the woman in Lansing with the sign Is saying ..the current Michigan governor is a fucking nazi.

And if you support witmer then you support nazis. That is what heil witmer sign is meant to convey.


It would be a huge mistake for any trump supporter to show support for nazis in Michigan because they would lose substantial support they get from the Jewish community in suburban Detroit that traditionally votes republican. 


I don't think anyone here is saying there are Nazi Trump supporters in the streets of Lansing.

And, the "true" story about Idaho says these were Trump supporters (behind the Nazi sign guy) that showed up at a Bernie rally. Who would do that except for, you know, Trump supporters? Why even doubt their legitimacy?


.>> It would be a huge mistake for any trump supporter to show support for nazis in Michigan because they would lose substantial support they get from the Jewish community in suburban Detroit that traditionally votes republican.  <<

Ah, so it's a bad political move, not necessarily wrong. Got it.


Describe what you mean by in the' same spirit' NED

..because what you are writing is implying it's the same as the Idaho nazi flag incident at the bernie rally.which it is not. 

Do you understand? 

You might welcome a flying nazi flag in your state but that shit wouldn't fly here. We all hate nazis

Ned have you ever been to a holocaust memorial? 

I have.  I recommend you do so

Greg, respectfully, the guy in the snopes post isn't a Nazi. He's a Bernie supporter. He's calling Trump/Pence Nazi's. Lansing Lady is calling Witmer a Nazi. Yes, it's the same spirit....not Nazis.

No he is pretending to be a trump get people to think all trump supporters are skinhead nazi pieces of shit

Ned you clearly think it's ok to miscaption images. That is what this is all long as it makes trump look bad ..then it's all good.  Right? 

Exaggerating crap like that only will help trump get re-elected.

Now if the protesters in Lansing were wearing pro democrat gov. Whitmer tshirts and acting like they supported nazi white power shit...only then would it be in the same 'spirit'. But they are not. 

Critical Thinking 101


>Exaggerating crap like that...


No exaggeration here, just a couple of simple questions...


You seem to believe that China's dishonesty and misinformation absolves Trump from all responsibility for his incompetence and his dishonesty. 


Why do you not hold Trump accountable for his administration's handling of the pandemic?


Did someone from China suggest injecting disinfectants as a treatment?



>> No he is pretending to be a trump supporter. <<

How do you know this?

Republican led Michigan Legislature today voted to limit the governor's emergency power. Today is supposed to be the last day of the emergency powers. She vowed to veto

What a fucked up state.

Whitmer claims to have seen nooses and swastikas yesterday and was very disturbed..

..yet as I scroll through the images captured and displayed along with the story I can not find one. It seems like if someone saw that then there would be a picture.  Maybe there is I just haven't seen it and I'm wondering if she's painting the protests worse than they are which would be dissapointing.

Can someone post a picture of the noooses and swastikas from yesterdays protests? because im not seeing them

Maybe they're obscured by all the bullshit you think you see?

Well maybe not actual nooses.


..not one noose. No waving of nazi flags. I haven't even seen one picture of a confederate flag.  Just stars and stripes

So what is she talking about?  

Here's more pictures to scroll through


The top photo is the entrance to the Auschwitz-Birkenau prison/death camp in Poland.  The bottom photo is from an anti-shutdown rally in Chicago this past Friday.

The literal meaning is "Work Will Set You Free", one of the most cynical statements the fascist pigs running the Nazi machine ever made.  These people using their symbolism and mottos are evil or stupid, or both.   They need to be called out for the fascist hate-mongerers they are, and shunned.  If they want to peaceably assemble and infect each other with their physical and mental diseases, that's within their rights, but the overwhelming super-majority of sane, decent people should give them a wide berth.

The Noose was making yet another appearance in Michigan Yesterday.

((((Very Fine People)))

LOL Barbie on a rope is gonna upset ol' g-regulator...


...or maybe it's just a Bernie supporter trying to make them look bad!

Stay classy, Michigan.

Greg, you are whacked out, and no I will not read your nonsense

our government is federated FYI

The states can't take power from  Washington 

when there is no there there 


useless, but good at stirring hatred and feeding the rich 

Blame everyone else. Deflect at all cost 

immoral morons 

have a great day

Go to a trump rally  feed natural selection 


That's ridiculous. I saw a picture with someone that had drawn a noose with 'hang the tyrant' but that was directed at her but the nazi-dem governor painted the picture like there were a bunch of white supremacists and fanned the flames calling it racist when it wasn't. Rather it depicted a noose meant for her, a white woman.  As stupid as the sign was and the person that held certainly wasn't racist.   

But in retrospect those calls of racism only fueled what is happening now. She lied and made it political blamed the far right and acted like she saw nazi flags and nooses which were both blatent exaggerations when the nazi flags she saw were depicting her as the one who is the piece of shit nazi.

So I hope she is proud 

And fwiw I voted for governor Jennifer granholm and liked her and I thought the GOP governor snyder was a real piece of shit and blame him for the flint water crisis cover up. He totally suck. But whitmer the nazi Is easily the worst of all. 

The lockdown protests were pretty tame in comparison.  Some idiots with guns screaming in the capitol but the state police were right there 

Nazi whitmer then takes her rhetoric to The View where the blue bubble protects her and they ask her easy blue bubble questions and of course they all agree about how horrible trump is (predictable) and blames him for the lockdown protests calling them racist. And yes there were trump supporters but no one was threatening minorities with nooses. .they were depicting her as a tyrant and likened her to a nazi.compared to some of the anti trump demonstration 'art' it was pretty tame. 

All the close minded brain dead sniveling nazi dem pigs can come up with are useless insults...which I could be very good at as well but you know id rather not post what I really think of them. I might throw a little shade back once in awhile but in general I am very fond of viva. 

But you know they got nothin when they can only come up with a gang-tackle of insults.let the media tell you what to think because you can't do it on your own

Are you doing anything, Greg?

here's the story about how whitmer lied and said the protesters were blocking the hospital but the state police said that never happened...

Nazi whitmers double standard. .oops the rules don't apply to her..I guess it was deemed essential for ther husband to go up north and get the boat out








Trump vs American citizens 






Todd with the white power imagery saved to his computer.  I bet you have a collection you redneck privileged piece of white should be ashamed. 

I don't wanna know what else you have saved on your cpu you creep


Wait, maybe I should have left this here, greg.




And I asked you a question in the state reopening thread. I was wondering if you care to answer, but you probably won't. 


>>> Todd with the white power imagery saved to his computer.  I bet you have a collection you redneck privileged piece of white should be ashamed. <<<



russian bot thread 

Remember when that nazi whitmer condemned the 'peaceful' lockdown protests threatening to extend the lockdown if they keep it up?

So what's up now? She's cool with these protests?  Why not threaten these protesters with extended lockdown? 

double standard

'peaceful' compared to what happening now

she sleeps in nazi flag sheets

she's got fancy nazi flag fabric napkins at her pre-set dining room table with a nazi flag tablecloth

Black dead flowers in a broken vase

I'd recommend refraining from using the Nazi labels, undermines your credibility.

..and a big list of shithole nazi dem far left winger friends

shut up ned.



you guys pushed me to change parties





slappity slap slap.


greg, I've tried to engage with you civilly. You're acting childish.

Tell me when she's murdering innocents and invading sovereign countries. Otherwise, vote her out. fun as this is I do have to work and I've blown off enough time slapping you all around again today. I simply don't have enough time todo it all day, but iI'll tell you bout I check back in later and come up with something else to give you to talk about over dinner tonight. 

I'm a giver.

In this case I give you the discipline you need.  Enriching discipline. 


Do You Eat Shit 3 meals a day?

And snack on Shit Chips between meals?

You need to wash your mouth out.


Ok one more just for you little boy blue. .. handed


I call that one The Stinger

I have a back-handed version too

Don't forget to heil hitler to your nazi flag hanging outside your house before you go to the cubscout meeting.

nazi flag shower curtain using mother fucker

Grog is such a dick-slap.

more like a flaccid pizza-slap


Can’t wait to meet in person Greg 

you can try out those words in 3D





Arrogant and ignorant, that's one hell of a combination, Greg.


Still waiting for you to answer my questions. 


Come on, a few are easy enough that even a mouth breathing idiot like you can answer 


LOL....g-reg I hope get the help you need.

seriously in a constant 4.7 state

>>The lockdown protests were pretty tame in comparison

That's because the lockdown protestors were all big cowards. They are too scared to even use their guns which are really only symbols of their insecurity and fear.


I'm thinking  instead of nooses and signs that read hang the tyrant. ..

maybe they should have gone with

a stuffed full size dummy whitmer doll dressed up as a witch tied to a stake, with picket signs reading 'burn the witch'..

that way those 'protesters' wouldn't have been misinterpreted as racists...although the left wing evil satanic media cabal would have found a way to twist the narrative to make burning witches seem racist. .

..some sources are saying


..that one was for you Ras you can see your fascinating dark poetry, as alluring as it may still have a ways to go, brother. 

..and you'll make it there. If you keep trying your gonna get there I just know it. 

We're just 'having some fun', right? 


See you at the top

Wow. All these threads with the same uneducated, manipulative, negative, nasty, name calling bullshit from one guy.

Get your lips off the crack pipe, take the meds the Dr. prescribed and your mommy should take away your device privileges.


Your Zoning has shades of Psycho Kirley. Get a grip Greggie. You are a prime example of what is wrong with this world. 

g-reg needed to go to the gym.

 gregulator on Thursday, June 4, 2020 – 04:14 pm

"I'm thinking  instead of nooses and signs that read hang the tyrant. ..

maybe they should have gone with

a stuffed full size dummy whitmer doll dressed up as a witch tied to a stake, with picket signs reading 'burn the witch'..

that way those 'protesters' wouldn't have been misinterpreted as racists...although the left wing evil satanic media cabal would have found a way to twist the narrative to make burning witches seem racist. .

..some sources are saying


..that one was for you Ras you can see your fascinating dark poetry, as alluring as it may still have a ways to go, brother. 

..and you'll make it there. If you keep trying your gonna get there I just know it. 

We're just 'having some fun', right? 


See you at the top"




Well this aged awesomly.  Thanks for proving what we all knew Greg.  Go listen to a sweet 93 show 

Did the state governors win?

you lose, loser

nonsensical all over the place  - rattle rattle rattle