stay away from Anti-Vaxxers taking Invermectin


or at least stay in front of them.

apparently it gives users explosive diarrhea

(It's horse dewormer)

You can recognize them by their red Maggot hats.


Just say "Neigh".

~Buzz Burbank~

I did not know Canada geese wanted me dead.

Wisconsin doctors ask Sen. Johnson to stop push for Ivermectin as COVID-19 cure


Rand Paul Claims 'Hatred For Trump' Hinders Ivermectin Research

>apparently it gives users explosive diarrhea 

If only thier new discovery had coincided with a new tp shortage.

We're so used to crazy that human beings taking horse dewormer instead of a vaccine

barely gets out attention. Can't be a good thing.

We're so used to crazy that human beings taking horse dewormer instead of a vaccine

barely gets out attention. Can't be a good thing.

Can't Understand Normal Thinking.






judge in Ohio ordered a hospital to treat a Covid-19 patient with ivermectin, despite warnings from experts that the anti-parasitic drug has not proved effective against the virus and can be dangerous in large doses.