Stephen Miller's uncle speaks out against his nephew


Dr. David S. Glosser is a retired neuropsychologist: formerly a member of the Neurology faculties of Boston University School of Medicine and Jefferson Medical College. He is also the brother of Stephen Miller’s Mom, making him his uncle. 

He wrote a great piece today about the history of his family and how they prospered after they were allowed to enter American as immigrants. Dr. Glosser also has a unique perspective on immigration, as he “meet(s) these statistics one at a time through my volunteer service as a neuropsychologist for HIAS (formerly the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society), the global non-profit agency that protects refugees and helped my family more than 100 years ago.”

I encourage you to read this article if you have any interest in the current immigration saga in our country.

Thought this thread was about the Steve Miller Band. Abracadabra, bitches!

That’s Steve Miller, the Gangster of Love. I’ve heard him referred to at “Stevie Guitar-Miller” but never Steven. 

Im not buying your story Bear unless you are incredibly baked. Let that reach out and grab ya. 

Until your guy plays the county fair I'm not interested.