Successful undewear ceremony


My young friend Liam has returned home from Grandma's house while his Dad caught the Phishes run at MSG


Started a new tradition this year with an elaborate story design to good naturedly confuse young Liam and thoroughly amuse his Dad.


Did an elaborate and ridiculous ceremony straight-faced in the tradition of "my people". In one portion, he had to stand on one foot and say Bada Bada 4 times. Each time I would respond with a high pitched "Bing" while fluttering both hands in the air and wiggling my fingers.... you get the idea.


Particularly pleased with the traditional gift of my people:


Liam 2.jpg


Liam 3_0.jpg


Liam 1_2.jpg


Ohhhhh .... the purported point of the ceremony was to gain me the priviledge of wearing underwear in 2025

you kid, but mormons actually have an underwear ceremony.  you do the endowment ceremony and then you get to wear the special underwear and go into the special temple

Hysterical, daylight.... I had no idea

I see London, I see France...

Thank you, Surfdead!


Have not heard that rhyme in decades....

I see London

I see France

I see Liam's underpants


BIG smile!


I can't help but wonder what an unsuccessful underwear ceremony might have looked like.

I'm so confused.   And I'm ok with with that. 

Confusion is the goal, Zang. Poor Liam still trying to figure it out .....