Summer 1969


I freaking love that what was it live aid version kind a like a one hit wonder but I fucking love that song

Funny because I was going to give 1969 it's own summer thread,  thinking of naming it 'summer of 69' and wondered if someone would post the bryan adams song. :) 

I always really loved that Seminole dark star

Thanks for saving a crappy thread Greg, you doin Jerr’s work, I tell ya

Rolling it through Labor Day

Fascinating period in the bands history, the return to playing some "normal" songs after a few years of pretty much nothing but intense jams of one sort or another.

I can’t say for sure but I think it was at that family dog on the great highway show only went there one or two times

Thanks for the link


also I beyond love that summer of 69 song it just crushes it

Do I dare go to Shoreline in a few weeks to check them out?

On August 16th or so, in 1969, as a 9 year old boy, I saw an image like this one in the Daily Newspaper, probably The Daily Journal. The photo was iconic and had an earthshaking effect to millions of people at the time, throughout the World. There had never been a gathering of this size or nature before in Human History. As Jerry Garcia would comment in the Woodstock movie that ultimately came out, the Gathering was "Of Biblical proportions". This image was moving to all of humanity the World over, as were other iconic images of 1969, like the photo of Earth from Space, or "The Footprint On The Moon". I know the Woodstock image moved me. at age 9. It showed that huge masses of people, freaks of all kinds and ethnicities and disparate backgrounds could all get along with little organized structure and even a whole lot of chaos. Or as Wavy Gray put it from the stage microphone that day, "There's a little bit of Heaven in a disaster area". It should be stated that The National Guard assisted with food distribution, with the assistance and HIppie logic of The Merry Pranksters / Hog Farm. This was magic of unprecedented proportions. It's been said that with upwards of 500,000 in attendance, 1 out of 650 people in the USA were there. The Spirit of Community, Camaraderie and the highest level of artistic expression has inspired millions of people the World over for generations now. The dream has proved elusive to recapture, as evidenced by things like Altamont, Woodstock 1999 and this year's debacle attempt to make lightning strike twice with the ill-fated 50th Anniversary celebration in Bethel, NY. But the genie is already out of the bottle. Festivals small and large have sprung up all over the country for decades now, hoping to replicate any small portion of "The Woodstock Nation's" peaceful, magical Vibe, to varying degrees of success. If you know me, it has been a lifelong pursuit of a Way Of Life, not just an occasional concert or Festival. Even our hometown Festival, "Cranstock" seeks to emulate the more valorous aspects of Woodstock Music & Arts Festival, in these truly auspicious days of August 15 - 17, 1969.

After all, "We've Got To Get Ourselves Back To The Garden..."





More on the acid punch show and the two that followed...

Aug 69 Rolling Stone magazine

Fuckin Greg, you're unreal. I feel like we should be paying you for all this fantastic compiling you do for us. At the very least we must bestow upon you the moniker --

Keeper Of The Golden Scrolls,  or some shit


Summer of 68' a much better song.