This sums it up nicely

So many questions.

What's the difference between a white supremacist and someone who supports a white supremacist?

I was always baffled by the entire White power thing...    

After all, they have European roots, those European nations have holidays, parades, celebrations, etc.  Then they bitch about white people not having any parades, celebrations, etc, LMAO...   Now, if you were descendent from slaves, didn't have any of your history passed along, so don't have a known history to a specific nation, etc, being black makes a lot of sense...  and celebrating being black.  Now people can find out where they're from, have been doing so, and the celebrations have been wonderful.

Figure that's why they love Russian / Putin so much, doesn't get any whiter than that...   



<< In 1939, 20,000 Americans rallied in New York’s Madison Square Garden to celebrate the rise of Nazism – an event largely forgotten from American history. A NIGHT AT THE GARDEN, a short film by Marshall Curry just nominated for an Oscar, is made entirely from archival footage filmed that night, transporting audiences to this chilling gathering and shines a light on the power of demagoguery and anti-Semitism in the United States.

Yes druba

"Q: What struck you about the footage?

A: The first thing that struck me was that an event like this could happen in the heart of New York City, a city that was diverse, modern, and progressive even in 1939. The second thing that struck me was the way these American Nazis used the symbols of America to sell an ideology that a few years later hundreds of thousands of Americans would die fighting against."


The german American bund:

Charles Lindbergh was a white supremacist and Nazi sympathizer.  

"We can have peace and security only so long as we band together to preserve that most priceless possession, our inheritance of European blood, only so long as we guard ourselves against attack by foreign armies and dilution by foreign races."

Wondering, but kinda doubt if those folks were rounded up and put in camps like the Japanese families were.

Speaking of camps;

<<As supporters of President Donald Trump took part in a violent riot at the Capitol, users of the social media service Parler posted videos of themselves and others joining the fray. ProPublica reviewed thousands of videos uploaded publicly to the service that were archived by a programmer before Parler was taken offline by its web host. Below is a collection of more than 500 videos that ProPublica determined were taken during the events of Jan. 6 and were relevant and newsworthy. Taken together, they provide one of the most comprehensive records of a dark event in American history through the eyes of those who took part.