Super Tuesday


Let's get this party started:








North Carolina







American Samoa

Democrats Abroad

California Flag.jpg


We're in Super Tuesday now in Utah. Here's from the linked story in today's Salt Lake Tribune

 "A Salt Lake Tribune/Suffolk University poll from January had Sanders with 26.5% of the vote, double digits ahead of Warren and Biden. A Deseret News/Hinckley Institute poll published Friday had Sanders with 28%. Bloomberg, Buttigieg and Warren were in a close contest for second, with 19%, 18% and 15%, respectively."

Story also says Bernie has garnered $728,000 from Utahns, twice what the next closest Democrat has raised and more than the $463,000 for the occupant. 

I believe a little context is needed here;

# of Democratic Delegates available on Super Tuesday 

Alabama - 52

 Arkansas - 31

California - 416

Colorado - 67

Maine - 24

Massachusetts - 91

Minnesota - 75

North Carolina - 110

Oklahoma - 37

Tennessee - 64

Texas - 228

Utah - 29

Vermont - 16

Virginia - 99

American Samoa - 10

Democrats Abroad - 13


Current Delegate Count;

Sanders - 58

Biden - 50

Buttigieg - 26

Warren - 8

Klobuchar - 7


Party on Garth 

I just checked on that latest poll. Less than 300 voters and it ended last Wednesday, just a day after Biden's best performance in a debate. BTW, Biden had 6% in the poll. 

"The poll was conducted for the Deseret News and the University of Utah’s Hinckley Institute of Politics by independent pollster Scott Rasmussen Feb. 22-26 of 298 likely Democratic voters in Utah’s Super Tuesday presidential primary and has margin of error of plus or minus 5.7 percentage points." 

We've had a few of our local mayors endorse either Buttigieg or Bloomberg. We'll see. 



Buttigieg out.


^Forced out by his donors. They know he will take away support from Biden on Tuesday so he's done.

All I can think of is how poorly Dems have taken on the broader issue of institutional / electoral reform.

The fact that a "Super Tuesday" even exists in the first place is antithetical to a true national democratic process. 

Why should any given state(s) dictate the national outcome prior to all states having a "say"?  How does this sequential setup not establish a "game"; that can effectively be "gamed"?

Moreover, the existence of super delegates is yet another example of the establishment's thumb on the scale; and as their role in sorting things out if a candidate fails to attain a necessary majority, why isn't there a ranked choice system built into the larger primary system.

Four years is plenty of time.

Say what you want about Trumpers and supporters of Bernie, much of their underlying angst about the system being broken is legitimate. 

Didn't expect Pete to toss it in




Didn't expect Pete to toss it in<<<

Me neither, maybe he decided to play the "long game"?

He'll do a hell of a lot for himself if he comes out tonight and says, we need to coalesce behind Joe. He was adamant about Sanders not being the guy, and since he came to the proper realization about a path forward, he can play the sacrificial lamb for the party and help his reputation as a pragmatic Democrat for the future. 

Hey Amy, you watching this? 

Come on, let Amy enjoy dancing on Pete's grave for at least an hour or two.

amy and warren should also drop out. 

warren polling at 12% in CA, amy at 5%. absurd they're still running. 

bernie up by 20% in CA. 




Three people have a chance to be the next President, the rest of them should drop out.

Focus time.

bloomberg staying in helps bernie and hurts biden. 

funny how this is working out. 

life is amusing sometimes*, pyramid



* RIP my friends and family and all your friends and family who no longer get to enjoy the ride.

If polls are your thing, remember they had bernie within 5 of biden at the starting of the SC primary.

we all know what happened there. he got crushed by 29-30.

here's some polls for California and Texas. lol


From the what if department;

With Mayor Pete withdrawing from the race, and those votes likely going to Biden, and if Biden ends up winning it all, and picks Pete for his VP, then the debate between Pete and Pence would be absolutely fabulous

(mother approved this pondering)

pete voters 2nd choice is bernie, apparently.


thod, bernie won every race so far except, SC. 

funny how you conveniently forget how bernie crushed it in nevada, youth vote, latino, black, overwhelmingly bernie. 

you actually think super tuesday, specifically CA, the most diverse and delegate rich state, will be a bad showing for bernie? 

i mean, i guess it makes sense, you think warren still has a shot. 

fucking stupid. 


>>> you actually think super tuesday, specifically CA, the most diverse and delegate rich state, will be a bad showing for bernie? <<<


nope, all signs point he should do well there.

and again dipshit...


I voted my conscience, not who had the best shot.

See the difference?

No you don't, but that's cool. smh




just doesn't make sense she still in. pete did better than her in all of the primaries and he's done. 

if you actually supported progressive policy, you'd have voted bernie in the primary -- since he's the only one running that can win the dem nom, beat trump, who shares those ideals. 

warren doesn't beat trump, but maybe in a poll or two. 

true colors exposed. she's now just hurting herself, losing support and respect, and making a fool of herself and her supporters by staying in. 

>>> just doesn't make sense she still in. pete did better than her in all of the primaries and he's done.<<<

Warren has had boots on the ground in a 31 state strategy.

mayo pete was never going past SC.

96% of the country hasn't voted.


I see this pains you, I'm sorry, it'll be alright.


^delusional hahahahaha my god man. 

you seriously think she has a shot. incredible, thod. 

might be the dumbest thing you've ever posted. 

bernie has had his team in every state months before any other candidate. 

his campaign's outreach is unmatched, and the primaries and polls prove it. real people, grassroots. 

only campaign to do so. 

45mil in february. nothing to say about that, right, thod? silence. got nothing. 350k new donors, powered by teachers. and you hate this campaign. 





>>> bernie has had his team in every state months before any other candidate. <<<

bro, he's been campaigning for 5 years...

add that to your talking point.

did bernie make it to Selma today?

it seemed like the place to be, considering history and all.



true, thod. he has the strongest campaign. 

45million in feb., man.

wake up. 


Racket.   Are you homeless?

"or a man without a country"


just cruel and .....

CT April 28th will go to Bernie

Warren is desperate for that Vice President bid for Biden. She knows she has no real shot so she is staying to take votes away from Bernie. Koblachar is just being stupid at this point, she could make another run in the future but staying in for Super Tuesday will make her look bad. Bloomberg, well he's just a complete tool bag republican and nobody really knows wtf this guy is even doing in the race. Maybe just go back to the golf course for him. Pete doesn't want to upset his billionaire donors. His time to be super douche will come in the next decade. For now he has to play second fiddle to Biden

Not sure the geography works for Elizabeth as VP.  Two easterners? The calculations for an electoral college victory will play a part. We'll see.   

But she might be radical enough to assuage the pissed off Bernie crowd after he doesn't get the nom and get them out to vote. 

Hopefully even po'd Bernie peeps will understand the big goal here.   

< ct will go to bernie

I'd be very surprised if ct goes to anyone not named Biden. 

Pete standing down right before tomorrow's voting is both commendable for party unity and a bit shocking. He had a lot of supporters.  Nobody knows where those votes will go now. Undoubtedly it will help both Bernie and Joe, but at what rate. Split those votes 50-50 ? Probably not. Probably something like 65-35 % for Bernie, but who knows.  Amy, time for you to go honey. 


Two easterners>>> 


The only other real option would be Boutigeg who is in Iowa. But I see your point.

Ras, the way Pete was picking on Bernie lately, I'd be surprised if more don't go to Joe. Of course the Biden folks will be hoping for an endorsement, maybe today.

Talking heads on the tube saying Bernie may not walk away with the big haul in California. Joe's at 20% now and needs 15% to get delegates. And more candidates may reach that 15% threshold. 

And while there's been a lot of early voting, one said there's a lot of folks who were waiting to vote til tomorrow and if so, that helps Joe after his big weekend. Raised $10 million over the weekend. Nice shot in the arm for a campaign that was almost out of money. Joe can't find and buy time for ads now, but Pete or Steyer could sell what they reserved and just change the content. 

Amy is here this morning in Salt Lake, but cancelled an event last night in her home state when activists took it over. Her candidacy is in trouble.

IMHO, I don't think he'd pick Buttigeig.  


Thanks for the link Slick, but It's saying "502-bad gateway" every time I click it.


if you're a progressive voting for anybody but bernie, you're voting for biden -- like thod. 

trump gets the electoral and popular against biden. he just won't excite the electorate to show up and vote. 

not to mention his republican lite ideology. 

I just clicked on it twice, TOD, and it worked both times. 

I'll disagree with you Heat. >>>trump gets the electoral and popular against biden

I think Bernie loses the electoral against Trump. Don't discount the inspiration provided to the electorate by four years of the occupant. But we'll see. No need to argue the unprovable (at this time) point.  


it works for me now...

bernie broke up Public Enemy.



joe biden think cannabis is a gateway drug. 

you voted for that, thod. 



I just got vote shamed for voting for Warren in a primary by a guy who voted for trump in Pennsylvania.








>>>>bernie broke up Public Enemy.

According to Chuck D, Flav "doesn't know [NFL player] Barry Sanders from Bernie Sanders" so it wasn't so much a clash over politics.  It was just that Flavor Flav refused to do a a free show.   Chuck also suggested his long time hype man was back to his dope fiend ways and needed to go to rehab.

And speaking of celebrity endorsements, Jimmy Carter says he voted for Bernie.

>>> And speaking of celebrity endorsements, Jimmy Carter says he voted for Bernie. <<<

Ken, I voted for bernie in the 2016 primary also...


Got anything more current?


Hmm, a good chunk of what I just read there contradicts itself. Bill seems like a pretty confused guy rn.


thod doesn't see that his pick is a divider like trump, not a uniter like bernie. 


>> I think Bernie loses the electoral against Trump. <<

Bigly.  Biden has a better chance to beat der tRump. Too bad pheater & co will try to sabotage the election (again).


Biden VP:


Julian Castro?

Please not Warren!!

I don't see that, BSS. I agree with him. He's being pragmatic. Social revolution a step at a time. And the moderates who will vote for Biden, but not Bernie, can help us get there. 

Hey! Bill Murray for VP! Wouldn't THAT be a hoot!

Just reviewed this, and on the upper right where it says relevant, he says "not THE Bill Murray". So I'm not sure this is the gopher hunter himself. 

ned voting biden to help re elect trump. sad but expected. 

crazy you guys don't understand status quo centrism won't beat trump, and that a movement of the working class does. if you don't see it by now i guess there's no hope. oh well. 

biden and kamala against trump? hahahahahahahhaha. 



^ expected reaction. It's will be OK, pheater, Bernie just might win the nomination and then get crushed by tRump. Who will you blame then?

Ned, lol. Biden campaign still trying to figure out ways to get his old sack of bones on stage without kissing a woman or saying something that makes no sense at all. It would be fucking embarrassing for him to go up against trump. He's not even sure what day it is man. You people forcing that sad old man to go on are fucked up. He doesn't even know what the fuck he's doing out there

Ageism really isn't your best argument lol.

My argument is that he can barely hold a sentence. Once they get into the debates it will just be sad just like he has been getting destroyed in the Democratic debates. The guy is barely even there man.


i honestly feel bad for Biden, the guy is just trying to live out his last days in peace but they forced him to run because of Obama. He's done. Whether it be Bernie or trump this is it for that guy

Neds gonna vote for a guy who can barely drive himself to the corner store to get a coffee. Good luck with that.

Trump won't debate

the only reason he did last time was to bully a woman

^If he's were to go against Biden he'll pretty much be debating a guy with a mental handicap so he def will.

He can do more push ups than you, Timp.

Seriously, Bernie is in no better shape, and isn't any more "crisp" than Biden on the debate stage. Bernie's old, and appears to be getting worn out. Sad.

^hates bernie so much, is so delusional and out of touch, you think bernie's being old is equivalent to bidens senility ? haha wow man. 

I will vote for Bernie if gets the nomination.

Will you vote for Biden if he gets nomination?

I've seen you answer both yes and no. Which is it?


Someone battling a stutter isn't "senile". Nice work, BullyBros.

Klobuchar quits


>>>Someone battling a stutter isn't "senile<<<


Someone who calls out a college aged woman to be a “Lying dog-faced pony soldier”, when asked a question, is.


She was ahead in Minnesota too.  The plot to block Sanders thickens. 

At least Mike Gordon and Jon Fishman come out to support Bernie:

Just changed my official voter registration from "unaffiliated​" to Democratic so I can vote for Sanders in the upcoming Oregon primary.  Did that last time around too, even though there won't be much of a contest in this state.

Not quite a runaway for Bernie anymore.

Dems are circling the wagons around Joe. He just got Amy's voters as she bowed out and endorsed him.

Dems getting serious about feeling the pulse of the nation, if you wana beat stump, the Far Left won't get it done.


^^ So they're playing Vermont?

maybe they can get some new bernie supporters.



>>>> feeling the pulse of the nation,

More like feeling the pulse of Wall Street, the pharmaceutical industry, and big corporate donors. 

Let the meltdown begin.....

Do they vote ken ?  Didn't think so

Now vote Far Left kids and hand the country right to stumps vultures 

I feel like there's a 8.3 + coming...

Giddy up!


I wouldn't want to but I guess I would vote for Biden knowing that I really am consenting to the same horrible values that this country has practiced for as long as it's been around. 

If you think Bernie is in worse shape than Biden mentally than I don't know what to tell yoy

Ned. It's pretty obvious.

No, timpy...they both seem very competent. You don't.

Can we agree tRump is far worse than anything Biden or Bernie?

TOD....please refer to the manual. Melts top out at 5.0

Mrs. Howgoer reportedly pushed a melt to nearly 5.1+ but that was a special case.

ned thanks, I just won $20

I bet that within 30 mins somebody was gonna point that out.

Albeit, I thought it would be timpane. 





mayo pete will also be in dallas tonight (winky face)



the only melting going on is from centrists nationwide, hahaha! 

they're trying their hardest to take down the dem front runner. 

Wait, didn't Bernie just "take down" the Democratic front runner? LOL.

Democratic centrists have as much influence as the Bernie wing.

There you go with that word again. Do you get paid every time you use the word - melting ?

Do they pay you extra for using it when it doesn't apply in the least ?

There's lots of words man, pick up a dictionary and try a few new ones out for Christ's sake.

Ned makes himself laugh because nobody else thinks he's funny. Thod is his only friend.

Melt > Insults > Melt reprise


If your an old white guy raise your hand.

So you didn't start the insults? Seems you did. Maybe you should smell what you're shoveling. Trash



>> You people forcing that sad old man to go on are fucked up. He doesn't even know what the fuck he's doing out there <<

Yea he doesn't even know how he got to South Carolina 

I will agree Joe came out a bit rusty...well, really rusty.

He has sharpened his game, and is obviously trending upward.

^Glad you can finally admit that.

< If your an old white guy raise your hand.

If you're a young man short on awareness and experience raise your hand

I'd recommend you stop worrying about what other people think and say. You two project so much bullshit it's amazing anyone believes anything you say.

pheater can't figure out who he hates more: tRump or any-democrat-other-than-Bernie.


>>> You two project so much bullshit <<<



^ lololololololololo

Ras has a perfect response for white old men everywhere who think they know something. 

You guys prob all went to all white prep schools as kids. I'm sure you're really experienced in the real world.


^ youngin' hanging out on a grateful dead dbmb calling people old. lol.


go find your people kid.



You guys can have your Biden. He is virtually the same thing as your Hilary you had last year and you will get the same realist and then bitch and whine for the next four years. Have fun.

Public schools K-12, and graduated public college. Self-employed sole proprietor. I make, sell and collect on every fucking donut (no, I don't sell donuts). No paid vacation, no benefits package. So, you're very wrong.

You think anyone who doesn't support Bernie is some entitled millionaire. That simply isn't anywhere close to reality. You and pheater need to open your eyes.


It's not even a Grateful Dead message board anymore, old fart. What does "Viva la zone" have to do with anything GD?

And yes, I will sit here all day and remind you three bozos that you're just a bunch of washed up, privelaged white males. Now go run along to the doctor for your check up like a good ol chap.

Actually I just think people in your position who don't support Bernie are stupid for voting against your own interests, but please continue.


I don't get paid vacation either. Cheers.


^^ gaslight much?


keep up the good work, clown shoes. 



>> Actually I just think people in your position who don't support Bernie are stupid for voting against your own interests, but please continue. <<

I don't support Bernie because I don't think he's the best candidate to take out tRump. I have been consistent with this. If Bernie gets the nomination I will vote for him in the general. Too bad pheater won't vote for Biden if the tables were turned....and I'm the idiot? LOFL.

^Im done for the night. Whooped your punk asses enough on here for one day. Until next time.


>>>>Clown shoes>>>>

Oh and that wasn't funny. Gnight

< you're just a bunch of privelaged white males 

And females. That's right, every one on this list, including you buddy. Welcome to the zone jr

The word is privileged, and yes I can afford a doctor's visit.

If you can't, acting so privileged and go work harder. 


^Sore old guy


>>> Im done for the night. Whooped your punk asses enough on here for one day. Until next time.<<<

classic bro, "self declared winner" picks up ball and goes home.


maybe someday we can visit you on earth 2 and teach you some hacky sack.




^ silly young guy

Now stop acting so privileged and go conjure yerself up some health insurance. 

you guys type my name a lot, weird. 

im back now. let me look this nonsense over, and respond. 

Better hurry, you know us ol folks. Eary bird special dinner's done, it'll be time for nighty night soon.


Will you vote for Biden if he gets nomination?

I've seen you answer both yes and no. Which is it?


what's this now? i've never answered yes to voting for biden. 

<<<>>>>Someone battling a stutter isn't "senile". Nice work, BullyBros.

haha you're so desperate. and you obviously haven't been paying attention if you haven't seen the endless biden senile episodes this campaign. 



Do they vote ken ?  Didn't think so

Now vote Far Left kids and hand the country right to stumps vultures 

congrats, ras -- you win for stupidest post in thread. especially the "do they vote, didn't think so" comment. 

really shows how little your dumb ass actually knows. 

Is it a coup P-nutz?


lol. how many times a day do you look at trump's twitter, thod? 

maybe 15-20? 

the establishment has always been trying to stop bernie, do you not understand that? 

pretty funny tho how bloomberg is gonna help bernie tomorrow tho. 

good stuff guys -- again, as ned brought up, the melting is indeed happening, but from centrists nationwide. we're good. bernie's got this. he's taking on the gop, and the dem establishment, to make everybody's lives better. 

and you guys are fighting against it. haha. how's that feel? 

and thod -- you're supper for supposed progressive warren, and constant centrist cheerleading is conflicting. i hope your figure yourself out man. 

oh, i'm good kid.

don't know about your boy timpane though...

looked a lil dinged up right before he picked up his ball and went home.

might wanna hit him up.


just think, you can feel even more justified voting for trump this time.

bernie's sketching out man, crying they're out to get me, they always have been, wapo blah blah blah

same shit you're saying.


truly weird.




I just voted. 

Encouraged after talking to our 27 year old son and hearing that he will vote Blue No Matter Who* in the General election. I'm hoping he's a good indicator of Bernie and Warren supporters. And diehard Berniebros. Seriously need to thank Bloomberg for making Biden palatable should it come to that in the General 


*fuck Bloomberg, he's not Blue

Ras called Thod a silly young guy, lol.


hey, Ras. I am a Union painter and some weeks in doing 7 days 12 hrs a day with an hr commute both ways. Sometimes i am directly putting my life at risk to make ends meat cleaning out sulfuric acid tanks and hanging on swings stage scaffolding. Usually up at 4AM and out  on the job by 6:30. My bet is your barely even scratching your tiny dinger yet at that time. Do me a favor and spare me your lil bs about hard work. Thanks.


and yeah you guys talk about pyramid a lot. Pretty odd




Biden gets Pete & Amy.


On the other hand, Bernie just got Marianne Williamson.

bernie has the nurses and teachers. 

we don't need the racist centrists. 

thod -- you're support for supposed progressive warren, and constant centrist cheerleading is conflicting. i hope your figure yourself out man. 

Hello centrist chumps.

Are you getting ready to feel the Bern?

When pressed, you said you'd vote for the Dem nominee to oust tRump.

Now you're back peddling. Not surprised.

It looks like Warren and Bernie are going to split the progressive vote and it will be Biden. 

Could be worse, and Biden is still better than Trump. 

My progressive friends and family who support Warren and/or Bernie are fine with Biden. 

 the BernieBrats here don't matter, nor do their tantrums. Luckily they don't represent the majority of progressive


Here you go guys, for when you start to get lonely with the same people circlejerking and crying 'Bernie Bros!!' over and over on Tuesday:

I know Weird Steve is big into social media lol

>>>>>It looks like Warren and Bernie are going to split the progressive vote and it will be Biden. 

But there is still Lil Mike out there too who will presumably be fishing for the same voters as Biden.

And in news that we can all get behind, Tenacious D plans on firing up the voters with a fall "swing state" tour:

< ras -- you %@&+!

Your whole schtick is to disagree by way of ridicule and name calling. You really need refinement.

Ken felt the need to come out with what I consider generic am talk radio dembash bullshit, I responded in kind, to him. He talked shit, I talked shit, we walk away. No need for you to show up and diarrhea up the place.

And yes the dem party appears to b siding with what the majority of Americans want - (fuck yer meaningless polls) - a moderate, the best chance to beat dump. Fuck you and your immature inability to keep things civil and amusing  


Bloomberg will be a blip, here in California anyway 

>> Fuck you and your immature inability to keep things civil and amusing  

lol. Here's a tissue. Take a lap, guy.

you're wrong, ned. i said i'd vote for warren if she were the nominee -- it's been obvious she will never be the nominee. 

funny all the centrists here, ned, thod, ras, nanc, keep shouting berniebros, and continue to ignore the fact that his base is majority female, and the most diverse. you just looks like fools. 

and you call us names b/c we're fighting to provide healthcare for all, and you just wanna beat trump. that's it. no change. just not trump. 

still frack. still bankrupt people over medical bills. still provide a low quality of life. still provide tax breaks for the 1%. that's what you stand for. 

>>  The plot to block Sanders thickens. 


coups need plotters.

ras at a nice 4.3 i'd say; maybe being a touch conservative, but the little baby bitch has some more in him, no doubt. 

I voted for Bernie. Guess he's a centrist now! 


and yes, the DNC are coalescing around Biden, not that there's anything wrong with that..



Berniebros are assholes, you know who you are





^good job, nanc. 

you little asshole, you. 

Hey, big asshole - you going to vote for Biden if he gets the nomination? 

That's a simple yes or no, Bro

>> funny all the centrists here...keep shouting berniebros, and continue to ignore the fact that his base is majority female, and the most diverse. you just looks like fools. <<


No, I'm calling you and timpy berniebros because you fit the profile to a T (combative assholes). There are plenty of Bernie Sanders supporters I respect.

^You are just another boomer passive aggressive dad? We can put each other into categories but in reality you are the ones who the assholes by supporting these platforms. We are just telling you about it to your face and you punk bitches don't know how to act. Deal with it.

< you fit the profile to a T (combative assholes). 

Was doing my best to avoid name calling, but yer 100% Correct.

They back their candidate with all the crazed devotion of the fucking nazi party


>>> We are just telling you about it to your face and you punk bitches don't know how to act. Deal with it. <<<

you keep painting yourself into a corner, which is really head scratching,

considering you're a painter.






Timpane, what platforms are they supporting that makes them assholes?

I am voting Biden for 1 reason and one reason only; he has the best chance of beating Trump.  In a perfect world, Bernie would be my guy, and shit, if I believed it could happen now, Bernie would be my guy right now.  Love him and what he stands for, I really want all that change too.  But this isn't a perfect world. In fact,  it's as fucked up as I've ever seen.  I truly believe that apocalyptical type shit might happen if Trump stays in power and we lose one of the other branches of govt. The Supreme Court is already teetering on the brink.  An unleashed Trump regime free of any guardrails, empowered by Moscow Mitch, and William Barr, will help gut what's left of our institutions, meaning a free fall into Oligarchical oblivion.  We've already seen hints: Trump influencing the judiciary, e.g. Roger Stone and Blogavich (sp?).  Things are bad y'all. Do you think most German's in 1937 were freaking out? Probably not.

Settle down JR we all going to be dead in 6 months from covid-19 anyway.

>>>>>[Biden] has the best chance of beating Trump. 

Sending out that fumbling, out of touch dinosaur​ against Trump is going to be a disaster.   We need someone who can actually bring excitement to the campaign and is an outsider.   

Rules have changed,  There are many people who voted for Trump last time who couldn't tell you the difference between a socialist and a libertarian, but didn't like the status quo and wanted to knock over the apple cart just to see what happens.  Biden is not going to bring in those folks.

I have seen both Bernie and Biden live.   There is no comparison.

The reason we have chump right now is that a great many voters saw hillary as same old wall street corporate bullshit. They voted for the guy they thought was different.   hillary= biden= same old same old and those same voters will vote for chump again. To me this is so obvious. I don't want to insult anyone's intelligence, my bros here do enough of that already.   Guys don't rise to bait everytime these centrists post. They are just doing it to rattle you and get a response.  Everyone knows where you/we stand. Tomorrow will go a long way towards straightening things out.  The question about voting for biden in the national might not be an issue.  If the worst happens, I would hold my nose and vote for biden, but I would be ashamed of the democratic voters that voted against the future of this country. biden chump hillary bloomberg  all pretty much the same side in the us vs them equation.   Blows me away how you folks don't see that.  I am an old white guys that can see what is going on and wants to change this country for the better, not just beat chump.

Carry on.

Did not see your post until after I posted, Ken.  I think we are on the same wave length. Sort of.

biden chump hillary bloomberg  all pretty much the same side in the us vs them equation.  <<


Yeah. No.

>>>  I think we are on the same wave length

Yes.  And we are not alone.  Poll after poll show that both Biden and Bernie are more popular than Trump,  But who has that x-factor? 

Who is the better choice in this day and age where an openly racist, outrageous reality TV star can take the White House in a head to head competition with a former Secretary of State from a popular administration who was by all other traditional measures much more qualified?

Between Biden and Bernie, who can bend the rules and actually win this?

If the people choose the "safe" bet of old Joe, don't come bitching to me when Trump takes a second term and lets Pence and Co. hand pick the next Supreme Court justice.

And you can't deny that there are many people in this country who would vote for Bernie just because he reminds them of Larry David and think it would be funny to have that dude as president.  Fact.  Unfortunate it comes down to that, but fact still.

^^^ nowTHAT is funny.....



ned thinks bernie and biden are equal in terms of energy, delivery, connecting w/ the people, speeches, etc. 

its clear as day that biden is senile, can't publicly speak, can't debate, and has a hard time being in public in general, makes up crazy lies for no reason. maybe it has something to do w/ his 3 brain surgeries? totally unfit for office.

the guy will get destroyed by trump, in every aspect. 

but centrists are selfish -- they're making this about their fear of trump, when this election is really about our future. 

so that's why people like ned/ras/woz (woz may just vote trump over bernie, he's stated that)/ jr are literally voting to hold our country back. 

shame on you guys. it's un-American what you're doing, selfish, greedy, and straight up stupid. 

if you vote for biden your voting for a person who tried to reverse roe vs wade. fact. 

biden voted to let states overturn roe vs wade. fact. 

what do you say, centrists? you're so concerned about the supreme court -- yet support a "dem" who voted to overturn roe, and want to trust him w/ picking a pro choice, liberal judge? 

biden has so much baggage, you're all crazy for wanting to run him against trump. 

trump's ad pointing out his senility was rough. and he can't hide that, it is biden. 

bernie is much healthier, he's actually competent, speaks well, and can fight the fight. biden is weak and the country sees it. 

>>>>>biden is weak and the country sees it. 


Except for South Carolina.

Also, sounds a bit Hitlerian.

^fuck off w/ that bs, surf. 

you're ridiculous man.

over 1 million views in 6 hours. 

just wait until trump says biden was for sending our kids to die in iraq. 

Biden said he would be open to a GOP VP pick. Nothing more really needs be said. You guys are getting played.

before all you selfish centrists go and vote for the status quo, remember, bidens campaign is run by the healthcare industry, longtime pharma lobbyist. 

he won't provide healthcare for the uninsured, and he wants to cut SS. 



trump will destroy the status quo. he already has. 

That's right bernie, take it easy, don't over do it.


thod do you support progressive policy or the status quo? 


if you support progressive policy, do you not understand how warren staying in hurts progressives? 

she has no chance of winning anything. 

the centrists are uniting. 

warren is preventing the progressives from uniting. 



and you just keep attacking bernie, lol. this time w/ ageism. 

you're a strange guy. seem very confused. 


stop lecturing me you twat.

you've become totally unhinged today.

look how many times you've posted this morning.


haha still can't answer any questions. 

you feeling bad about wasting your vote? 

you don't waste your vote in the primary.

I'll vote blue, no matter who.

will you?

Goo goo g'joob


I see y'all have received your spoon-fed talking points this morning. Heavy meltage.

It's OK...Bernie just might pull this off, and he will have my support in the general.

so, answer the question thod. 

you know i'm right. 

The last minute endorsements Biden received is changing  minds - seeing  some very liberal Democrat friends now  going with Biden  - previously  Amy and Liz supporters switching camps. Boomers who think Biden now is the better candidate to beat Trump. I hope they're right..

I suppose when The Obama's endorse him and campaign for him it will work to unify Democrats and get them to vote in the General to defeat Trump. 

P-nutz, you need to relax.

It's the primary, you should be excited.

your self-proclaimed 16 years of bernie love, just might come to fruition for you.



Just don't vote for trump in the general again.





i didn't. 

but by that logic, you voted for biden in the primary and voted to hold the country back and re elect trump. 


nanc -- your post shows how out of touch older people are this run. 

obama endorsing won't mean anything to the working class that is funding the political revolution. it's not 2008 any longer. 

in fact, obama can only do more harm than good anymore. 

Meh, our 27 year old son is voting Bernie but has already committed to vote for Biden should Bernie lose the primaries 



He's flip-flopping nancy. A few months ago he said he would support the dem nominee to oust trump. yesterday he said he never said that. He hates Biden more than he hates trump because he threatens Bernie's revolution. What a joke.

^ned you're just lying. haha. 

i won't vote for a centrist, never said i would -- they got us into this mess.

and thanks for holding the country back ned. im glad daddy finally told you who to vote for since you can't think for yourself. 

>>> i didn't. but by that logic,

you voted for biden in the primary and voted to hold the country back and re elect trump. <<<


it's the primary bro, I voted for Warren.

this isn't the general, not voting for a president but for a candidate.


You wrote in bernie in Pennsylvania in 2016 in the General Election.

That's a vote for trump.


Tell yourself whatever you need too, but anybody with a shred of intelligence knows what your vote meant.


who knows?

maybe your hard viva campaigning will pay off

and you'll shed some of that trump vote guilt?




All of this polarization is boring the fuck out of me.

It's the real reason why nothing will get done, whether the next POTUS is Trump, Biden or Bernie.

you voted for warren, a wasted vote. somebody who loses to trump is every poll, loses all the swing states, hasn't won any primary or even placed above 4th. she refuses to drop out even tho pete and any have, and they performed way better than warren in the primaries. 

yeah, you're a fucking idiot. 

^^ you may be bored, but that's ​bullshit


Oh I figured it out on my own, toolbag.

Yes, when pressed (for days) you did say you would support the dem nominee. Why would you not cast a vote to fire trump? A non-vote (or writing in Bernie) is a vote FOR trump.


P-nutz, you're an angry lil bro.




What's bullshit, TOD?

i said i'd vote warren if she was the nominee and bernie wasn't. 

lol you are lying. but continue to do so, you trash whore. 

ned, when you vote for biden today, you're voting for trump. 

wake up lil buddy. 


I think some shit can get done, just bernie can't make it happen.


bernie won't be able to do anything socialistic without congressional buy-in.




>> ned, when you vote for biden today, you're voting for trump. <<

Bernie will take CO, so my vote is mostly symbolic. I will vote for the dem nominee in November to oust trump. Too bad you can't step out of your bernie paradigm to see the bigger picture here. Trash whore? lol

Trash whore?

Double post

haha toolbag?

Political heavy mouth breathers are the worst.

Just take a walk and ponder doing something more constructive with your lives.



Who else here strongly feels trash whore should be added to the pz dictionary?

It's the real reason why nothing will get done, whether the next POTUS is Trump, Biden or Bernie.

Yes the polarization is bad, but if Trump wins he will get things done in terms of gutting our institutions and checks and balances. This line of thinking that there is no difference between Trump and <insert any democrat> is a false equivalency. While the latter might not accomplish much in today's polarized world, (especially Bernie) the former can and will do a lot of damage that may well never be undone.

Let's go Joe! Big day today to shut these Bernie assholes up!  Myself and many others have had enough of these toxic punks! Spoke to my sister who is an early voter in Cali. She was all in for Bernie before being berated by a group of them. Now she's voting for Warren.  Wonder how many others throughout our country are feeling the exact same way. This concept of you're either with Bernie or you're a Centrist blah blah has only turned a large swath of voters against him. Bernie told y'all to knock it off, but apparently none of you idiots listened. SMH.

Trash whore> Mainly used as a (noun) when referencing to the zoner Ned. Sometimes can be used to describe the zoner T.O.D.

nothing like dropping your convinctions and morals because someone was mean to you on the internet

Cool blog, JR. You can go ahead and tell your sister that she voted for someone who has no real shot of winning the primary. She's not very bright.

She is smart to stay in and at this point the most viable Democratic ticket is probably Biden/Warren. Old Joe will keep people comfortable and Warren will bring in the Bernie base.

Sanders has as about as much control over his advocates as potus has over his, which is to say, when you are dealing with a fringe element who will say anything to anyone, you just need to let the saddest among us to have there say, denounce there bullshit, and move on.  

whats bernie gonna do?  make all these incels smoke schwag and listen to wolf bros to chill them out??  nothing stops the Bros from bro'ing out 

but passion does matter folks.  Sanders is the only Dem candidate who can draw 10K on Wed for a rally in all the major markets.  it will be a major mistake to silence the Sanders enthusiasm, esp if its done thru a contested convention


((( The Silent Majority )))

The largest block of US voters is the unaffiliated Middle. Loudest is not Biggest.

Warren will not get the VP bid. I thought she might but in reality that will never happen. She is only in it to help Biden and bid for some kind of cabinet position which she will never get because Biden will never be able to beat Trump. His track record will be exposed and exposed until it's all over . Trump has been planning for Biden for the last four years. He's mince meat if he gets the nomination which is why Pyramid is correct. A vote fo Biden is just a vote for trumps reelection. No one can you force you to vote but every poll points to Sanders having more favorable numbers that Biden vs Trump on a general level. It is what it is. Make your bed and lay it. 

what is everyone's best guess on the frontrunning VP selections?

its interesting because we kinda know who Biden may pick but I have zero clues who Sanders selection would be.  would Sanders go the route of selecting a running mate who is strategic to winning swing state/s?  how about a olive branch to the middle??  or would he go full blown, blow the establishment to pieces and run with an aoc or a omar?!?

any ideas from those ardent Sanders peeps who it will be??

Old Joe will keep people comfortable and Warren will bring in the Bernie base.

maybe. if joe actually wins the popular vote, thats fine, no problem - we lost. if bernie wins the popular vote and the convention gives the nom to biden, ill probably never even consider voting for a moderate/centrist/corporate democrat again. id expect the situation to be similar for many bernie supporters. hopefully those in swing states will still come out to vote. if it seemed like there was any chance of my state or district going to trump i may well cast a vote for biden even if he lost the popular vote in the primary, but there is little to no chance of that happening, so ill once again have the luxury of staying home without worry, as ive done in every single election in my lifetime. i considered voting for ron paul in 2012 and thats the closest ive come to voting since bernie showed up.

Track record? 

That might matter to people who are somewhat enlightened but there is a huge swath of voters, particularly in the swing states, who just vote for the oldest craziest white guy on the ballot. He says crazy stuff, he's a bit of a bully, he don't put up with no guff, he likes to swear, I'd drink with him, he's my guy! 

Biden is the perfect candidate to run against the orange monster. I think he'll win it handily. Would love to see Bernie but not sure it will happen.



>>>>>if bernie wins the popular vote and the convention gives the nom to biden,

Might as well put a fork in it, because the race would be done.  Over. Adios.   Four more years.

Everybody complains about politicians. Everybody says they suck. Well where do people think these politicians come from? They don’t fall out of the sky. They don’t pass through a membrane from “another reality”. They come from American parents, and American families, American homes, American schools, American churches, American businesses, and American universities. And they’re elected by American citizens. This is the best we can do folks. This is what we have to offer. It’s what our system produces: Garbage in. Garbage out.

If you have selfish ignorant citizens… If you have selfish ignorant citizens, you’re going to get selfish ignorant leaders. And term-limits ain’t going to do you any good. You’re just going to wind up with a brand new bunch of selfish, ignorant Americans. So maybe… maybe… MAYBE, it’s not the politicians who suck. Maybe something else sucks around here like: “THE PUBLIC”. Yeah the public sucks. There’s a nice campaign slogan for somebody: “the public sucks, fuck hope”. Fuck hope. Because if it’s really just the fault of these politicians, then where are all the other bright people of conscience? Where are all the bright, honest, intelligent Americans ready to step in and save the nation and lead the way? We don’t have people like that in this country. Everybody’s at the mall scratching his ass, picking his nose, taking out his credit card out of a fannie-pack, and buying a pair of sneakers with lights in them.

So I have solved this little political dilemma for myself in a very simple way: on election-day, I-STAY-HOME. I don’t vote. Fuck ’em. FUCK THEM. I don’t vote. Two reasons. Two reasons I don’t vote: first of all, it’s meaningless. This country was bought and sold and paid for a long time ago. The shit they shuffle around every four years doesn’t mean a fuckin’ thing.


So I know that a little later on this year, you’re going to have another one of those really swell presidential elections that you like so much. You enjoy yourselves. It will be a lot of fun. I’m sure as soon as the election is over, your country will “improve” immediately. As for me, I’ll be home on that day, doing essentially the same thing as you, the only difference is, when I get finished masturbating, I’m going to have a little something to show for it folks.

-George Carlin

>>>>>so ill once again have the luxury of staying home without worry, as ive done in every single election in my lifetime.

>>>>>on election-day, I-STAY-HOME. I don’t vote.


Leaving aside the national (and global!) implications of being a non-voter, you and Carlin don't/didn't care about local issues? Over-development? School board? Property taxes?

i move around to much to keep up on local issues. for most of my 20's i lived in a different county almost every year. also i typically live in very rural places, and until the past few years i have been a black market grower, so ive either been to cautious to get to know anyone in the community, or in several counties, we simply were not wanted in the community...most of the places ive lived dont even have a "town", just a gas station and post office. pretty hard to become integrated in your community when all you have is a gas station and post office and you are constantly concerned with keeping your entire life concealed from law enforcement.

i have in the past couple years been involved a little bit in cannabis industry issues in mendocino county, but im not registered to vote in mendocino county. since i dont have a proper mailing address and am super disorganized, im registered to vote at my parents address, as is the case for all of my important mail/govt documents. so i dont even live in the county im registered to vote in.

i might re-register to vote in mendo using my PO box, but the cannabis industry is so fluid right now that i have no idea when ill need to move on to another county to either find a new job or escape overbearing regulation. so its possible by the time im able to vote on issues in mendo i care about, i might not even be living there anymore.

i dont really have a community, or anywhere to be local to. i consider myself a resident of the great republic of NorCal.

You can't complain if you don't vote.

should we kill all the jews or kill all the blacks?


ok, we will pick the jews, and since you didnt cast a vote you have no right to complain

kill the what?!

lots of folks are kinda melty on super tuesday.  get yer lavender and camomile tea in today zoners

Because a vote on school budgets is just like a vote to kill the Jews...

of course its not bk, its just an exaggerated example to explain that the idea that those who dont cast a vote between two evils have no right to complain is absurd. of course everyone has the right to complain, and should complain, when something evil is happening without being expected to first be complicit in that evil.

the whole concept of a "swing voter" is absurd imo...who really cant decide between a democrat or republican candidate? the idea that there is this huge swath of people in the center of both parties is silly - there are plenty of centrists within each party, but how many people are really trying to decide between romney/obama or biden/trump? anyone with half a brain has their mind made up.

i am a true swing voter. i typically do not vote, would not answer political polls out of principle, but im very well read on the issues, and if a candidate on either side wants to present a message that is truly anti establishment, populist and anti war, ill be there. thats why im exited for sanders, thats why i was exited about gabbard, and why i considered voting for ron paul. a candidate that presents an honest message in regards to something i care about has the chance to get my vote - it doesnt matter that i disagree with pauls stance on abortion or that he chooses to align with the gop, it doesnt matter that i disagree with tulsis impeachment vote, there are bipartisan populist issues i consider to be bigger and more important than almost anything else, and if a candidate on either side delivers that message, they might get my vote.

regardless of which issues can motivate swing voters, for me its criminal justice/drug policy and foreign policy, biden is not putting forward any new ideas or giving anyone who didnt vote for HRC a reason to be exited to go to the polls. feels like i would be voting for hillary with the addition of a penis and cognitive decline. if you are not already fully on the DNC bandwagon, biden has very little to offer.


believe what you want, I'm sure nobody gives af.

they're gonna do them regardless.


whether you vote or not, I could careless.


No shamey finger here, do you.


We have a total douchebag on our selectboard, and he's up for an uncontested 3 year term. I wrote in Mickey Mouse.

^^ nice




actually i just remembered i did vote in one presidential election..,2012 there was a cannabis legalization thing on the ballot in CA which drove me to the polls. im pretty sure i voted for bob weir for president that year.



Biden would do horrible in the Midwest in a general scale. Ohio and Michigan would go red again. End of story. Add warren it's even worse lol. 

<<Fox News commentator Brit Hume forgot to crop out his tabs before posting a screenshot of a political better website this morning and it couldn’t have been worse timing for him — or for his wife. At the same time that he was closely watching the changes in the betting odds listed on a sketchy-looking website, he was apparently also considering saving 29 percent on a “sexy vixen vinyl set.”




centrists got your james comey endorsement. 


One of the few times I disagree with George.


     James Comey is a traitor and will someday be convicted as such.

which side are you on, folks? 

>> James Comey is a traitor and will someday be convicted as such. <<


Any day now....right Bry?

E Warren FOLD Now o.k.

Is there really any difference between Biden and a republican like mitt Romney? Pretty much the same exact thing. 

>>>>>>Is there really any difference between Biden and a republican like mitt Romney?

To his credit, Biden is pro-choice, but otherwise:

Biden 2020.jpg

Joe was part of the administration that brought us the ACA, I'd call that fundamental change. 

No matter who wins it, since it's now a sin for any republican senator to cross the aisle, the dems would need to seat 60, not likely.  If they don't get 60, and keep the house, progress will crawl. 

We need 60, gotta get 60. 

First polls have just closed.  Vermont and Virginia.

News outlets saying Biden wins Virginia with 0% reporting.

0% reporting.

wow, that means the DNC is trying to steal it?


Hey Ken?

Those "elite" "establishment" Biden voters in South Carolina...were primarily African-American.

You have any African-Americans in Oregon?

Here in Texas, they are what we would call "working-class".

In Oregon, they call them the 2.2%:


>>E Warren FOLD Now o.k.<<

Bunch or Fold?

1 vote for fold 


You have any African-Americans in Oregon?

Here in Texas, they are what we would call "working-class".

In Oregon, they call them the 2.2%"


thats pretty funny

They calling NC for Biden also.  

9FD42DCD-CD9B-474E-B586-24486DE2FB4E.pngWhat a difference a day makes.  Lol, polls.  Sad. Shameful.


Let's go Joe! The wind is behind your back


10E3452F-E416-4FD3-ABF4-9D6CDA57D977.jpegSad. Shameful.

Not looking too good for Bernie, Bro.......but it is looking good for Uncle Joe!

Bloomberg wins American Samoa.


I voted for Joe, I'm pleased.

if Bernie takes Cali and Texas then he's looking pretty good. Bloomberg fucking up delegate count for everybody though.

early returns from my home state are not good for Sanders.  taking Cali was not the forecast just 72 hours ago.  whoopin ass was

all the votes need to be counted before I am sweating for Sanders but the optics are poor right now and that cant be denied 

racket, who do you support? 

Biden is sounding Howard Dean-ish at the moment. yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!

I wonder how Chasten and Jill will get along? 

So what happens to all the Mayor Pete ballots that were cast in early voting?   I also assume some of these places have paper ballots with Pete, Amy, etc. on them and can't imagine they were all reprinted overnight.  Are they counting any votes for the people who dropped out over the past few days? 

Don't know if it would make a difference, just curious.

Joe wins Massachusetts?

Joe spent zero dollars in Massachusetts?

CA called immediately for bernie. 

most delegates, most diverse state. 

TX is next. 

bernie set to hold on to the front runner status. 


Bernie is not getting all 416 delegates in CA.

Brian Williams and Rachel Maddow have great chemistry. 

Some good socialists in California and Texas,  going to distribute them delegates nice and evenly between 3 possibly 4 candidates.  

Didn't read, who won?


The cigar


^the rich white guy.

Perfect comment, racked in the head.

Meant that in a respectful way.

Texas, as expected, went for Biden.

Bernie will do well with delegates in Ca but a pretty bad night for him. Texas was bought and sold a while ago lol. Oil companies own that shit 

We probably need more polls.  Sad.  Shameful.

"bernie set to hold on to the front runner status. "

Another spot-on prediction.  How's that working out for you?


^lol, give it a rest thom. you follow the dem races as closely as you did your king trump, whom you're still too embarrassed to say you support -- you support white nationalism, hows that working out for you? your kids embarrassed to be around you, or did you indoctrinate them so they're little hate bunnies as well? you're trash. 


bernie not doing as well as we thought just 3 days ago is b/c of the massive machine the establishment is. too bad they don't fight the GOP like they fight bernie. shameful. 

it's the biden/bernie race -- warren has to drop out today and help bernie, or she helps biden -- but she's done running this sad campaign. 

shouod be a tie or bernie w/ the slight delegate lead after it's all calculated. 

racket, who do you support? or are you voting trump again? you make fun, but never say who you support -- let's here it. 



Looks like Sleepy Joe has woke up....

yeah, african americans in Texas are all oil company investors.

^ A lot of polls were closed as well to suppress voters. Why is that? It is what it is. Never really thought Bernie would be doing this well. He will likely be very close to Biden in delegates. But the companies who really run the count eh will put who they want in the primary like always. And Biden is who they want.

It is interesting that blacks in Texas voted for Biden when he fully supported the 94' crime bill which was directly responsible for incarcerating hundreds of thousands of blacks. 

< b/c of the massive machine 

Welcome. Lmao

One trait you have a firm grip on - delusion

And kids, what Biden did 25 years ago , yeah that's a great barometer of what he'll do today. Society changes, so does policy. Public opion drives policy and it's changed a lot in 25 years. 


yeah, those lines of black people were not voting for Bernie.

Calling Obama supporters corporate whores? Think about how African Americans feel about that.

Claiming that the working class supports Bernie after South Carolina...well, what would a black voter take away from that...that the only working people who matter are white?


You guys understand that delegate count will be virtually tied right? 

a yet to be mitigated disaster for my guy Sanders last night.  terrible showing and weak

if he is going to be the nominee, Sanders needs to find his mojo fast. 

Michigan is huge.  If Biden wins Michigan, that will be a devastating loss for the Sanders candidacy  


and stop it with the weak ass excuses for why it did not go Bernie's way last night.  all the shit talkers need to man up (including me).  we were over our skies in predicting a super Tues beatdown and that is not because of voter suppression or big money in TX or whatever rationalization you want to give to make yourself feel better about the results.  a loss is a loss.  last night was a bad night and that is because the Sanders movement/revolution did not resonate the way I had figured it would have.  


I voted for Biden yesterday, so did teachers and housewives, and LOTS of African Americans...welcome to the machine.

The machine does not want a revolution, they just want to get rid of that incompetent scumbag Trump.

51% of Blacks under 35 votes for bernie

If you get Biden and he loses to Trump then you'll have nobody to blame but yourself. Welcome to the machine, Mannfred. 

>>If you get Biden and he loses to Trump then you'll have nobody to blame but yourself.

Jesus, enough with the false narrative that "the only one who can beat Trump is Bernie." It's not based on fact. It's just some lame talking point to put others down.

From what I saw, Bernie didn't show well yesterday. First off, he pulled 51% in Vermont, his home state. I think he was over 60% vs Hillary, maybe even 70%. He also didn't out the young voters in the way he said he would, and that he needed to.

The Bernie campaign has a lot of shit to work on. He isn't a shoe-in vs Trump, nor is he more viable than Biden vs Trump. There's no data to back that up. He isn't getting the last minute deciders, over 50% of voters, and it's hurting him.

Can you please stop with the bullshit predictions based on bullshit analysis?

Bernie's not turning them out like he wants.

From USA Today on Wednesday:

Young voters cheer Bernie Sanders' anti-establishment message. They turn out in throngs at his rallies. And they form the core of his grassroots efforts to win the Democratic presidential nomination.

But their fiery passion did not translate into the robust turnout he needed on Super Tuesday to win a number of key states, notably in the South where a strong showing by former vice president Joe Biden has made the nomination contest a two-man race.

Exit polls for five southern states that Biden won – Alabama, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee and Virginia – found that young voters did not show up at the polls in the numbers they did in 2016.

In addition, the Vermont senator has been grabbing a smaller share of them in most cases.

  • In Alabama, only 7% of the voters were in the 17-29 range compared to 14% in 2016. Sanders won six of every 10 of those voters Tuesday compared to four of 10 in 2016.
  • In North Carolina, 13% of Tuesday’s electorate were young voters, compared to 16% four years ago. Of those, 57% went for Sanders in 2020 compared to 69% in 2016.
  • In South Carolina, young voters made up 11% of the electorate Tuesday compared to 15% in 2016. Sanders won 43% of those voters Tuesday compared to 54% four years ago.
  • In Tennessee, 11% of those voters showed up Tuesday versus 15% in 2016. Sanders did better among that group Tuesday winning 65% compared to 61% four years ago.
  • In Virginia, young voters comprised 13% of Tuesday’s vote compared to 16% in 2016. Sanders won 57% of those voters Tuesday compared to 69% four years ago.

Even Sanders’ home state of Vermont showed a lackluster turnout of young millennials and 'Gen Zers.' Only 10% of the state’s electorate were under 30 compared to 15% when he ran against Clinton, according to exit polls.

And a similar trend was playing out in Texas where 16% of voters were between 17 and 29 compared to 20% in 2016. 

The common theme in all six states: Sanders fared worse this year than he did when he faced eventual nominee Hillary Clinton four years ago.

The lackluster showing is sure to fire up the long-standing assessments of election experts who say young voters’ energy rarely matches their turnout on Election Day. It also undercuts Sanders’ argument that he is best suited to defeat President Donald Trump in November.

Sanders would need an extraordinary turnout among young voters to make up for the loss of moderates who would stay away from the polls if he’s the nominee, according to a study by political scientists David Broockman of the University of California-Berkeley and Joshua Kalla of Yale University, who surveyed some 40,000 voters to assess the electability of the Democratic contenders.

Sanders would need an increase of 11 percentage points among voters between 18 and 29 to offset the loss of swing voters, the study concluded.


Bloomberg suspends presidential campaign, endorses Biden

Michael Bloomberg, who spent hundreds of millions of dollars to self-fund his 2020 presidential run, announced Wednesday that he is suspending his campaign after a poor performance on Super Tuesday and will endorse Joe Biden.

>>>>But the companies who really run the count eh

and who would those be? please be specific. thank you. 

The message sent by the voters was clear: Fire Trump.

And, the voters said they think Biden is the best person to do that. All the histrionics about $45M grassroots most organized, teachers and latinos, and women......stop. Democrats think Biden has the best chance to beat Trump. The decision was binary. Ironic that John McCain started this with his thumbs down on the floor of the Senate.

You can't say he bought it, that's for sure. Michigan, Missouri and Mississippi will all go for Biden.

what makes last night more daunting as a Sanders supporter is the fact that Biden did so well with no money/ground game or debate presence what so ever

the voters did not care yesterday.  with the moderate consolidation, Biden's campaign is getting a turbo boost going forward.  Michigan has to be a firewall for Sanders or the race may be over

Biden was key in saving the auto industry, specifically helping GM convert old(smobile) factories to Chevy Volt and hybrid factories. Feel the Bidern.

Biden will win Michigan by a wide margin.

>>>>>Biden did so well with no money/ground game or debate presence what so ever

He didn't need it.   For months, there have been so many hit pieces in mainstream media about how scary Bernie is, how he has no chance of beating Trump, etc.   Plus, he had that well executed coordinated assault in the last few days with all the other candidates (except for Warren ironically) suddenly  dropping out right on cue and backing Biden.  The establishment is afraid of Bernie, which is not surprising considering he is running a grassroots, anti-establishment campaign.    

"The Worst Beating of a Socialist Since Rocky Fought Ivan Drago"

"The biggest setback for socialism since the dissolution of the Soviet Union."

people would rather have a buick than a tesla...


Bernie ain't no Tesla....more like Plymouth Dart.

>>>   For months, there have been so many hit pieces in mainstream media

People who voted for Biden can't think for themselves?

(Were there any negative articles about "senile" Biden during the past few months?)


>>>  The establishment is afraid of Bernie

African Americans are the establishment?



    "Bernie ain't no Tesla....more like Plymouth Dart."

     You're thinking of the Dodge Dart, which was a slightly different version of the Plymouth buddy had one in high school, good times!  :)



     It's hard to believe voters actually walked into a voting booth and chose Biden as the best option to be leader of the free world, that's a bit surreal, serious question...could Joe Biden run a Starbucks?  Seriously, take 30 seconds and imagine Joe Biden managing a Starbucks coffee shop.

I found the exit polls to be very revealing.

To paraphrase: 2/3 want a candidate that will oust trump, yet only 1/3 care that the candidate aligns with their personal 'beliefs'. This cycle isn't about a revolution, it's about firing trump.

Bloomberg's endorsement gonna be bad for Biden in NY. Not very smart. Biden won't win anything in the Midwest on a general scale. That's why I say he will lose to Trump. Not putting anyone down for who they voted for. Just pointing out that there's a good possibility that Trump wins the electoral vs Biden

"You can't say he bought it"

Lol. He didn't have to. Bloomberg bought it for him. And then he had his decoy in Warren. She is really a disgrace. It's very sad to see what happened with her campaign. 


Will be interesting to see who the Obamas endorse.

If they jump on the Biden bus, it's all over now, Bernie Bros.

^ delusionl blame gaming.

Bernie's platform is too far to the left. The middle rejected it yesterday, plain and simple. The middle said we want a candidate that dethrones trump.

>>>>This cycle isn't about a revolution, it's about firing trump.

And here is the White Knight, the champion of the cause, old Fumbling Joe who can barely speak in coherent sentences and generates about as much excitement as watching paint dry.   Right on!    Maybe he can challenge Trump to a pushup contest.

If just a fraction of the Democratic old guard and the mainstream media had actually gotten behind Sanders, instead of pushing the whole socialist boogeyman narrative, he would have the election signed sealed and delivered.     

But hey, "Biden is not Trump."    That approach worked wonders last time.

Biden policy

5b0dafa31ae66245008b4885 (1).jpeg


    I think what we're watching in real-time is a bit unprecedented, my gauge on it is the DNC is intentionally "throwing" the general election by propping up Biden who will be decimated in November, with the rationale being there may [possibly] still be a Democratic Party in 2024...whereas if Bernie were allowed to be the nominee it would be the end of the Democratic Party as we know it, a complete dismantling of the power structure that serves as the meal ticket for the entire cabal.



Bernie Bros sure share a lot of the same "thoughts" as donald.

It would be kind of funny if Mexico started denying entrance to U.S. citizens over the Coronavirus.


On Twitter, Warren staffers also appeared as if they were bracing for the end. Some talked about how “proud” they were of the team, others stoically tweeted: “I am a Warren Democrat.”

Other staffers, who are usually unflappably positive on social media, vented their frustration with sexism, Sanders supporters, and the state of the race.


The campaign's design director was especially dark, writing: “This is a product of a sad drunk brain and a lifetime of sci-fi, but I keep thinking about the Coronavirus and fiction universe in which it turn us all into zombies and a small group of heroes try to go back in time to elect Warren because she was the only one with a plan.”

Biden won't win anything in the Midwest on a general scale.

Biden will win big in the Midwest

Unbelievable that people are pulling the "DNC conspiracy" card. Give me a fucking break! Bernie didn't mobilize voters in the way he needed to. That's on him. 50% went to the polls undecided, and many pulled the trigger for Biden. Neither of these factors have shit to do with with the DNC.

Everyone's looking for an excuse. The fact is, Bernie isn't that appealing to the masses, he was unable to mobilize voters, and for God knows what reasons people decided that Biden was their go-to.




After all these months of guaranteeing a Bernie victory and telling us we are all idiots for not believing you.  Timpane and heater:



gonna be tough for you centrists if biden does actually win, then gets hammered by trump in the general, losing the popular and electoral to the guy. 


but bernie crushing in CA and pretty much tying TX leaves the race up for grabs. 


warren is complete trash and thinks she'll get a biden cabinet position. lol. 


     BrianK, respectfully...nothing happens by coincidence or happenstance at this level, Buttigieg & Klobuchar coordinating their exits on the eve of Super Tuesday, as well as Warren staying in drawing voters from Bernie was most certainly the DNC moving the pieces on the chessboard, no one at the DNC has any illusions that Biden will beat Trump, let that resonate for a few minutes and ask yourself why those decisions were made.

What makes you so fucking sure that Bernie would beat Trump, and also sure that nobody else would?



Give it a rest, Bry. Klobuchar was a non-starter and Pete had zero chance. The chips fell where they did.

The fucking Republicans are playing the DNC conspiracy card...smh.


     I don't think Bernie would beat Trump, but Bernie becoming the standard bearer for the party as its nominee would have the very real potential of the end of the party in and of itself, that's what's being fought for...this is no longer about winning the White House, this is about keeping the Democratic Party intact for 2024 and beyond...again, take 30 seconds and imagine Biden managing a Starbucks coffee shop.

Do you have a problem with their Party self-preservation? It's pretty light compared to the Republican Party self-preservation we see in both houses of Congress. Cocksuckers gave up their power of check and balance for power of the Party. 

gotta keep the status quo alive. 

stay on par w/ the GOP. same masters. same interests. 

bernie isn't going anywhere tho. 

gonna be a fight now. 


     It's a free country, the DNC is free to manipulate the scenario as they see fit, I'm just trying to politely explain what is happening, I don't believe we've ever seen a "thrown" election's a bit surreal, we live in interesting times.

And Wall Street rebounds on the news of Biden's surprise Super Tuesday showing. Whew!   United Health Group up 9%!

pheater... you should just admit you were wrong about nearly everything lol.

Way to cling onto that "shared" victory in TX.

l o l

Hey folks, a rare bit of time now that the school year has begun...

No conspiracy theories necessary. This isn't about whether Bernie mobilized people in the right way or the right amount, it's not about the country backing moderates, it's about two things. Klobuchar and Buttigieg backing out on the night before Super Tuesday, and Warren refusing to do the same. Now, I/we always knew that Klobuchar, Buttigieg and Bloomberg were corporate shills who would bend to the will of the establishment, but Warren is just fucking shameless. There's absolutely no reason for her to continue in the race. She has 12 delegates so far, I believe and is still fund raising. Had she actually been a true progressive she would've swallowed the bitter pill, dropped out and endorsed Bernie. In that scenario Bernie could have taken or at least strongly competed with Biden in Massachusetts, Maine, Minnesota and maybe even Oklahoma. That's a fact. So in all likelihood, there's a 50% or slightly less of democratic voters who DO want a progressive candidate (not to mention progressive independents who aren't registered democrats), but their vote was split between Warren and Bernie. Come the generals, most progressives aren't going to vote for Biden because a) they're tired of the same old corporate war path, and b) Biden is about as exciting as watching grass grow. 

Now, one of two things is going to happen: Bernie is going to tear Biden apart in the debates and Warren will drop out, giving him the extra votes he needs. OR Warren stays in, Biden becomes the candidate and Trump tears Biden to shreds on the debate stage. Trump don't give a fuck about facts or policies. He just cares about using rhetoric to destroy people and he's good at it. Old Joe will be stumbling and crying before even being able to confuse his daughter and his wife again...

So in Zoner logic, if you voted for Warren in the primaries, you voted for Trump. 

Sorry, Warren has 61 delegates, Biden 566 and Bernie 500, according to NPR. Do the math. If Warren had dropped out Bernie would've taken considerably more delegates yesterday and Biden considerably less. This race is far from over and right now only one person is holding Bernie back and that's Warren. And if you don't think that that's a deliberate concerted action done for some nefarious reason that benefits her personally, then I got a bridge to sell you...

I know a lot of folks won't vote for Bernie due to the stock market...  they love his ideals, but can't afford to risk their retirement accounts

As Zappa said; 

"Republicans are fine if you're a multi-millionaire, Democrats are fine if all you own is what you wear"  


I wonder how many repugnican'ts voted in the Democratic primaries yesterday (where allowed)

Trump don't give a fuck about facts or policies. He just cares about using rhetoric to destroy people and he's good at it

And Bernie is a way richer and easier target for Trump in this regard. He'd have tarred and feathered as a "communist" so fast your head would spin.

Maybe Woz, but Bernie can hold his own agains a populist rhetorician on stage. Do you honestly think Biden can?

There's still almost 2,500 delegates left....

Hopefully Hunter Biden does the right thing and dies and spares us 4 years of GOP "investigations" into him. 

>> , it's about two things. Klobuchar and Buttigieg backing out on the night before Super Tuesday, <<

Bloomberg was an equivalent drag on Biden. Plus, Pete and Amy's departure's weren't necessarily well timed for the biggest impact. There were a lot of mail in ballots with votes for Amy, Pete, Yang, Bloomberg etc.

All Biden has to do in the debates with Trump is act like a uniter. A normalizer. Simple.

Maybe Woz, but Bernie can hold his own agains a populist rhetorician on stage. Do you honestly think Biden can?

I don't know how else to say this, but if the voting public bought into Bernie's agenda they would have voted for him, but he has no support in the Black community, young people didn't turn out in droves -- and BTW, the median age in the US is 39 - so this much vaunted youth vote isn't what it was when 40 years ago when the baby boomers were young. The entire case for a viable Bernie candidacy is just a bunch of rhetoric, that was proven yesterday. The path forward is much easier for Biden than Bernie in terms of the remaining states. What is important now is defeating Trump. As long as Joe doesn't keel over on the debate stage and makes a wise choice for VP I don't think it will be hard to beat Trump. Great turnout yesterday indicates people have had enough of the Orangeman.

All Biden has to do in the debates with Trump is act like a uniter. A normalizer. Simple.


How does he unite the working class renters with the middle class homeowners?

How does he unite the working class renters with the middle class homeowners?

Please provide data this is even a meaningful question. Are you suggesting that only homeowners voted for Biden? And you prove this how? Biden cleaned house in the South which in general is an economically distressed area especially compared to California where Bernie did best. Anecdotally this would indicate Biden did very well with the "working class."

I'm a broken record here, but this election is about getting rid of Trump as opposed to being "for" something. At least that's how the primary results and voter behavior seems to me.


Watch Biden get endorsements from former GOP congress members. BBros will say that shows he's a compromised candidate. Meanwhile, the general electorate will vote for him on that.

< Please provide data this is even a meaningful question.


 That's what you get for trying to engage slacker. Your responce is the absolute perfect one for 99.99999 % of the shit he posts

Still L'ingMAO

>> How does he unite the working class renters with the middle class homeowners? <<

He will stop the white renters yelling at the brown renters for speaking spanish on a street corner. Trump has enabled this.

What does race have to do with what I asked?

A middle class homeowner who puts 3% down on a FHA purchase is as much a renter as the renter renting. Except, they're on the hook to fix anything that breaks.

I'm saying more uniting, less dividing. The two groups you mentioned have the same issues with health care, crumbling infrastructure, wage stagnation, etc. Trump has whipped up social division along racial/ethnic lines so there can't any conversations about what people really care about. It's all Us vs Them.


Javs has a point about doing the math, but he forgot about the other side of the equation; Biden+Bloomberg



Biden- 566

Bernie- 501

Warren- 61 


Over 200 still not awarded and many of them are in CA where Bernie leads.

It's over for Bernie. Time to coalesce around Biden and work to help him defeat Orange Mussolini. 

the Supreme Court needs a Democrat in the White House, even if it's not your guy. A solid VP like Castro, Beto, Warren, Abrams, or Kamala will help. 

^Obviously you're not paying attention to reality. The race is very closely contested. Just the bottom line. Not over by a long shot.

I know, blame the DNC for less voters choosing Bernie. It's what all the Bros are doing. And Putin and Trump thank you for your service

Not blaming anyone. Just pointing out the facts of the delegate situation which determines the winner. 

Bernie was rejected yesterday......wake up.

^Doesnt matter what you think. The delegate count is all that matters in the end. You should be smart enough to realize that right? Your state went Bernie btw. And the states that went Biden don't repress USA at all. You trash whore

Ned, you can reject Bernie and try to validate yourself all you want but if Bernie reaches 1991 and Biden doesn't then your validation is worthless. But keep counting your hens before they hatch. 

You're blind dude. The writing is clearly on the wall.

I'm not gloating, simply trying to rip off your rose-colored glasses. It's over.

Bernie might win a handful of very blue states like OR & WA. But he's toast in PA, NY, FL and the mid-west.

It was a nice run and BernieCo deserves credit for what they have done.

You're just don't know how to count. Weird

Bernie wins MI and he's back in the driver seat. 

the Supreme Court needs a Democrat in the White House, even if it's not your guy. A solid VP like Castro, Beto, Warren, Abrams, or Kamala will help. 

^^^ This.

Let's give Ginsburg a break and get a Democratic President in so she can retire. That disgusting ruling today led by Kavanaugh and Gorsuch is revolting, the situation on SCOTUS can't be allowed to get any worse than it already is.


>> You're just don't know how to count. <<

At least I can construct a sentence!

>>>>>Bernie was rejected yesterday

Wouldn't call winning hundreds of delegates and multiple states a "rejection."   He also did much better than Biden with Latinos, who make up the largest segment of POC in this country.

But that's the narrative.   The corporate media and Democratic establishment has been on relentless campaign of fear mongering when it comes to Sanders, despite the fact that his underlying policies are by and large popular and would benefit the working class.   It's also despite the fact that Bernie is generally viewed favorably by Democrats as a whole and frankly is a much more dynamic candidate than Biden.   If all that time and energy spent attempting to tear Sanders down and make people afraid of voting for him was instead spent backing him and his progressive policies, he would have the best chance of any of them to defeat Donald Trump come November.

Why don't the establishment Democrats support Sanders and instead try everything in their power to defeat him?   Because they are beholden to their Wall Street cronies who are scared of him and everything he stands for.

The narrative from Bernie himself 


>Bernie Sanders delivered a striking assessment of his campaign on Wednesday, saying he was “disappointed” with the Super Tuesday results.

“Have we been as successful as I would hope in bringing young people in?” he asked. “The answer is no.”

Here's some simple math:

If 2/3 of Primary voters are concerned with electability rather than policy, and a majority of those voters cast ballots for Biden, then Biden is electable.

Here's a thought 


Biden/Bernie 2020


Unite the party and beat Trump


(and sorry Bros, Bernie gets VP because he's in 2nd)






Biden doesn't represent my interests, and my candidate won't be on the ticket by the time I get to vote in my state. Registered Dem and 99% behind Bernie at this point. Fuck Biden.

>> He will stop the white renters yelling at the brown renters for speaking spanish on a street corner. Trump has enabled this.

Well, as a renter, your classically classist quip sticks out.

Virtue signaling has zero appeal to me. We need systemic change. When it comes to Biden, what is that phrase - "where's the beef?"

>>>>   Why don't the establishment Democrats support Sanders and instead try everything in their power to defeat him?   Because they are beholden to their Wall Street cronies who are scared of him and everything he stands for.


>>>>Biden/Bernie 2020

Would get my vote, but don't see it happening.

What is the betting odds Biden (assuming he is the nominee) picks Kamala Harris?

I vote for those who support my interests on the local and state level. I have no illusions that any president or Vermont congressperson could or should do that. There's a bigger picture at that level.

Biden/Bernie? -  still has a socialist on the ticket, no way

Biden/Booker?    - too Northeastern

Biden/Abrams?  - does anybody know who she is?

Biden/Klobuchar?   ....

Biden/Michelle Obama?   - just for fun

Biden/Tulsi - just for those of you on acid at the moment

Biden/Warren? - two 70+ year olds? 

Biden/Granholm?  - the Michigan Governor just endorsed him.

Biden/Harris - Calfornia is in the bag, so why pick a Californian?

<<^Obviously you're not paying attention to reality. The race is very closely contested. Just the bottom line. Not over by a long shot.

At least ol' heater tucked his tail between his legs and went home, instead of writing more checks his butt can't cash.  

He won't pick Harris.

1. He's got CA.

2. Future AG Harris will be busy prosecuting TrumpCo criminals.

Biden 2020: At Least We're Not the Other Guy

I don't know if I could possibly elucidate how this is, in actuality, a step backwards - even from electing the oligarchical monster currently occupying the Oval Office - for the nation insofar as the executive branch again becoming beholden to establishment interests.

Just awful.

How do you possibly get an electorate excited about this?

"I'll hold my nose and vote for Hilary."

Does this nation's collective consciousness have an etch-a-sketch in place of a frontal lobe?

Yes, call us stupid, that's the way to win hearts and minds.

The Biden voters are part of the establishment? 

Or just too stupid to realize Bernie is the savior?

African Americans are too stupid to know that they should vote for Bernie, right?

Hilary had the same motto. "Vote for me, I'm not Trump." Those who don't understand history are doomed to repeat it, they say. 

Do you really chalk Hillary's lows up to that, and is that the history you're learning from?


Harris is a few years away from being the Senior Senator from CA with her pick of committees'. No way she gives that up for VP 

Looking back on the numbers, I did fail to include Bloomberg in the equation, which would theoretically just about even out Warren-voters' hypothetical contribution to Bernie. Which, nonetheless, does nothing to ease my puzzlement at why she continues in the race. There is no logical reason other than she's looking to win something from it (not a nomination). 

I personally think Biden is a worse candidate than Hillary was. As much as I think Hillary's policies were total unaligned with mine, she had some pretty serious credentials and I think a lot of what cost her the vote was just straight-up sexism. Biden will lose to Trump out of incompetence. Like I said above, Trump will tear him to pieces on the debate stage. Mannfred above suggested that he "act as a uniter", or someone did, and I find this statement telling for a couple of reasons. First, the word 'act' makes it clear that that is what he would be doing - acting. He's not genuinely a uniter and his track record shows he clearly has more in common with corporate repubs and center-right corporate dems than any kind of progressive policy that could actually help the lower class. Second, he's totally incapable of keeping cool under pressure. Trump will needle him until he cracks and gets pissed off, at which point he'll start shouting and stuttering incoherently at which point Trump will move in for the kill and humiliate him like a schoolyard bully in front of the nation and the world. 

I agree with Ateix. Biden is a step backwards, in some ways even more so than another Trump term, because basically it'll just solidify the rhetoric that you should always vote for the lesser of two evils, which at the end of the day, just means vote for the same corporate whore mongers that have always been in power. Oh well. 

And to those who think otherwise, Bernie still does have a chance, statistically speaking. He hasn't been defeated, not even close. I agree that his chances are looking SLIMMER after yesterday, but by no means is the game over. I hope still he wins and brings some sanity to the US and by default to the world, but unfortunately, I've said since a long time ago that the Dems are going to make the classic decision of choosing the corporate candidate and therefore lose to Trump. If one were paranoid, it would almost seem like that's what they want - after all, stock market is up, right? The Trump economy has been good to those with vested interests in corporations...which, you know, is all the 'moderate' dems, ie: the center-right.

2020-03-04 21.19.01.jpg

Cool Venn diagram.

^Learning from past mistakes is a fundamental part of life and history shows that we don't learn well from past historical mistakes. We will see if we have learned or not soon enough. Trump is stronger than he ever has been and he will be extremely difficult to beat. Be prepared 

ned's daddy told him who to to vote for. 

ned's a fucking moron. lol. 

did somebody say bernie should drop out? bwahahahahahha. 

Bartender, we'll take a bud light....

10 years in the making, the $300 million voting machines in LA County failed miserably yesterday.  More tax payer waste.  Keep voting for these idiots that just want your money.

interesting article about the company that failed to build working “voting machines”

<<did somebody say bernie should drop out? bwahahahahahha. 

This will be a good quote to save and pull back out soon. 

bernie will likely be in first place after all the delegates are accounted for. 

bernie won all but 4 counties in CA. damn. 

wasn't a great night, but the establishment has fools like ned and jr thinking senile biden will beat trump. haha, you fucking guys. say it out loud then just think for a minute. 

trump is already trashing biden for not knowing what year it is. 

warren's gonna drop out and endorse. will help a bit. 


and btw -- kinda sad yall are cheering against somebody just trying to get americans honest healthcare. 

says a lot about you imo. 

Pyramid, there's no use trying to explain how the delegates work in this thread. Counting  and math is too hard for some folks here.

weird steve, do you understand there is an establishment? 

they actually exist, and their coordinated effort to sink bernie is also real. whether you like bernie or not, that is fact. 

just like it's fact that biden fought to decrease SS benefits. 

supporter of  nafta (rust belt, people). 

thinks cannabis is a gateway drug. 

voted for the iraq war that killed thousands of americans and millions of iraqis. 


patriot act 

war in afghanistan 

repeal of glass-steagall 

biden is leading trump by less than hrc at this point in 2016. 

he's loterally the worst centrists to run, and will get trounced by the trash monsters president we have. 

very risky. all those southern states he loses to trump. 

the rust belt should be a good showing for bernie, they hate corporate biden. 


also over 200 delegates to be accounted for from CA, w/ bernie only down by a few. 


We need polls!

racket, who do you support? 

>(S) New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who has endorsed Senator Bernie Sanders, said she would back Joe Biden if he wins the nomination and wants others to do the same regardless of who wins.

Ya, I AM the establishment.

Me and all my African-American homies.



>>>  just like it's fact that biden fought to decrease SS benefits.


I support pizza delivery drivers that live in their cousins basement.