Supreme Court...



A couple of recent decisions...


Certain CBP agents can exercise broad authority to make warrantless arrests and search vehicles up to 100 miles away from the border






The Supreme Court just condemned a man to die despite strong evidence he’s innocent


The Court effectively overruled two of its previous decisions, and it is likely an innocent man will die as a result



And of course the Roe v Wade decision is coming. 





It's Friday mutherfucker, lighten up


Fuck off, Ras


GFY, what can we beeeeeotch about now

And have a nice Friday

Children get killed and no republican will lift a finger, just the threat of someone outside of a Supreme Court Justice's home and McConnell wants immediate action to protect the now sacred cow 


>what can we beeeeeotch about now<


Innocent people being executed, the fact that my home and vehicles can be searched without warrant, stripping women of their bodily autonomy.


Bury your head in the sand and fuck off.



>what can we beeeeeotch about now<


To be clear,  i posted these decisions without comment, no complaining. 


But even a Rashole understands these are not positive outcomes. 


Bill Clinton made some poor decisions. 


^another irrelevant and inane comment from Slack 


How much has your party spent trying to get all that they want? 

Cue up Chelsea Clinton wedding pic....

Cue up all your party's foibles and change them before running and losing again. Quit blaming voters. My vote my right. 

I've been wary of the "100-mile rule" for a long time now ... ever since my cousin got detained and busted about 10 years ago for possession of a small amount of weed in either southern NM or AZ (can't remember which one) on route to an event he was working.   It was an "immigration checkpoint" and they walked dogs around his rig and sent him to "secondary" whereby they found his stash and turned him over to the local Sheriff for legal proceedings.

I've kept this in mind all along.   Most recently, it came into play in deciding which route to take on a road trip from CO to southern FL over winter break.  I wanted to check out south Texas and the weather was also more conducive to camping, but opted to stay above the "100 mile" line.

a zoner was popped like your cousin for the same thing face...

nothing like those freedom loving conservatives to keep us all safe and protect the contsitiution....

Saw where someone said "Instead of spending all that $$$ on security measures for the supremes, just give 'em guns. They're no better than teachers." 


>Cue up all your party's foibles and change them before running and losing again. Quit blaming voters. My vote my right. <


I am registered Democrat in order to vote in primary elections. I do not provide financial support, i do not canvas, nor do i campaign for any politician. I primarily vote for democrats because they are preferable to the alternative. The lesser of two evils. 

I don't give a fuck who you vote for in state and local elections, however,  presidential elections are different because of the power to appoint judges


Arguing that both parties are the same is astonishingly ignorant. 


Arguing that voting for the lesser of two evils is still voting for evil, is not only self righteous, it also increases the chances that the greater evil will prevail. 


The above decisions illustrate the results of the greater evil prevailing. 


It is absolutely your right to cast your vote as you want, but i will blame voters for their ignorance and their myopic self righteousness. 


>Quit blaming voters.


slacker knows that voters decide elections. he just can't quit his troll act

My electoral votes went to Hillary. 


How did I blow it it for you? If you can't seriously answer this then you are just trolling me. 


^^you posted in my thread, an OP that listed recent Supreme Court decisions, i did not mention anything about voting or elections. You posted a red herring (sealion?) unrelated to the OP. I wasn't trolling you, i didn't mention you. 



I submit that perpetuating the lie that both parties are the same allows voters to rationalize a vote for Republican candidate. the lesser of two evils argument helps people rationalize not voting, thus increasing the odds the greater evil prevails. 



>>>>> but opted to stay above the "100 mile" line.

I've always lived within the 100 mile line. Wouldn't live anywhere else.

Hasn't hurt me none yet, but yeah, the ruling sucks big time.



The Supreme Court Just Forced Maine to Fund Religious Education. It Won’t Stop There.


Chief Justice John Roberts’ opinion has the potential to dismantle secular public education in the United States


The upshot of Chief Justice John Roberts’ opinion for the court is that states have no compelling interest in providing public, secular education to children. Indeed, Roberts suggests that the very concept of secular schooling is a smokescreen for “discrimination against religion”—a pretext for unconstitutional animus toward pious Americans. His opinion reaches far beyond Maine. About 37 states have amendments to their constitutions that bar government funding of religious institutions, including schools. Carson essentially invalidates those laws while undermining the broader constitutional basis for the nation’s public school system.

Roberts reached this astonishing result by overruling broad swaths of precedent respecting states’ authority to separate church and state more strictly than the U.S. Constitution requires. The court previously upheld states’ interest in avoiding the “establishment” of religion by refusing to underwrite the indoctrination of students into a particular faith. No longer. Roberts condemned Maine’s efforts to guard against religious establishment as nothing more than “discrimination against religion”—an effort to “exclude some members of the community” from public benefits “because of their religious exercise.” He also overruled a line of cases that let the government withhold funding on the basis of religious use (like indoctrination) but not religious status (like affiliation with a church). That distinction, he wrote, “lacks a meaningful application not only in theory, but in practice as well,”


I was reading the other day that Roberts might have a compromise that wouldn't gut Roe v. Wade at the federal level, but would give the states the ability to outlaw abortion themselves.

Why do the homeowners of America keep supporting conservatives? 


You should commission a survey, Slack


Louisiana governor signs abortion bills imposing criminal penalties on providers

There are no exceptions for abortions performed in cases of rape or incest


Louisiana Gov. John Bel Edwards signed two abortion bills into law Tuesday that ban most abortions in the state and criminalize providers who perform the procedure.


One of the bills strengthens a 2006 trigger law on the books in Louisiana that would go into effect if the Supreme Court overturns Roe v. Wade, which it appears poised to do this summer based on a leaked draft opinion from the court

Previously, abortion providers faced prison terms of one to five years and fines between $5,000 and $50,000. The new law increases these penalties to prison terms of one to 10 years and fines between $10,000 and $100,000.


Slacker, shut it already.

Some of these Fucks don't even understand that we are at least supposed to have a secular govt.


Christofascism is right around the corner, StawBub, expanding the court really is a necessity. 


I hear ya and have said my piece but also fully realize that we are on shakey ground. The hair stands up on the back of my neck every single time any/every U.S. President says, "...and gad bless the United States of America."

The US is 22% Catholic, yet 78% (7/9) of the Supreme Court is Catholic.

The other 2 are Jewish.



>The hair stands up on the back of my neck every single time any/every U.S. President says, "...and gad bless the United States of America<



You from New England?

Maybe Wisconsin?


Homeowners like church and the sense of community it gives them. Everybody sees everybody weekly and discusses how to get rid of the undesirable people hurting value. 

Nope. I didn't want to type the word and force people to read it. I don't give a Fuck (I don't mind forcing people to read that, ya know, free speech and all...and I'm proudly from Chicago) if the whole country is catholic. The govt is not supposed to reflect or convey any of that.



My next guess.


 >... if the whole country is catholic. The govt is not supposed to reflect or convey any of that.<


The Republican Party seems to disagree. 


 >Everybody sees everybody weekly and discusses how to get rid of the undesirable people hurting value<


You're confusing church with city council meetings, zoning boards, etc


In an ironic twist, a Florida synagogue is challenging Florida's abortion law, saying that it violates religious freedom. Judaism says that there must be an abortion to save the physical and/or mental wellbeing of the mother, and the 15 week ban infringes on that.

When this gets to the higher courts, it'll really tell us what's up. Will SCOTUS vote to put the beliefs of one religion over the other?

I saw that and am watching it too. I am glad that we have a diverse country that bubbles up against shit like this.

....and, yes, Chicago is in IL. My grandparents (Mom's side) were WI natives (...down the line from The Mayflower) who came down for better opportunities in the later 1930's  (my Mom is FORVER grateful for that) and Germany/Austria on my Dad's side. My paternal Grandmother got in a fight with her Mom, wrote to her Uncle (who was already in Chicago) for a ticket out and she steamered across the Atlantic at 17 years of age. I come by 'the fire' naturally.

>Why do the homeowners of America keep supporting conservatives? <



^Republicans capped my SALT deduction.


oh that's because you're not wealthy enough.

if you make just enough not to be a pauper, then you pay up.

^Red revolt against Blue areas in the name of "fiscal conservatism".....while the other hand lurches in the other direction via 2017 Tax Law.

Slack, you can fight back by moving to one of the many interior places of interior states where housing is dick cheap for good reason.


>Red revolt against Blue areas in the name of "fiscal conservatism".....while the other hand lurches in the other direction via 2017 Tax Law<


You got that right 


Who would do the labor for blue California? 

Not your concern if you can't swing it. Anyone could be fkn stupid like you and go to the finest restaurant they could find in SF and bitch that everything is so pricey.

I'm stupid for living in California. Got it. 


This is the haveszone. Have nots not allowed. 

You seem stupid because you make the same stupid, non-compelling points here. I also live in CA as do the obviously many other people. Try to play 'victim' elsewhere because, again, you seem too stupid to realize that it isn't working here.

Might be a good time to expand the court aka before midterms....


^don't have the votes to overcome or to eliminate the filibuster. 


Luckily this guy is running for U.S. Senate and may be able to help sort out whatever whattup and stuff er whatever.

"Herschel Walker Says There Are 52 States"

No more Miranda rights and no restrictions on where you can carry your guns. 


New Yorkers now don't need to show special circumstances to get a permit to carry firearms outside the home:

>>>>no restrictions on where you can carry your guns. 

Didn't go that far.   The court stated that the ruling does not effect historic restrictions on carrying guns in schools and public buildings.   The new standard for determining when a gun control regulation is valid is as follows:  

"When the Second Amendment’s plain text covers an individual’s conduct, the Constitution presumptively protects that conduct. The government must then justify its regulation by demonstrating that it is consistent with the Nation’s historical tradition of firearm regulation. Only then may a court conclude that the individual’s conduct falls outside the Second Amendment’s “unqualified command.”

In determining that New York's restrictive prohibitions against carrying firearms outside the home was "not consistent with the Nation's historical tradition of firearm regulation," the court examined historic restrictions on carrying weapons in public going back to medieval England.  The court noted that in medieval England, there were restrictions on going around carrying long lances but most everyone carried a dagger or knife.

NY is now going to be open carry, this pisses me off. What happened to states rights, f-k Mitch and the nra. Screw the federalist group and their judges.

This is bullshit, let kavanaugh carry a gun to protect himself. 

Referencing medieval England sets 'em up for the  impending abortion law change. Good Times. Fuck this shit.

Regardless of what happens with the January 6 hearings, Trump won.

>>No more Miranda rights and no restrictions on where you can carry your guns. <<

it's not "no more" Miranda rights. It's - an individual doesn't have standing to sue a cop in their personal capacity in civil court for damages resulting from not having been mirandized. 

I honestly don't see how this changes much in reality on the playing field.

You still never resist an arrest, you still never talk to cops except through an attorney, and you probably also still won't beat one in a personal suit in federal court. 

Boy, it sure is a good thing that, according to Mitch, "we don't have Liberal or Conservative judges - we just have judges."

Screen Shot 2022-06-23 at 10.28.58 AM.png


It is starting to feel like the Reagan years all over again

<< trump won


Fuck this court

And it'll take more than a few generations to right this mess,, long after I'm gone. I wonder if the country can survive that long ? 

This is what the 2016 election was all about. Sadly too many people didn't notice or care

Time to pop some popcorn. that all ya got, Racket? Enjoy your snax

It is starting to feel like the Reagan years all over again


way worse.


>This is what the 2016 election was all about. Sadly too many people didn't notice or care<


Both side are the same. The lesser of two evils is still evil.

What's so terrible about a living in a Christofascist Theocracy?


It's on the states now....

That worked so well for slavery 

SCOTUS overturns Roe v. Wade - Pelosi speaking now. Check yer news outlet.

With the SC ending abortion protections yesterday while also expanding gun ownership rights, I figure there should be no big changes in population.

For all the extra kids being born, there'll be that many more guns available to end their existence.

C'mon say it with me now,, Good Job Boomers

Not sure why you have to resort to ageism to make your point.

Besides being evil, it does not reflect well upon you and detracts from your position.

But, hey, you do you.

Really ? You don't know why ?  

Well it's no wonder you have no comment on the subject matter., yer a slow.

Ras, go preach to the actual choir at your church and don't forget to put some cash into the silver platter as long as you're there.

Beloved, let us love one another...




Evil triumphs whenever the pews are full at a Catholic Church. 


Pews these days be pretty empty from what I hear laddy. Evil is everywhere.

Bro I hate to say this but we can't have a meaningful discussion about my man Christ because there just isn't a person on this list who understands anything thing about Him. You are all Jesus illiterate, and that's a shame. You think the Catholic church is Christ 101 ? I'll be the first to tell you it's not. I haven't been inside a church in decades, besides yer basic weddings and funerals. I know many of you try to paint a picture of me, but I have to just laugh you all off. You have no fucking clue about my connection, and you don't care to ask. You just make stuuuupid fucking comments to me that do nothing but bolster your ignorance. But anytime any of you want to tear down your walls and have meaningful rap, I'm yer huckleberry.

I didn't need a priest or rabbi to preach to me man, there's been way too many things that have happened to me in my life to firm my beliefs. Too many messages in the music.  Of course your mileage may vary.


I could not see for the fog in my eyes
I could not feel for the fear in my life
And from across the great divide
In the distance I saw a light
Jean Baptiste walking to me with the Maker

It is true that conversing with Racist Ras tends to increase one's ignorance.


>You just make stuuuupid fucking comments to me that do nothing but bolster your ignorance<


You addressed me first, asshole, eleven minutes after the OP.  I'd be happy not engaging with you, so fuck off, and don't post anything directed to me.


Not just the Catholic Church,  don't forget the Southern Baptist Convention, and even that wholesome Christian organization, the Boy Scouts, is loaded with pedophiles.

Again,  I could go on




Ateix, one must consider the recipient when encoding a message. 


Speaking of religion and the Supreme Court, a public school must now permit a school official to kneel, bow his head, and say a prayer at the center of a school event.   

The march towards a Christo-Fascist state continues. 


^ march towards a Christo-Fascist state continues


That's the crust of Ras's objection, he stated this has nothing to do with Christ, completely ignoring all the God* talk coming from the fascists.




*Strawbud, I know your previously posted opinion on the capitalization on the word God, but consider this...



God Fearing Agnostic


At the airport, they asked, "Mr. Chandler, what is your final destination?"


I answered, "Well, heaven I hope."




And I do. Really. I am no atheist, my friend.


I am a God fearing Agnostic.


Though, I do think the world was a safer place

when religion was the opiate of the masses

instead of the amphetamine.


But don’t worry,

I’m not going to get all fundamentalist on you.

I don’t like fundamentalists of any kind – including atheists.


Them fundamentalist atheists, they done wanna capitalize the word God. I'm like, "Why not? Ya capitalize Huckleberry Finn don't ya?"


And then they wanna take "One Nation under God" out of the pledge of allegiance. I don't have a problem with the phrase, " One Nation under God."


What I have a problem with is…

...people pledging allegiance.


What does " One nation under God " mean anyway? What does that make Australia? Are they more under God than we are? Is Canada "One nation on top of God?" Or is God all around us? Perhaps we should be, "One nation in the center of God?"


Personally, I think we should be one nation getting over God.



She's 50.  Could be four more decades of this.

Remulac may be a better option.


Okay then...


Just throw down a Muslim prayer blanket and see what happens..

Flying Spaghetti Monster or STFU.

Damn. I'd buy you lunch and a couple rounds just for that one alone, Bro.



Contrary to everything we were taught in school and life, apparently it does pay off to sleep through work (yes, I am talking to you, Clarence Thomas, which was in fact the case until very recently when he so mightily emerged from that decades long slumber).

I am not too sure where to "file" this one but this idiot from a western CO district just handily fought off a fairly stiff primary attempt...AFTER making this statement.

Boebert says she is ‘tired’ of separation between church and state: ‘The church is supposed to direct the government’


^File under Christofascism. 


Trashy people are sick of voting for people who serve their best interests, but they don't relate to. They now vote for other pieces of trash, who don't give a shit about them.

BREAKING: Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer will officially retire on Thursday, elevating Ketanji Brown Jackson to be sworn in and to start making decisions.


^doesn't change things, unfortunately. 


This is the Alito, Thomas, Kavanaugh, Gorsuch, Barrett court.



^True dat...aside from the historical and 'bout time factor.



The hits keep coming. 


What you need to know about the Supreme Court’s EPA case

In a major blow to averting catastrophic climate change, the high court gutted the EPA’s ability to regulate greenhouse gas emissions from power plants


This one just might seal our transformation to a Christofascist Theocracy...


How the Supreme Court could radically reshape elections for president and Congress


Depending on how broadly the Supreme Court rules in the North Carolina redistricting case, Amar says support for the theory by the court could affect the 2024 presidential election. States with Republican-controlled legislatures could see it as an invitation to set new election rules that take power away from voters when picking electors for the Electoral College or to make state lawmakers, not courts, the judges in disputes after the election



They rule next year on whether State Legislatures have the final say in all matters regarding elections in their states without any over site. That will mean State Legislatures will be able to decide who won all elections in their state. This will 100% lead to civil war.


^that case is the focus of the NPR article 


This Supreme Court is a fucking joke. 1/3 of them don't even belong on a park bench. One belongs in a looney bin. Two are major white anti women macho white men elitists.  Chief Justice has no control. Not what our forefathers envisioned. Sad state of affairs in our country today. Feel bad for my children and grandchildren. It'll take generations to change. If the planet even has that long. Hopefully I'll be with Jerry and Pig in 20 if I'm blessed enough to last that long. 

State's rights as long as it isn't female reproductive issues or gay life. How do libertarians feel about women's rights?

Rob Brezsny on Facebook:


Didn't vote in 2000, or decided that Earth-in-the-Balance Al Gore wasn't green enough?

Two Supreme Court justices picked by Bush.

Didn't vote in the 2010 or 2014 midterms? Threw the Senate to the Republicans so they could steal Scalia's seat.

Didn't vote in 2016, or just didn't like corporate Hillary and her emails?

Three more Supreme Court seats to the Republicans.

Now the Supreme Court is putting a Christian Fascist Theocracy in place and does what the coal industry wants.

We had many, many chances to stop this.

The evidence is overwhelming: Voting is actually a matter of life and death.

/\ so dramatic. /\


Regarding Carson v. Makin

The other shoe is dropping...


School's out forever: Arizona moves "to kill public education" with new universal voucher law

Families who bail on public school will get $7,000 per kid in GOP's new scheme: "Every red state" urged to follow


Supreme Court ends on a low note: Why we should now be more frightened for their next term