surprising and depressing American export


Have been in Switzerland and India this week and have been surprised to see - in countries that do not celebrate Thanksgiving - Black Friday Sales everywhere. 

India is a Hindu country that also does not celebrate Christmas



I thought this was a "made in America " and banned for use in America pesticide thread. 

donster it's funny, Here in France Black friday started a week before thanksgiving ... and is still going are we friday yet?

donster it's funny, Here in France Black friday started a week before thanksgiving ... and is still going are we friday yet?

This is not too surprising, considering the US has already successfully exported its toxic ideals of beauty and it's killer Western diet to the rest of the world. A commerce holiday seems like a logical extension of the homogenization trend. As Mel Brooks might say, It's good to be the hegemon.


"Black" in Black Friday ... referring to the calendar or the soul?