swawell duped by ccp spy




pelosi doesn't care though.  She wants him to remain on the House Intelligence Committee with the closed door secretive meetings

Nothing to see here though LOL. ..but who snitched?

...it's more important to find the leak to protect/cover our president elect

If it sheds china in a bad llight it doesn't get reported

You're no different, you only report or copy paste things that fit your agenda so why not work on leading by the example you wish to see

your loser president is compromised.

Do you re-read Tom Clancy books, Greg?

g-reg, has it occurred to you that you might have been duped too? And how would you know?

This is a drain bramaged thread.  Wake up Greg.  


hahahahahahaha. it's gregulator again!

You're no different fish.

So how would you know that you've been duped, g-reg?

13-Point Lightning Dolt

I don't even know what the OP means, nor do I care.

You know it's big news when Fox & Friends breaks the story

Fox & Friends is going to have to find a new audience once their audience-of-one leaves town.

gag you later


go on an extended vacation


( like your common sense already has)



Yes! Gregulator! Yes!

So the Chinese sent a hot female secret agent named Fang to the US to get close to politicians.   The CIA caught on, warned Swalwell who immediately cut off ties, and Fang fled the country in 2015.  Sounds like the same type of spy shit that has been going on for ages.   If the spy left in 2015, why is this an issue now?  

Seawall Spied by Dope Cop.

Swalwell worked on the impeachment.  That's when this first (re)surfaced..


Swawell the dupee. He got got.

Kinda like you. Duped. Except he may have gotten some action out of it..

>   If the spy left in 2015, why is this an issue now?



because the idiots who support Trump and Trump himself don't want to address the Russian Hack.

sure, Trump gave Putin permission - and maybe even the passcodes, but whatabout Swalwell?!!!

Swawell had contact with the foreign asset for 2 years, as did many others (because, you know, that's what foreign assets do). As soon as he suspected malfeasance he contacted the FBI.. The spy ran and has been gone for 5+ years. An investigation showed that no secrets were given to the spy, nor did Swawell accept campaign donations from her. There is absolutely no story.

I'd like to thank Greg for bringing to light the petty, vindictive and downright fallacious lies that are so easily spread amongst the dumbass motherfuckers out there. They cried "fake news" for 4 years, while the whole time being shuills for the real fake news.


(Apologies to George Clinton)


this guy. What a dupe. 

Looks like you might be on the brink of some self-awareness there, g-reg.