Tahoe Snow


Just a tiny bit of snow in last few days...Photo sequence:  Yesterday - Today 









WOW!  I read that Yosemite had to close the park -- 15 ft of new snow in the valley -- the tent cabins are covered! 

That grill looks like an egg dipped in tar.

Fresh powder must make for great times on the slopes if you can get there.

Andy, your BBQ looks like some sort of alien EGG in photo number 2. <edit> I just read Dave's post LOL!

Marge Simpson's hair.  Ha-ha!


white room baby



One building in South Lake has collapsed, and more snow on the way for the weekend.


Also about a 25% chance of a warm AR storm later next week which is the nightmare scenario for Sacramento. Warm rain on top of all the snow will turn Sacramento into another New Orleans after Katrina. 




It snowed in LA today, at sea level.


My kid is living in employee housing and working at Kirkwood this season. The storm was reported to be dropping an inch an hour for 3 days straight.

They have received 514 inches of snow so far this year!

The roads in and out were closed for multiple days, so only the imbedded and stranded were there. 

Wow kid, what a great experience. Wish I was there with ya!

> It snowed in LA today, at sea level.

We got about another foot yesterday 75 miles north of LA. That makes about 3 feet of snow in the last week, but where we really got lucky is last Friday when the snow turned to rain overnight. If not for that rain, we would have about 4-5 feet on the ground.