Take a Husky Shoppe-ing...


So the Hüsky really enjoys going in retail outlets (especially when it is Raining).

Of course, PetSmart, PetCo & PetValu welcome your well-behaved, leashed Dawg.

But he is already bored of those. The pet stores run all out of Hamsters & Gerbils after X-Mas.

 Home Despot and Lowe's also allow Dawgs. He gets a kick out of the big-box hardware stores. The lumber aisles are especially fascinating (OMG check out these really big Sticks I can chew !!)

You might be surprised of some of the stores which also allow Dawgs. "Ross Dress For Less" is one. He digs it there because the demographic is Highly Chick-oriented. They approach the Hound and pet his fluffy coat.

"Big Lots" is Dawg-Friendly as well. You have to be careful in the snack-food aisles.

Just for Fun, I brought H.I.M. to "Bed Bath & Beyond" the other day. No one complained, but he prefers the larger Boulevards of Home Despot.

Believe it or Not, "Pottery Barn" encourages Dawgs. We have not been, but I imagine that he could easily cost me a small fortune paying for destroyed China-ware at tail level.

So, what is "beyond" , anyway?

Beyond is the kitchen.

Take a dog to the store and he will shop for a day,

Teach him how to use a credit card and he will shop forever...

Lowes is dog friendly.  

lolol trailhead

in key west dogs are welcomed just about everywhere, because they'd rather not see doggys left in cars

To infinity and .....the kitchen???




Ya, i guess beyond DOES sound better

About the "Beyond" aspect -- the BBB actually has some high-quality kitchen stuff at decent prices, if you're looking for Henckels, Wusthof cutlery or that type of stuff.

Dawg likes the place because all the Wimmen are shoppe-ing there and pet his fluffy coat.

You can get great shower-heads there, but not actual plumbing stuff to connect them.