Take A Load Off


Wow never knew this story about The Weight, Sundown, John Belushi, and Cathy Smith.


Good read. That story really covers a lot of ground.

Thank you.  I'll never listen to it the same way.  

Fantastic read. More trivia for conversation. Thanks El Nino.

Loved the story El Nino.

My New Paltz buddy was Levon's body man/driver and Road Manager for the post Robbie The Band. The women in the song were real people that Levon knew and grew up with in Texarcana.

He called "total bullshit" on the article.

I interviewed Butch Dener for New Paltz Public Access TV - he talks about Levon's Arkansas peeps starting at 5:30 in this vid; https://vimeo.com/manage/videos/100000510