Tangled Up In Blue-Question


Been revisiting this song lately, and still finding amazing things about it.

Just occurred to me, so he reunites with his lover from the topless place, has the smoke, the poems, etc.

Then leaves. and the last verse says "So now I'm going back again, I got to get to her somehow"

But if he was with her after the topless place, why did he leave again? He has been thinking about her for years, accidentally found her, and then left again? Why???

Yes I am reading too much into this!

And who exactly did he live with on montague street?

and what did the bottom actually fall out of?

What was the blue that entangled him?





After the topless place encounter the narrator "lived with them" (the woman and her man) on Montague street until "he" started "dealing with slaves" and the whole thing collapsed and the narrator left...

("The only thing I knew how to do
Was to keep on keepin’ on like a bird that flew").

Now he wants back in.

ok then. I never asssumed that the couple he was living with was his old girlfriend and her man. That seems odd. Also never assumed the topless place was in NY, which is were it would have to be if they were all then living on Montague St, right? All interesting theories!


"What was the blue that entangled him?"

sorrow over losing his girl


Love how Bob has switched this song from 1st to 3rd person in lots of live versions over the years; he obviously wrote 2 different versions. Sometimes he slips between the to when live.

I think Zooey's interpretation of the album version is spot on.


Love this thread.

>>>>> Sometimes he slips between the two when live.

Also in the studio version on BOTT.

Over time, Dylan has revealed more of the story: https://glyphobet.net/strthrwr/bob/18-01.html

Where is this Flamingo Club?

I never thought the girl in the topless place was the girl who he split up with on the docks. He did live with her/them and they started dealing drugs and got busted. That's when he decided to go find the women on the docks again. 

"glowed like burning coals"


My home Towne Montague Ca. near Weed and Yreka.

I've thought before that each of the seven verses could be a story on its own. We're only getting a little bit of each of the seven stories. Thinking of it structurally that way eliminates the need for narrative links between verses. The links are, then, thematic.

Interesting, Hurts Me Too. I always thought of the story as a long narrative arc, with him at the center. Perhaps I will look at it differently now.


Is basement down the stairs redundant?

My buddy and I gave this one a go the "jelly" before last ("We don't have enough substance to jam.").  We very likely got some verses out of order.

Zone note:  I learned this song from Shakin' Nagan & Who Knows?



 Don't Think Twice took less of a beating this past Saturday.smiley


One of my all time favorite songs it has a Wiki page w info 



HurtsMeToo just BlewMyMind. Seven different narratives. Why didn't I think of that!