Is this on? tap...tap


hello fellow zoners!~

long time...glad to peek back into this community

how's everyone doing?

so sad to hear about 4winds, she was one of the first zoners I interacted with here back in the day


may the four winds blow you home again, sweet princess

Glad you made it.

what's up jug? hope you are well.

Holy smokes, it's Juggy! How are you, and more importantly, how is Peanut?

Wow, the classics keep dropping in.

That's a good thing... for a bad reason.

Without Phil & his various bandmate choices to rile folks up it's pretty quiet around here, unless you want to bicker about neo-democrats and whether Bernie can save the world, masks or no masks, how much is a fair price for pizza and is it good or bad to be over 50. There are also a couple of political trolls that are pretty active.

As for Phil, after a long break because of back surgery he was looking energized and sounding damn good at the warmup shows he was playing at TxR about a year ago now, leading up to what would likely have been some really good shows back east in March for his 80th birthday.

Viva isn't the roiling, stormy ocean it was in the Philzone's heyday, but the black screen is still active and it's still a good place to drop in & pass some time.

A nice thing to come from 4Winds passing would be for some of the old zoner greats to join the conversation again.

howdy Turtle...all well here how are you?

BK--how's it going?

Kids are well, getting bigger by the day.


Where's Nick?

Agreed, I really miss you all. Those early zone years and all the gatherings and meet ups at shows. Such good times. 

" much is a fair price for pizza and is it good or bad... ??"

So in Jerseyland,  where decent~enough Pizza grows,  "Plain Cheese Slice" is two bucks and change,  but often Lunch special is 2 for 5 with free Soda.

Slices with specialty toppings might run about 3 bucks and change.  You can get a BBQ Chicken slice in some Pizzerias,  or the more normal Mushroom / Olive.  Anything in between.

Many Pizzerias have ten different Pies w/ special toppings on display,  for the Slice walk-in customers. My favorite local has a plain Pie or two for sale by slice,  but they are oriented toward "Take-Out" orders or Sit-Down Fine Dining at about 50 bucks per Diner w/ Appetizers, Entree, Salad.

Also,  Hello Jug !!  Hope you and Family are very Well.  Sorry you don't have Jerseyland-grade Pizza out there in Syracuse :(