Thank You, Veterans.


Thank you for your service to our country. 

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I was in my car listening to the 12-9-89 Birdsong at exactly 11:11 11/11


Thank you veterans for your service.  


Thanks to my grandfather and all the other veterans. 

Too bad the memory of their service is being shit on today...

^^ I seem to remember you saying the exact same thing last year, and possibly the year before that too.

At the very least Biden will show the proper respect that everyone in uniform, from career brass to foot soldier deserves.

>>>>at the very least Biden will show the proper respect that everyone in uniform,

Hopefully, he will show them respect by not sending them off to die in some pointless war that only benefits big oil and arms manufacturers. 

Thank you for your service veterans, but I wish we lived in a world where you never had to serve.