They GrÖ öw Up So Fast...


That Hüsky of mine is quickly maturing into a Grown-Up Dog indecision...

Been raising H.I.M. since before age One, and he's about 2 & 3/4 years now.

Less hyperactive, yet still Highly energetic. I can leave H.I.M. alone in a room for an hour or so without the early-growth era Puppy chewing of shoes, small electronic devices, hats and so forth.

He still wants to Kill the sheep, but who(m) can blame H.I.M. for that ?

ize is teh his hazzes???

Quadruple J, 

Hüsky is still a spoiled brat, a strong-willed Sled-Dawg. 

This morning he pawed wood-chips and dirt into his Food-Bowl to protest not being included in the AM activity of contractors running a backhoe. (That took place outdoors.)

I had to compost the entire dish of Organic Free-Range Freeze-Dried dog food. It was all Baby Seal, Barred Owl and Barry Seal with Chick Peas and Vegan Oats.

Of course, he got a stern lecture. Then later, he got a Meal more suited to his sensiblities.

Some Tuna and Salmon mixed with the Kibble. He thinks that he's Feline-Identified, trans-species.

Is he pulling a sled yet, taking mushing classes? 

My dog Dusty is celebrating his 9th birthday today. We're having his favorite dish tonight "Chicken", with out the feathers.

Update --

Even though he's been bored to tears most of the week (Rain & more Rain),  Hüsky has been a Very Good Boy. Hasn't destroyed anything, or looted the trash.

surprise I'm worried about H.I.M.  It is Abbynorml for H.I.M. not to shred something.  Maybe he's got the PTSD ??

Anyway, he hates the rainy crap weather & mud. His playgrounds are the mega-hardware stores when it's like that. The staff are always happy with the canine presence, and I often buy stuff as well.
