Thread titles that are..


the first part of the opening sentence of the post.


Don't like them.  How about you?

I feel you need a ? in the thread title to really get some feedback.

Also helps if it's not started by "Capt  sock trips"


In other news the 541 got ripped off in the snow department. CT equinox says it's a blizzard in ptown at the moment.

Well Timmy, even if you don't like them it's a pretty minor issue, don't you think?

I don't start many threads, but I have used that style of posting. I think it can add a nice flow to the initial post and can draw folks into the thread.

What exactly is your issue with it?


I prefer the title be more of a description of the topic.


I didn't say it was a big deal.


Mostly having fun starting a thread in the style I dislike.

I'm with Tom on this one.

I tend to forget what these threads are about, so I end up clicking on them over and over... dain bramage is a bitch.



>>>Mostly having fun starting a thread in the style I dislike<<<

That's the zone I love.

Jesus, even Timmys gone soft

Flag football tryouts

Smokestack sums it up perfectly.

Too bad you can't  choose the font of a title 


that would be the coolest 

It's a kinder, gentler Zone, Hounder.

Hope everybody has a grateful day!

It's a kinder, gentler Zone


It's Viva, and it's a brave new world.

I like the Huxley reference there, Six.



It's a kinder, gentler Zone, Hounder.>>>>>>>>


That is the plan anyway.  I am up for it.  I have been trolled, and trolled Zoners for several years now.  I could handle 

some peace, and joy on the Zone.  Still will hold my own when need be, but don't see any reason to troll.  

 like the Huxley reference there, Six.


soma zone

Soma is a dangerous drug.  Doesn't do anything for me, but some people love them.  I had a friend OD on them several years ago.  All they do is make you sleep.  That and slow your heart down to a crawl, or stop it completely.  

Different soma, Chris.

I mean it as it relates to Huxley's Brave New World.


Have you ever read any of Huxley's novels, Chris?

Hoover, have you had you T levels checked recently?

Never really thought about it but I can see where Hoover is coming from.

for example: I don't want to click on a thread titled 'this one time I...' To find the op is Tulsachris or zippy saying 'touched myself on a bus'.

that thread should b titled 'public masturbation' so people r aware of what they're stepping into.

So you guys are so sensitive you need the thread equivalent of trigger warnings?

That's exactly what he said 6

Hmm, okay then. So much for me thinking you were tough guys with all your T.

I guess I'll make some room for you all by the window here.

No worries.... I'm done Trump pup is fine now by the way

Who all is included in the "you guys"?  

Keep up the good work monitoring whatever group you think we're part of.

kindly check any extra t at the door when entering the vivazone.

Who all is included in the "you guys"?  

Those who need trigger warnings.

Keep up the good work monitoring whatever group you think we're part of.

Not hard to monitor when you both self-admit to it in your posts.

>>>guess I'll make some room for you all by the window here.



could u please put my knitted shawl in the dryer to warm it up before I head over?

i'm too fragile for those Vermont winters.

Of course! Happy to accommodate for you, E.