the trans-genda


I'm as open minded as anyone else but I have to draw the line here. Personally,  I think most sex ed should be taught by the family until, oh I don't know,  health class in high school. There, you can learn about diverse choices or lifestyles the way people feel they were born ,  whatever. Like grade 9-12 you take the class learn about cpr, healthy living, making babies ...and, sure, LGBTQ stuff.All of it. Everything.  Whatever. maybe middle school kids have to get a note from the parents giving permission to attend class. Im not really all for it but I still consider it a compromise here 

But what's the deal with the indoctrination of very young school children to all of this stuff? I say leave it up to the parents to teach their kids that stuff when they deem it appropriate. 

But mandating this stuff forcing kids in elementary school as young as K thru 3rd grade? 


Stop That Train!

Ban him, Judit. He doesn't want to be a part of this place. 


I don't normally respond to these stupid threads, but this crosses a line of basic decency.   Its terribly offensive and not even a bit funny.  

You can fuck all the way off Greg!  

DId you spend your whole day thinking up a way to get a reaction from folks, g-reg? What's your end game here?

thoughts and prayers for OP, hoping he has some valium or something from dead brother's VA prescription he can keep eating or else someone can wellness check in on him from time to time cuz i'm pretty sure he's an incel suicide risk? anyway not sure whose more pathetic, OP or me for responding but lol at this thread and the pathetic kind of site that'd host it!

Don't ban any one. Self moderate. Please don't be a nut again acteix.

We should be thankful that Greg only has an opinion, no actual authority and a very small audience.

Who shit in this guy's cornflakes?  He's like Viva's own Debbie Downer.

There have always been gays, and even trans people. They have, for centuries, been hated and treated like shit. There's no gay or trans agenda. There are good and righteous people who want to teach what's already there and very real. It's the only way that people will finally get to live their lives without living in internal pain and fear.

Simply calling it an "agenda" shows that you aren't open and accepting. You want to keep a whole sector of society hidden from kids, perpetuating societal hatred.

Oh, do some research into teen pregnancy and STD rates in areas where they don't teach sex ed until late, or teach abstinence only.

  I'm a fan of the trans.


The gender dismay is just Rush's latest rant (oh my god, the libs are going to turn our kids gay!), as they got no black guy as President at the moment. Talk radio replays this scary threat over and over whenever they need a reaction. OP is so amused whenever he drops a Rush bomb on the black screen. Yawn.

Greg hasn't had an independently arrived at thought here yet. He's like that guy at the water cooler regurgitating what he heard on the news this morning but pretending he saw the game last night

< I'm as open minded as anyone else

LMAO,,, This is as far as I got before throwing the BULLSHIT flag, no need to read any Further

Yer a fucking mess man,, but life is long, redemption still possible with some effort

I have an old friend who morphed from a conservative to a Rush head, since he drives around all day listening to AM radio. A couple of months ago he was all bent out of shape about gender issues. I'm like, "what the fuck, Jon? Why are you so worked up over this one issue? When's the last time you went into the men's room and saw a girl trying to pee in the urinal?" He went directly into the sex offender horror story he heard on the radio -- he was convinced there is now going to be a line of drag queen imposters invading every public restroom in America to get their jollies. "Save the children!"

It's a perfect topic for right wing, as it combines the right's fear of gays, public bathrooms, and someone seeing their tiny penises.



I think the most amusing part of these guys is how they bring this stuff here thinking that no one here reviews right wing media news and analysis. So they think they are giving us "cnn folks" an education with their "originality." News flash: we read and watch the same shit you do. We are just not buying the snake oil you so easily fork your money over for

>>>>>I'm as open minded as anyone else

Uh, no.

Joe is pro-Trans, too:

"White House aides said that Biden pulled into the driveway shortly before noon, the chorus of Night Ranger's "(You Can Still) Rock In America" blaring from his car's stereo. According to witnesses, Biden spent several minutes maneuvering the Trans Am into the perfect spot, and was observed drumming his fingers on the steering wheel until the song came to a close."


"Biden, who purchased the white Pontiac in 1983, has made an annual tradition of taking time off each spring to wash and tune-up his vehicle. In 2008 alone, the veteran politician reportedly missed two dozen Senate sessions in order to spend some quality time "taking care of [his] baby."

"He does this every year and it really seems to rejuvenate him," Sen. Christopher Dodd (D-CT) said.



To make sure the trans genda is thoroughly covered in the OPs crappy thread, I now present this pinnacle of trans technology:

Look Greggy, it's a real hamburger -- just like the one you buy for lunch every day at the local drive thru.


Oh shit - No it's not -- it transformed into a friggin robot. Can you believe it? Trans-tastic!   (It even looks a little like a Proud Boy in a kilt.) You got to get one of these, Re-gurgitator.

See, you like trans stuff now, don't cha?



greg-genda   SUCKS 

Again g-reg, you are an incredibly stupid person.

Just remember Greg is a first responder. Most first responders have this sort of thought pattern.  


g-reg is a derp responder. End of story.

Greg responds to bullshit by spreading it.

A bullshit trowel.

Greg and his partners in the far rifght conservative movement are directly responsible for these people dying at an alarming rate. 

"More than half of transgender male teens who participated in the survey reported attempting suicide in their lifetime, while 29.9 percent of transgender female teens said they attempted suicide. Among non-binary youth, 41.8 percent of respondents stated that they had attempted suicide at some point in their lives."

They want to teach these elementary school children that there is no such thing as a girl or a boy.

That it's actually just a choice.   I mean isn't there science that backs up which gender we are when we are born? 


The children are simply too young to understand all that stuff and we shouldn't be trying to 'change society' at such an early age. It's brainwashing.  And those topics are just too controversial to just slip past the average parent with a kid in elementary school. 

I mean be whatever you want but most of that stuff can be consolidated and taught at the high school level and you can push all that agenda all you want..during the couple weeks focused on the lgbtq stuff sometime in the middle of the health ed class that everyone has to take and pass to graduate high school. 


It's so easy to spot the people who cannot find a significant other, 2 Dank also comes to mind 



yea right, your copy/paste opinion you mean 

As with most aspects of Trumpism, there's a degree of truth to what G-reg brings to these shitty threads.  It's how he packages and presents it which blows and is rightfully interpreted as inflammatory.  

For specific trans issues, I view them as encroaching on women's rights.  For example, a biological male who has lived most of their life as a male who now identifies as a female should not be allowed to, say, fight a biological female in a cage fight.  Also, the numbers we're seeing of teens coming out as transgender seems statistically out of proportion.  Today, there's value in victimhood and identity-based grievances which I believe, like anything else today, may be contributing to the numbers we're seeing in people now identifying as transgender.  Many of us are struggling with identity and lack a sense of community.

Before anyone labels me as a G-reg apologist, know that I think he sucks balls and I get irritated with all these shitty, inflammatory threads as well.  I think nuance gets lost today in our culture and how we speak with each other.

> science that backs up which gender we are when we are born

Gender is a social construct. We're taught to think that girls and boys should behave in particular ways based on their sex, which is biological. 

Who is the "they" that wants to teach that, and can you say that, definitively, that's exactly what "they" want to teach all over the nation?

The hetero, white male agenda has been pushed for centuries, and it's completely false. Why do you have a problem with the truth? It will not harm one child. It's the lies that cause harm.

this looks interesting.  greg, maybe watching this will change your viewpoint on gender, etc..

I had said the over under on a g-ulator/Bryen thread would be 40. Seeing as that's about correct maybe we should open up a line of betting on the next thread?

<Seeing as that's about correct maybe we should open up a line of betting on the next thread?>

Cool - we can look forward to 'shorting' that one too




Alan with another fantastic post


Prob his best


not fade away on now JRAD 

Fly Translove Airways, get you there on time.