Trans High Market Quotations


Just picked up an ounce of a hybrid strain called Soft Serve at the local dispensary for $50.  

Total Cannabinoids:  27.5 %
Total THC:  24.17 %

Nice tight, well-trimmed buds.  They had other strains as low as $28 an ounce.

How much does your weed cost you?

I just harvested 3.75 pounds of finished bud that cost me around $300 to produce, so about $5 an ounce. I haven't had it tested, but I would guess it runs about 20% THC.


Blueberry Kush

I let my Medical Card expire a few months before the election. I didn't see the need to spend another $200 when it was going on the ballot. I did mismanage my backlog to get me there though. Here the industry gives sales prices everyday, and prices range from 15-65 an eighth. I would strike the sales that had 27% - 30% for usually 25-35 an eighth. 

Soft Serve Ice Cream is how my friend describes Dead and Co. music 

Don't usually patronize, since we grow our own, but average prices are currently 40 - 100 per oz. I may check 'em out soon, though, just to see what's out there.

Nice job Mike, that looks tasty!  I'm a sucker for all things Blueberry.

 My first timeclock job was at Mount Vernon Estate's snack bar when I was 16.  We served burgers, fries, and a lot of soft serve ice cream.  Weed was harder to find, usually some Mexican brown brick weed rife with seeds and stems.  This was 1981, and I recall paying $30 for a quarter ounce then, so $50/z for much better quality smoke in 2024 works great for me!


I really enjoyed my little experiment growing two plants on the deck this year (and am enjoying the minimal "free" fruits of my labors), but having to deal with mites, bud rot, powdery mildew and all the other challenges of small scale agriculture, I've concluded my time and money is best spent at the local dispensaries. And the wait between harvest and finely cured takes a lot of time and great patience. 

The experience makes me appreciate my old friends in Humbolt who labored tirelessly under the threat of CAMP thru the 80s and 90s so much more. Long live the farmers!

(to answer your question Dave, I just looked and the local place doesn't even sell oz!....1/2 are $90!. Supposedly they cant keep up with the demand due to PA people crossing the MD state line.)

from earlier this summer,  Tulsa


from earlier this summer,  Tulsa
