The Trump Presidential Library


A 10 x 10 storage locker in Queens, containing:

- 500,000 pages of heavily redacted presidential notes, and stuff from impeachment #1

- 10 signed copies of "The Art of the Deal"

- 100 copies of Melania's Maxim issue

- 1 MAGA hat

Autocrats for Dummies Cliff Notes...


I have some old (vintage) phone books if you diehard Fans will cover shipping.  Maybe some other stuff,  and it's all C.O.D.

Happy to see it go to your Fan collection places and Worship sites.

And here I thought Twitter had canceled his presidential library....    

Stu, you're a  friggin' buzzkil with your "holier than thou" attitude

For the record, I have a dog (that gets tons of attention and exercise), a full-time job, a long-term partner, a home that gets tended to, and I have time to give a fuck. You spend your extra time plugging holes in your walls with moss and mastering Windows 95 and MS-DOS, while many of us chat about politics. If you don't like it, don't post in the threads, and definitely not your shamey finger.

"Holier than thou"? More like "howlier than thou", I'd say.

Oh, and 3.9 for letting Stu trigger you, BK.

I've had a raging headache for 36 hours. In my disabled state I went from 0.0 to 3.6 in one woodsman's post, God help me!

Sorry to hear of your headache BrianK.  You can have the old Phone Books.

I didn't mean to let other Fans have them before you could.  I will make a note that you are First in line.

Congratulations that you are comfortable within your Life-Space.

I am glad that you take Dog for exercise.  That's a Nice thing.

I tried to go to The Daily Show's Tweet Library when it was in NYC, but it was closed during my shift hours.

>>Doesn't "library" imply "reading"?

I can understand that Trump like simple bullet points and all, and I even tend to agree with him on that. However, when dealing with the complexities of global geopolitics, read the fucking reports!

Or listen to the people who read (and write) the reports at least.

It'll be in Dubai,  UAE.

Must include his bedtime stories, of course it was a book someone had to read to him.

Little lord farquad never read a fucking book in his life.



All his twitter tweets, written on post-it notes, would be a nice tribute. They pretty much tell the tale. 

I really hope they allow comments once they get some content in place.

Reading a computer screen probably shouldn't be a priority with a raging headache.


25 years in the future news headline:

"Today a fire burned down the Trump Presidential Library, fortunately they were able to save both books."


One can hope.

But let's face it, dude's never read a book in his life. 

Can he even read???

He's certainly read or was read the Art of the Deal!

Some funny stuff here.


Enjoy your visit