Trump Protests _ LIVE FEED


tear gas and rubber bullets flying in DC

FOX 10  live ^^




Obviously, Trump planted these people.

nice stream. I love a good couch protest.

Expansion of police state coming. 

I don't want to say they're all pigs, but there weren't really any good nazis either. 

the one jackass live streaming on FB punched the "free Hugs" guy and says he is a cop.



It's called RIOTING, not PROTESTING.


Losers gotta lose.

Expansion of police state coming.>>>


um, Leftists under Fauxbama have been practically BEGGING for it for years.


they are to simple to even realize it though.

can you say the END OF FREE SPEECH starting oin our college campi.


It baffles me that the Left is complaining about the very thing they have unwittingly asked for.

Obama voters, thank YOURSELVES for giving us SUCH A RADICAL LEFT WING NUT JOB, (psst Fauxbama-the "Man" currently identifying as male that is,  who's life is every bit the fairy tale (meaning fake) that it seemed to be.  NOTHING REAL. NOTHING.  that the only logical answer to him is a bit of an extreme guy on the opposite side.

It's the natural reaction to an original action.


 oin our college campi


You posted in Latin. NO FAIR! Please post a translation. My people tell me - seadog, he's a reasonable guy, but believe me - I will make this dbmb great again.

I like how all the signs are the same.  They say Trump is a Nazi, yet they know know nothing about Trump and know nothing about Nazi's.

For God sakes, when I protested things I could school you as to why I was there and present an argument. These useful idiots know nothing and can't answer questions as to why they are there.

It makes you wonder why they are there. Maybe for the paycheck?

>>Maybe for the paycheck?

Oh, please.

Exactly, and I think Trump is paying them. Makes a nice distraction and curries favor for his side.

No,  there were ads for paid protesters.  A large percentage of them are paid agitators.  That is well known.

These kids are being paid indirectly by soros, though different organization and are on protest tour.  Some of these organizations are inciting violence.  Of, please, yourself. 

The truth isn't that you feel like it should be.

Until I see any proof of anything I remain skeptical of everyone.

Answers are prisons for oneself.

bump for live feed starting up

. Nearly all these claims pointed to the above-cited Craigslist ads as evidence, but all of those ads simply sought door-to-door canvassers during an election year; none of them
advertised positions as paid agitators or protesters.

I can hear people protesting in the rain from here.

They're chanting "bullshit" so I'm guessing the cops are breaking it up.

Well the large group of college kids i saw today marching and chanting in a downpour were not fucking paid. Nice to see young people involved and angry.


The last throws of neo-liberalism....this is it.

God bless the basement dwellers

I've been asleep and sick all day.


Rubber bullets and tear gas by 2:00 in the afternoon?  What a celebration!

>>>Well the large group of college kids i saw today marching and chanting in a downpour were not fucking paid. Nice to see young people involved and angry.


i bet none of them voted.

By odds, about 50% of them voted. 50% of the youth that did vote thought they were voting to secede from the EU.

Did they give up already?


>>Maybe for the paycheck?


Seadog, do you talk like this when you open a Snickers bar. Creamery nougat. Hell yes.

Did someone say 'for the paycheck'? Yes, proof that Trump actually paid actors to fill the seats. Not surprising coming from a Reality Tv President

This Seadoggie person is perhaps the most ignorant person I've ever come across.