Trump vs The Press


Holy shit! Kelly Ann Conway was just on Meet the Press. This administration is intent on going to war with the press. Uncharacteristically, Conway was just comabatitive. and she didn't answer the questions.

Is it in Trump's best interest to make an enemy of the press?


When Adolf Hitler took power in 1933, the Nazis controlled less than three percent of Germany’s 4,700 papers. 

The elimination of the German multi-party political system not only brought about the demise of hundreds of newspapers produced by outlawed political parties; it also allowed the state to seize the printing plants and equipment of the Communist and Social Democratic Parties, which were often turned over directly to the Nazi Party. In the following months, the Nazis established control or exerted influence over independent press organs. 

During the first weeks of 1933, the Nazi regime deployed the radio, press, and newsreels to stoke fears of a pending “Communist uprising,” then channeled popular anxieties into political measures that eradicated civil liberties and democracy. SA (storm troopers) and members of the Nazi elite paramilitary formation, the SS, took to the streets to brutalize or arrest political opponents and incarcerate them in hastily established detention centers and concentration camps. Nazi thugs broke into opposing political party offices, destroying printing presses and newspapers. 

Sometimes using holding companies to disguise new ownership, executives of the Nazi Party-owned publishing house, Franz Eher, established a huge empire that drove out competition and purchased newspapers at below-market prices. Some independent newspapers, particularly conservative newspapers and non-political illustrated weeklies, accommodated to the regime through self-censorship or initiative in dealing with approved topics.

Did you see her interview on AC the other night?  She acted like a petulant child.  I can see why the Donald likes her; they're not dissimilar.

The old saying goes:

Don't get into arguments with people that buy ink by the barrel. 

It's interesting. During the campaign she did a really good job of being a sort of voice of reason. Now though, she's taking the tactic of, "the best defense is a strong offense."


I saw that Meet the Press - Another example of gaslighting - very worrisome times ahead.

Watch it here >

Kellyanne Conway calls the lies about crowd size "Alternative Facts", deflects and does not answer the question.

Who are you going to believe Trump or your lying eyes?

Not good for a guy who can't go more than three days without stepping on his dick to be at war with the press.



Not good for a guy who can't go more than three days without stepping on his dick

With hands so small, there is no way that Trump has ever stepped on his dick. Hell, he probably never even sat on it.

Some funny stuff here.  


But that KAC performance was pretty scary.  They are trying to destroy the definition of "truth" and "facts" so that those who are not paying attention (i.e. Trump voters) will not know what the truth is and will just shrug it all off IMHO

I would like to say that it is just bad strategy of Trump to stay focused on such a minor issue in the first place, even if he disagrees with the numbers--even being this publicly concerned about your numbers is so bush league.  However, I think this is precisely the plan.  Whether he is successful in discrediting the media or not, many of his supporters already buy into that. They want to make breitbart the new mainstream, which should frighten the hell out of all of you. Bannon has his own agenda in that regard.  But even if he fails at this, I think Trump is really here to provide a distraction and smokescreen while far more damaging things get done with less press coverage and without people noticing.

While I absolutely applaud the press being the voice of reason and reality and pointing out the lies, the press cannot get too caught up in a narrative where they are a character in the play rather than the objective reporter.  If that's the headline every day, then they steal the thunder from the real news.  Not saying this is easy--this will be extremely challenging for them. He is going to make it difficult as fuck and they need to stand strong.  


I wonder if Conway or Preibus ever tell Trump "Are you SURE this si what you want to go with?" and get shut down or if this is all orchestrated.  I can see Priebus and Pence having  a bat-phone straight Ryan and McConnell to let them know that tomorrow is a good day do some heinous shit, because everyone will be watching the reality tv show.




BTW, the longer this shit goes on the more Trump reminds me of Rodney Dangerfield.  He just can't get no respect.



" . . . Three Doors Down, which, coincidentally, is where Melania sleeps."

~Peter Sagal~

fuck i  hatez nazis