Is Trump's Doctor a Zoner?


This is the guy you go to when you are looking for someone to prescribe whatever you want


"if something happens to him, then it happens to him...."


Bornstein attracted attention, and late night comedy parodies, during the campaign for making the bizarre pronouncement that Trump would be history’s healthiest president if elected. But according to Stat’s telling profile of Bornstein, he had not considered that his 70-year-old patient will be the oldest man to take the oath of office until a reporter asked him about it, and he insists that “there’s nothing to share” regularly about the health of a president.

Trump isWAAAAAAAAAAAAY healthier than Hilliary, who, if you remember, had trouble standing up straight at points during the campaign, numerous coughing fits, almost collapsed going into her van.

Trump does not drink at all. So he never has a hangover.

Hilliary??? She is well known to be a "day drinker"

Great example for our youth. and the 3AM phone call? she won't even hear it!


Great example for our youth>>>the assaulting of young women between their legs?

Last time I checked, that's a crime you should be arrested for, along with war crimes, of course, of course...