Trump's Refugee Plan


Last night, was watching his little "Thank You" rally from Orlando, and he came up with this doozy:

The refugees won't come here, they will stay in safe zones in Syria. The Gulf States will pay for the safe zones.

Whomever pays, we will still be the ones  to keep the zones safe, which means heavy troop activity. It's also exactly what our enemies in the region want. How exactly is this supposed to save American lives? I don't think a ground war meets any criteria for safety.

I do agree with the Gulf States paying for shit that benefits them. Maybe our new Secretary of State Oil has some leverage over the sheiks.

I was drafted by the pool cleaners because border patrol was a conflict of interest. 

Stop taking jobs away from hard-working Guatemalans.

They build 'em, I clean 'em.

Do you get to bang the hot, topless, sunbathing homeowner in the pool house, with porn music playing in the background?

I work for 90 year olds who can't walk around their property without falling and rolling down a hill into a creek. 

This man really is out of his mind

i wonder how many zoners voted his way. I know one

Unless you voted for Trump, I don't believe you know any Trump voters. 

Orange Mussolini will be here in Mobile today.

Demo downtown.


"We want people here and our representatives in Alabama know they are representing a large number of people and not just the other side," said Forsyth, who cited election statistics that showed 55.194 people or 49 percent voted a straight-party Democratic ticket on Nov. 8 in Mobile County.

Straight-party Republican votes were at 57,440, or 51 percent."

What was the west's role in the refugee crisis? remember Wesley Clark talked about the neo cons wanting to invade Syria all those years ago? this has been on the books for quite some time, so looking at this in a vacuum is an incorrect and myopic way of thinking. Obama followed the script of the neo cons, why aren't we talking about that?

Hows the pedophile hunt going brother? Things have been kind of quiet on that front lately, still investigating I hope?

Yes, been researching the metaphysical aspects to why the dark occultist use pedophilia. it's  really fucked up.

Nice!! Planning any trips to any "pizza" places in DC to fight the good fight? 

That being said, was pizzagate a false flag to censor free speech? perhaps. look at the actions being taken by facebook and google to filter what in their opinion is fake news. either way, it's no bueno mi amigo.

so, you have no questions about any of the Podesta emails or Alefantis instagram posts? totally kosher and above board?

safe zone ????? where is there a safe zone in the world now ??? one is safe . 90 some % of the world are mere pawns in bored billionaire games .....He going to keep them in small, easy to find areas to carpet bomb with napalm and burn brown, non christian people  ...just cause..what the hell

Podesta and pedophile have so many letters in common it's not even funny. Have you been involved in uncovering all of the USA gymnastics stuff and English soccer pedophilia stories as well? 

If you rearrange Podesta and risotto it spells something really sinister.  

Obama Biden is very close to Osama Bin Laden.

Have you investigated Jimmy Savile at all? There is a great 4chan investigation about how him and Podesta palled around in the '60's. Great stuff that our leftist propaganda machines will never publish. 

i don't know what 4chan is. Should i?

Wow, this thread is a mess.

Lol you don't know 4chan? Didn't realize you were just a troll

duly noted 

dude, are you like...into the dark web?


"Choosing the handle "moot," Poole posted his inaugural greeting along with a request: "I politely [ask] people not to post stupid stuff on these boards," he wrote. The stupid stuff came anyway. English-speaking hackers and punks fled 2chan for 4chan, flooding 4chan with disgusting images — "Tubgirl," a diarrhea-stricken woman in a bathtub, was typical. "I'm not easily offended," Poole says, "but I have never sought out the grotesque."

Poole created more than 60 message boards, on everything from video games to LGBT. But the one that got the most attention is what he calls "the nuthouse": the Random board, most often identified by the last character of its website address, /b/. Racist, sexist, homophobic and anti-Semitic jokes pervaded the forums. Around 2006, the self-described "/b/tards" moved toward more extreme pranks, like inundating an online children's game with swastikas, or calling in bomb threats to a high school and an NFL stadium."

my wife is an immigrant..