Twitter Banned Mango Mussolini for LIFE



WILMINGTON, Del. (AP) — President-elect Joe Biden said Friday that President Donald Trump isn't "fit for the job," but he repeatedly refused to endorse growing Democratic calls to impeach him a second time.

He did Nazi that coming...

Unfortunately he's still the guy with the missile buttons.

It's not like he's an unidicted co-conspirator responsible for 400,000 dead. 

Don't tarnish the office by making it look weak. Presidents need power. 

Joe's gonna want the power just to know it's there. 


Bss supposedly the nuclear football has been childproofed since 1/6/2021

Well there goes the presidential library..... 

Oh yeah 100% knots, and biden's Patriot Act 2.0 is almost in play, but I presently want to enjoy the topic at hand. Twitler is dead.

The John Barron tweet made me pee a little. 

that is some fucking funny shit


Kudos to whomever

Supposedly he's crossed the tracks to join Parler already

Twitter should have waited until 1/20.  Like it or not censoring a sitting President is scary precedent.  
But yea nothing but nuke paranoia around here.....

I hear Trump gonna get Mexico to pay for the launch of his new  Twitter Platform...

The POTUS account isn't blocked racket, just his personal account

Trump sought to test Twitter's ban evasion policy at roughly 8:30 pm Friday evening, when he or someone acting on his behalf published four tweets from the @POTUS account.

"As I have been saying for a long time, Twitter has gone further and further in banning free speech, and tonight, Twitter employees have coordinated with the Democrats and the Radical Left in removing my account from their platform, to silence me," Trump tweeted.

The tweets disappeared almost instantly.

Thanks for the huge laugh Dise.

That is perfect.


The nut job is still at it.

I'm not a fan of bannings or censorship, but in this case he clearly went way over the line of the rules (even the I-hate-rules crowd has to admit that banning anyone who directly encourages or promotes violence is a pretty fair rule) so in this case he deserves what he got.

I still think it's pretty meaningless & unfortunate, because he'll still get his fake babblings out to his Mansonesque zealots and will use this as more fodder to fire up his meathead minions, and more importantly, I always thought his nightly tweet rants, which couldn't be tempered or edited by others, were what really exposed his incompetence as a leader and his mental illness as a person.

I guess at this point it doesn't really matter.


Good for the bitch, but this Trumpism isn't going away overnight.  On the contrary, it will probably push these MAGA people (and they are people) into a more desperate state.  Expect more attempts to take over State capitols (perhaps with support of local leaders) and low level guerilla warfare like what happened in Kansas in the 1850s or the Troubles in Northern Ireland. 

lol @ he's going to build his own platform 

I just had a two second ponder. I wonder if he will/'how long it will take' vanquish to Trump palace in Dubai. Nothing lasts forever and his pace is imploding fast. 

We already expect that stuff anyhow, Ken. 

Lance if there's anyone on the planet who doesn't suspect trump is incompetent by now it probably won't happen for them ever. 



Should Charles Manson be A homeowner

Hitler and Mussolini owned homes 

I worry that you may never own a home 

I worry about a lot regarding your "sthick"

lltd? You're picking fights on one of my threads again. Please take that drama shit elsewhere. Thannnnnnnks!

>>>if there's anyone on the planet who doesn't suspect trump is incompetent by now it probably won't happen for them ever<<<

Of course that's true, but those tweets always gave me easy & plentiful ammunition in my discussions with the few intelligent conservative friends I have who try to defend Trump.

Because they're intelligent they're smarter than I am, so it's always fun to win those arguments and watch them get frustrated, quietly hating Trump for being the disastrous leader of their team, his endless lunacy not allowing them to win the discussions even when overall they may be right.

The only thing better than saying I told you so is NOT saying it, but knowing that those people KNOW you told them so but aren't saying it.

Selfish perhaps, but very satisfying.

Because they're intelligent they're smarter than I am


IDK Lance, you look pretty smart.

Racket our own representatives, democrats and republicans were in the building being attacked, some doing his bidding on stealing the election, and they were attacked for 3 hours and no help came


he is the fucking commander in Chief and he watched it happen and did not lift a finger, he had the authority to call Homeland security, CIA, FBI, National Guard and he did nothing to help, his choice of side he was on is obvios

 he is a draft dodging, back stabbing traitor, and does not even stand for the people helping him

Whoever stands with him now is a fool 


the fucker should be hanged 

trump was the best poster on that site. wild. 

"The Internet, which at first seemed so fascinating, appears to be evolving into something even worse than TV, but we'll see."


I hear "President's Pawns" is open for a band name 

The media and gov have finally got more people on the side of censoring and banning a and they have used their boy Trump as the scapegoat. 

Twitter and Facebook have recently gained more power into what you can and can't post. This overall is a bad thing, IMO. They now have more leverage in pretty much every category you can think of and can more easily manipulate the users of their interface. 

Are those real tears or you posting with  an #oniontowel? ^



Just save an onion for when Apple removes the Parler app



Are onions useful after being maced? Looks like it could be ice but the speculation is more fun. If it was an onion to induce eye watering she probably wouldn't be putting it in her eyes while being interviewed..I'm pretty intrigued by the piano scarf. Good choice for storming the Capitol!

"have fun storming the castle!"

Facebook and Twitter have terms of service. If you don't like it, don't use it. If you use them and break their terms, it's on you. It's a fallacy to think that one has a Constitutional right to say whatever one wants on a private platform.

That said, people spend way too much time and effort stating their opinions on those platforms. Who gives a fuck? As for Trump, he has a damn briefing room 30 feet from his office, and can address the world at the drop of a dime. He chooses to use Twitter for a reason.

And that said, it's fucking laughable that the POTUS has a lifetime ban from Twitter for being a piece of shit. He's like the Kirley of the world.

Onions are useful for creating tears for the cameras. The piano scarf was so she could play her swan song after 'dying' for the revolution? 

Elizabeth from Knoxville lied

 #OnionTowel made her cry

claimed she was maced

fake tears on her face

the racist revolutionary hasn‘t died


Right no one not even Elizabeth  would keep rubbing an onion once the camera is rolling if it was intended as a ruse 

It would be better if she were  actually maced for storming the Capitol. Don't underestimate her stupidity though.

The onion made for some fun tik tok videos tho!

The Kirly reference,,,, ha ha.


Nice perspective. 

Trump is taking a page from the KIrley whack-a-troll sock puppet playbook.

>>But yea nothing but nuke paranoia around here.....<<

Then make the moral argument that trump still remains fit to continue as commander in chief of the United States military.

go ahead, we'll wait......

...Trump on Motorcylce.jpg

the president should not be on twitter or social media. period.

look, he's not some zoner. he's the president of the united fucking states. words have consequences when directed from that level. this not free speech. he clearly does not have the capacity to use it for any useful purpose other than incitement of donkeys.


Now this really hurts...  what about the Pee Pee tapes?   (guess he'll have to rely on press conferences now, oh the humanity!)



fuck your feelings?

It's wild  Nanzi doesn't see it. 


Amazon still hosts parler and can't be reached for comment?

Yeah, Racket,  totally wild that some people aren't allowed to have a platform to plan their next illegal and violent actions. No worries, I'm sure you'll figure something out. or you can stick around here and get your anger out trolling when you get tired of talking to yourself. 

Live by the sword, die by the sword, Racket.

Citizens United established that corporations have Constitutional rights. Apple, and Google have the First Amendment right to free speech, which includes determining what appears on their platforms.

What happened to the good old days of fighting against citizen United?  

I wouldn't say I'm fighting for CU; I'm just pointing out that Twitter pulling Trump's plug was lawful.

That's why my choice was Pocahontas. 

lol. I have to admit, I was an early Warren fan too.

Like that fat bastard could ride a fucking motorcycle. 

He couldn't even start can opener let alone a motorcycle.,,