Ugh, Set Your Clocks Back


It's the season to fuck up your perception of time again folks!

Always leaves me feeling "off" for a while, but eventually I adapt.

Long Live Phil!

I left Redway last night at @1AM. Drove for about an hr and looked at the clock and GPS to check my progress. Clock said 1:07.  Took a double take and looked at the predicted arrival time, and then I figured it out. Yeah that time of yr.

I really do wish they would do away with this crap.

I feel bad for the dogs and their feeding times

We had an ole wiener dog Mr Charlie and would throw that bowl around like a frisbee at 501 if you were a min late

total meltdown this time of year, if he could talk he would tell us all to get crackin 

tried again.

Trump still won...


Permanent standard time

the cat did not get the memo

Mark, was there any moment in that experience where you actually believed you had time traveled

I haven't dosed in awhile, Jill.


For those of you with pets I switched my cat to an automatic feeder and can't recommend enough. He begs to the feeder now instead of me, and it doesn't time change when we go back and forth so nothing changes for the cat. 

My dog eats raw and I have to put her meals together every 3 days. I feed her dinner at 8 in the summer and 7 in the winter.