Unusual Internet Archive / Insurrection Connection


[..That allowed the hacker to make a list of all posts, videos, and images uploaded to Parler — including posts that users had deleted, such as those referring to the Capitol attack last Wednesday. 

The hacker set up a crowdsourcing system where multiple people could help download the content. The downloaded data is now being processed before being uploaded to the Internet Archive, where anyone will be able to view or download it — including the open-source intelligence community and law enforcement agencies.

And the possibility of everything coming out has scared some Trump supporters.

“Bad news. Left extremists have captured and archived over 70TB of data from Parler servers. This includes posts, personal information, locations, videos, images, etc,” a Telegram account called North Central Florida Patriots said on Monday morning.“The intent is a mass dox and a list to hold patriots ‘accountable’. It is too late to scrub your data, and it’s already archived. There is nothing you can do to prevent what’s already happened. All you can do is prepare for the fallout. Accountability may come in many forms for our free speech, doxing, jobs might be called, addresses leaked and people coming to your house, etc.” ]



^ Cool now we can hunt domestic insurgents while listening to some nice board tapes

Wow. Never used parler,  but I wonder if they intercepted the text message I sent of Hüsky peeing on a Fire Hydrant,  which might be illegal in some Counties.

This shouldn't come as a big surprise after the insurrectionists documented and shared their crimes with the world on the internet last Wednesday.

Stu, if that "Fire Hydrant" was located inside the Capital building and resembled Nancy Polosi's trashcan, you might have someone knocking on your door demanding a stool sample soon:

[...Some of the MAGA mob rioters who stormed the US Capitol smeared their own feces throughout the building and left brown 'footprints' in their wake.]



Actually my only visits to DC have been for Grateful Dead shows.  RFK Stadium back when. 

And the hydrants are actual Fire Hydrants... Dogs actually like to pee on those, for whatever reason.
Sometimes stereotypes are True.

This is a good thing.

Too many Americans want to treat white nationalism as a topic to be discussed, rather than an enemy to be exposed and rooted out.

Smart cookie. It gives me great pleasure to know the terrorists are shitting their diapers realizing their spewed hatred in on record for the world to see.

oh, so you make threats and plots and document it online?

are all these people that fucking stupid ?


like the karen that was maced...doxes herself on tv...