US Democracy: RIP


> "But really, why worry? The incoming Trump administration is already working hard to assure a quick and bilious doom for all. The scowling orange monster has assembled the most laughably grotesque team of the most cold-blooded demolition experts in American political history – nearly all of them rich white males with the moral compass of flesh-eating bacteria and each hell bent on undoing Obama’s legacy and/or annihilating some indispensable hunk of the U.S. government, like the Department of Energy, or NASA, or the Department of the Interior, or Treasury, or nature, science, fundamental empathy.

> "Let it be hereby repeated until every Trump voter hangs his head in shame, which they never will: The Trump era is going to be a shameless, leering rape of the American dream unlike few we have ever witnessed in our short history. Odds are tremendously good we will not ever fully recover. You know, just like Jesus intended."

> "And there was Trump, trying his damndest to hang, to pretend he’s smart and lucid enough to actually belong in their educated, savvy, largely liberal clique, when each of them – with the exception of insufferable Trump ring-licker Peter Thiel – think the man is a tyrannical ignoramus with the mind of a frog."

> "... if North Carolina just taught us anything, it’s that the GOP is the biggest and most shamelessly corrupt middle finger to democracy and fundamental decency we have ever witnessed. There is, quite literally, nothing they will not do to derail progress and maintain grunting white male power."


He just got the electoral college vote. I got the notification a moment ago. Scary shit.

this shit is an even worse reaction than from the right when obama was elected. seriously.

Upside Down.jpg

We are so fucked....

>>>>this shit is an even worse reaction than from the right when obama was elected. seriously.


has anybody suggested Trump wasn't born in America?  Haven't seen any images likening Trump to a monkey and suggesting he be lynched.

>>>>Haven't seen any images likening Trump to a monkey and suggesting he be lynched.



that's because the monkey is considered smarter than trump and you haven't seen any pictures of pinatas & effigies of trump being beaten & burned? really?

So far, there have been six "faithless electors" - the most since 1912.   Three votes went to Colin Powell and one each to John Kasich, Ron Paul, and Faith Spotted Eagle.   Two electors, one in Maine and one in Minnesota, cast ballots for Bernie Sanders but had their votes invalidated under state rules and cast as Clinton/Kaine votes. 

>>>>you haven't seen any pictures of pinatas & effigies of trump being beaten & burned? 

Like this:Trump Pinata II.jpg

Trump was bred by a thoroughly despicable racist: Frederick Christ "FredTrump

On Memorial Day in 1927, the Ku Klux Klan marched in the Queens borough of New York City, the purpose being that "Native-born Protestant Americans" were being "assaulted by Roman Catholic police of New York City."Fred Trump was one of seven men who were arrested that day "on a charge of refusing to disperse from a parade when ordered to do so."One article on the riot, written in the Long Island Daily Press, stated that all seven arrestees were wearing Klan attire, leading some to speculate that Fred may have been a member of the KKK.


Folk icon Woody Guthrie, who from 1950 was a tenant in one of Fred Trump's apartment complexes in Brooklyn, criticized Trump as a landlord, penning lyrics which accused him of stirring up racial hate "in the bloodpot of human hearts".

In 1973, the U.S. Justice Department's Civil Rights Division filed a civil rights suit against the Trump organization charging that it refused to rent to black people. The Urban League had sent black and white testers to apply for apartments in Trump-owned complexes; the whites got the apartments, the blacks did not. According to court records, four superintendents or rental agents reported that applications sent to the central office for acceptance or rejection were coded by race. A 1979 Village Voice article quoted a rental agent who said Trump instructed him not to rent to black people and to encourage existing black tenants to leave. In 1975, a consent decree described by the head of DOJ’s housing division as "one of the most far-reaching ever negotiated," required Trump to advertise vacancies in minority papers and list vacancies with the Urban League. The Justice Department subsequently complained that continuing "racially discriminatory conduct by Trump agents has occurred with such frequency that it has created a substantial impediment to the full enjoyment of equal opportunity."

Get a grip and get on with your life already.  Obama has done more in the last eight years to harm "American Democracy" (whatever that means) than Trump will ever do.

Let's wait and see how many times the Supreme Court has to over rule Trump.

Frederick Christ?! Really? now i can use that name as a curse instead of using Jesus.

I won't resort to trolling  here or calling people names or the BS the trolls tend to do here but while Obama may have done a few not so great things I firmly believe American Democracy was vastly improved by his presence compared with despicable foot print of the Bush's.

Cite just what you think Obama did to harm Democracy instead of making a simple statement.
And whatever the fuck you say, be aware my blanket retort will be that the Racist Republican Congress did everything intentionally possible to keep Obama from legislating simply because they were both power hungry and blatantly racist.

And while no president is perfect, at least Obama was intelligent, literate, thoughtful and evidence shows he did a fuck of a lot to improve the circumstances of a lot of America (not all) but a lot then any GOPer since Eisenhower has or will.

It seems Cheeto Benito's Cabinet picks and SCOTUS intentions are only intended to keep him and his cronies wealthy and to totally fuck over the rest of us.

Hey Thom I'm not sure you're allowed to tell people to "get a grip and get on with your life already" and then go directly into complaining about the last eight years of the guy who is leaving in a month. 

It seems a bit contradictory, giving people life advice in one sentence and then doing the opposite in the next.



>>>>>>>Get a grip and get on with your life already.  Obama has done more in the last eight years to harm "American Democracy" (whatever that means) than Trump will ever do.

Let's wait and see how many times the Supreme Court has to over rule Trump.<<<<<<


Point#1 OK. What has Obama been done to harm America exactly? 

Point #2 I'm stocking up on popcorn and waiting for the shit show to begin. 

KILL Your Television and Half The Battle Is Won !

Yes and don't use the Internet either it's a cesspool

how well did blacks' quality of life increase under obama? just out of curiosity. and Treble, I'm not saying a word about what you say or how you feel. i understand, and i'm no fan of trump. but the intense feelings, rhetoric, and demonstrations directed towards trump pale in comparison to those directed towards obama.

Name all the great Dem politicians that prevented this from happening. 


Watch surf competition streams and clean your pipe with wd40 and the rest of the battle to kill brain cells will be hastened.

Across SHUT The Fuck Up Clown !


i am Rad Rob !


i have Super Cookies and King Candy kush and New glass !


happy holidays

Some would say Democracy has been dead for a long time. I'm inclined to think so.

Poor Thom.

Note: using rounded numbers here

             When Obama took over                                    Now

Stock Mkt         8,000                                                                19,000

Unemployment     8%                                                                4%

Gas                      $3 - 4                                                             $2+

Gay Marriage       Illegal                                                             Legal

Healthcare           restricted coverage, 30M uninsured                pre-existing issues covered, 20M more insured

No scandals (real news), no new wars started (illegally or legally).

As much as the bigotted, racists or simply pure partisans among us do not want to admit it, if books are allowed to be published with real facts in the future, they will reveal that the Obama years were quite good and even better when the shit storm he inherited is factored in. (another note: I did not vote for him in 2008, I wrote in either Lesh or Garcia).

The fun is just beginning, folks !


yeah, he's been pretty good + for the country.


other than continuing the bush neo-con wars and all...


facts, find some thom.

Thom is Seabag on Thorazine

I think it was over when the CIA assassinated JFK. Perhaps much earlier...about the time the Fed was created. But what do I know? 

I just saw the video of the shouter at the Wisconsin electoral vote. Very Zoner like. 

Have a link, Slack?

No link. It was on Chris Hayes around 15 minutes in maybe. I was only joking because zoners like Nancy say they are doing everything they can to stop Trump. 

Fight the good fight. 

AG who is against civil rights and with over half the country with some form of legal marijuana says people who use it are "bad people".

Sec. of Ed. who hates public school.

Chief strategist who runs a racist, misogynistic, anti-Semetic fake news outlet.

People in science roles who are scientifically illiterate, People in environmental roles who are anti-environment.


What we have here is oligarchy.  Was supposed to be a republic(also not a "democracy").   But yeah, we are even worse off now for sure. 



What the fuck were your mothers doing when they were supposed to be raising you morons? Where didn't you learn right from wrong?  Empathy and the so called "Christian spirit"? 

They should be ashamed of themselves.

What we have here is oligarchy.<<< Yes.

and a failure to communicate.

Good to see Thom still living in his white nationalist bubble

Its not fake news if you read it in the National Review