Venus & Jupiter @ Western Skies


Did anyone else see this magnificent display in the western sky last night? Very cool - Venus & Jupiter will be even closer together tonight. I thought it may have been drones after initially thinking of the more typical LA Cop choppers that frequently hang like that over crashes, traffic incidents, stand-offs, etc.

"Look up! Venus and Jupiter are going in for a nighttime kiss"

I saw them with the crescent moon last week. Not so close together as now, but still shining bright.

Was cloudy in Baltimore last night.   Will definitely look tonight if clear.  I walk the dog late every night so have been seeing this for the past couple weeks as they got closer and closer to each other.  Quite the sight with them so close to the moon also. I thought it was was Mars and Jupiter, glad to find out the real culprits. A beautiful show. 

here is from two nights ago in NEPAIMG_4981 Medium.jpeg

I was out walking the dog last night and thought it was Musk's Starlink Satellites. 

It was spectacular last night, but by the time i'd gotten home, the clouds had covered it up, so didn't get a pic