Vibes for Rob my cousins husband


Rob and my cousin Jeri are from Seattle. Not many days ago he was in  hospital with blood on the brain. He was released and it seemed some medicine might be all he needed  He was at home today when he started having seizures and Jeri called 911. He's in Hospital now and know nothing more. He's a super super nice and kind guy who is like family. When I was a senior in HS in Md. my school let me take a week off to go to Seattle for my cousin Jeri and his wedding. Please pray for him as he's a good one. He is retired from Boeing in Seattle.

(((((((vibes 4 Rob)))))))

Stay strong, Rob! A lot of people are sending healing energy your way!


It sounds complicated. I hope he has a full recovery so he and Jeri can have a happy and long, loving life together.

Hoping for a positive outcome for your cousin-in-law Rob, Doc.

Wow, bad things still happen to good people.

Sending love and hope.

((((((((Rob & Family)))))))))



Hoping for a full and speedy recovery for Rob. strength for you and the family doolittle. 


Apparently he's being released today from the hospital. so that's great news. That's all I really know so far. Thanks for all the well wishes!

Seems the Doc said he'll have no more seizures with the medicine he has. We his family are all skeptical!!!!

{{{{{ Rob & Family }}}}}}