Victor Wooten Insightful commencement speech


24 1/2 minutes of inspiration and insight. Just awesome. 

fucking awesome.

Yo! Victor

Crazy that if he just spoke it be mind blowing.

When he just plays it's mind blowing.

When he does both it's holy amazeballs....


Amazing Grace was like a cherry and chocolate syrup on a sundae the size of Mt Everest. I was glued the whole time.

The Music Lesson is an inspirational read.

Nice, thanks for sharing.

"We r presented to the world by what we do, but it always comes back to who we r."

I also found the part about attempting the creative process in reverse intriguing.

that Vic is one far out cat!

+1 on The Music Lesson.

It is a fun read

Strong work Mr. Wooten!

Wise words in a stew of bass hit me strongly ....

I miss the Flectones

+1 on The Music Lesson.<<<

I have it on order!

I miss the Flectones<<<

Touring with Chick Corea and his full band in 2017. Details forthcoming. Think Ill make big effort to see that!