VIVA POLL: Corporate Liabilty vs State & Local funding


Pass on this leave these two out of stimulas talks.

This is a line in the sand issue for me. Trade american lives so corporate overlords protect their profits since gross negligence is nearly impossible to prove. For what State & Local funding. Didn't California pay prisoners 2 billion dollars. Is the money paying police & firefighters overtime which is abused in most states. What's the money for???? Not totally against it.

I'm a Warren & Sanders democrat but Trump is gone. If the democrats sell us out for funding they can kiss my sweet ass goodby. This issue is just another reason why the 2 party system has failed. The "for or against" dichotomy on every issue to divide and conquer. A third party is needed and the last time I checked progressives were the largest potential 3rd party and could win on the issues unlike the others. A referee party to throw blue & red flags when partisan bull$hit breaks out. 

Katie Porter or Ro Kanna need to have roles in this administration.

What's the poll question?

we live in a failed state -- brought to you by the gop and dem establishment. 

fuck em. 


I think he was asking whether people would support a compromise with the GOP whereby the feds would release more Covid relief money in exchange for liability protections for businesses against Covid related lawsuits.   McConnell has been holding the relief money hostage over his insistence for such liability protections in any Covid relief package.

> fuck em.

So what's the alternative, ogkb? You keep defining the problem over and over again, but don't speak much to solutions.

>>>>So what's the alternative,

Ranked choice voting.

Okay. So what is ranked voting, and how does it work? Seriously. Like explain it to me like I'm a six year old.

The problem with third-parties getting off the ground is that people are often worried or shamed about voting for the third party candidate they really like because of the so called spoiler effect.   This going with the "lesser of two evils" dynamic can be solved through ranked choice voting. 

Ranked choice voting allows voters to select their top two or three candidates in order of preference.   If the top candidate on that voter's ballot doesn't make the top two in the election, then the second choice automatically kicks in.   For example, I could check the Green Party candidate as my top choice and have the Democrat as the second choice knowing that if the Green Party person doesn't make the top two, my vote would default to the Democrat.

Over time, this will allow third parties to get more and more votes in national elections and raise their visibility and legitimacy in the mind of the public.    Its already used in Maine and numerous countries like Ireland and New Zealand. 

With ranked voting, I assume you have the option of not putting down a second choice as well?   





^ranked choice voting for democratic primaries? Or in general elections?


Going forward the Republicans will make certain that fewer people are able to vote. Republican legislators in statehouses around the country will be passing laws to restrict early and mail in voting.







Bernie Sanders urges Democrats to reject the 'totally inadequate' bipartisan stimulus bill, blasting the lack of $1,200 direct payments and smaller price tag



At this point, with the liability exemption period being trimmed to 12 months, yes, make the compromise 

> Ranked choice voting allows voters to select their top two or three candidates in order of preference.

Got it. Now my question is how might this be implemented? The Dems and Reps hold all the power in our system right now, and shifting to ranked voting would require a change in the law(s). What's their motivation for eliminating their shared monopoly?

The Dems, for example, would be able to gain votes. The folks that already vote progressive third party might vote D as their second choice. Since third parties usually lose, the Ds would get these votes.

GOP brought a legal challenge to the adoption of ranked choice voting in Maine and lost.

So, could ranked voting be introduced as a proposition then? Not all states allow for direct democracy.

Ranked choice worked great in Maine. Six more years of Susan Collins 

mike needs everything explained. 

he can't think. 

Fuckin neoliberals

I may not be able to think, but I'm capable of more than just "fuck em".

Take em all and put them up in the big White House's on capital hill and burn it to the fucking ground 

That's a nice juvenile fantasy. Is that the best you've got, Timpane?

That's my solution ya old fart. What's yours?

I'm trying to find out more about ranked voting, and whether it's really feasible with our entrenched system of two major parties.

So, just trying to keep chasing the political tail that never goes anywhere.... sounds great

Call it what you will. I think of it as trying to deal with the realities of the world.

Just stay in line, go buy shit you don't need and do what you're told and don't question anything, Mike. That's all your good for

Huh. ogkb just posted "mike needs everything explained" because I'm always asking questions, and the rest of what you posted describes exactly how I haven't lived my life, Timpane. I'm getting some mixed signals here. Maybe it's that broken thing again?

Timpy's making friends again?

Same as it ever was.

mike is like the pete buttigiege of viva. 

I can live with that, except I'm not multilingual. Who's BK like?

Me? I'm just another fuckin' corporate apologist.

So you're like Nancy Pelosi?

i do like you, mike (not that you care). 

BK = warren haha 

I was thinking more of a present day Bernie.

Definitely not Bernie, but I can see LIz Warren for sure.

Viva Pole


lumber is pelosi. 

weird steve is lindsay graham hahahahaha. 


aw man. 

im a deranged DC rat....